
Natural cure for ashd

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I was doing lexapro but it deteriorated my condition. Any natural remedies?

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I'm doing lexapro. Natural remedy chamomile. 

Edited by Buck Edwards

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There are many things that can contribute to ADHD although not a single cause so natural remedies can be limited but there are things worth looking into

  1. Nutritional 
    1. vitamin D deficiency has been associated with higher incidence of it, that one is worth exploring. 
    2. low Omega 3 status in childhood also has some association - also worth looking into 
  2. Overstimulation 
    1. through substances which is more apparent like drugs and alcohol 
    2. but also things like too much reel content, video games etc 
  3. Sleep 
    1. people with ADHD are more likely to suffer form dysregulated sleep. If you find your sleep being irregular or too insufficient that's worth looking into
  4. Exercise
    1. can stimulate release of neurochemicals that help calm the mind and slow down the overifiring between synapses. It is also a potent stimulant of BDNF and NGF, both which can sometimes be dysregulated in ADHD. notice how your mind shuts up once your heart rate goes up during a HIIT session. 
    2. kids who exercise regularly are statistically less likely to receive ADHD diagnosis but that could be a proxy of overall healthier lifestyle rather than direct effect,
    3. personally i find sauna quiets my mind too especially after exercise
  5. microbiome
    1. some evidence shows higher odds of dysbiosis which could potentially lead to gut-brain axis disturbances. Also worth exploring. Evidence on probiotics is mixed tho 
  6. glucose regulation
    1. it might help to eat diet that helps prevent rapid glucose spikes as in some people with ADHD it can worsen symptoms. So think high fibre, less high GL, moderate to higher protein, complex carbs 
  7. toxins
    1. some evidence shows presence of neurotoxins but this is too complex to put in a comment. Best ask GPT 
  8. i haven't even gone into environment, childhood trauma, growing up in a family with addicts with common fights, living in noisy environment, needing to optimise workspace, getting rid of major distractions, moving out of parents house if needed for quiter life etc, Those are all potentialy major contributors. 

Hope some of it helps. It goes without saying that you should practice meditation or something similar regularly and limit exposure to extremely dopaminergic activities like video games and scrolling reel for hours at a time.

If ADHD is really messing with your life then getting some sort of professional help can be of benefit.

Edited by Michael569

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