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Telepathy tapes: where do we go from here

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I’ve been listening to the Telepathy Tapes with Ky Dickens and it seems like the largest development in the scientific understanding of psychic abilities to date.

While the show focuses on non-speaking autistic people who have this ability, I wonder if there is going to be a push for non-autistic people to develop these skills, as telepathy will inevitably enter the mainstream in the coming years. 

Does anybody think this is going to become a thing we start to learn in schools? How can we push for more openness to this important topic?

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Wow, I don’t know how to talk about it with others without sounding insane, but this is such an interesting topic.

Many people are automatically so dismissive of such things, and on top of that, many today’s brains are so cooked because of technology addiction, which suppresses empathy, while telepathy requires empathy.

So even if we remove the barrier of openness to this possibility, there is the barrier of technology addiction which is not easy to remove.

Maybe in 100+ years this will be something basic taught in schools. That would be great because this is a universal language which can be used with humans, animals, plants, extraterrestrials etc. 

I will check the podcast because it amazes me.


"Never be afraid to sit a while and think.” ― Lorraine Hansberry


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