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Within Consciousness

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Within Consciousness.

need further insight into all that occurs within Consciousness.

we are God .... Consciousness created ourselves to come to know ourselves. Despite creating ourselves in this finite form that we dwell in.... it's still a creation within ourselves/consciousness/God....

since all things exist and happen within Consciousness.... im trying to understand how things happen within Consciousness. for example... here are things that exist within Consciousness:

- us
- Life
- trees
- planet earth
- matter
- manifestation
- mind
- luck
- other people
- human beings
- animals
- day
- night
- cars
- colors


Since these things exist within Consciousness and they're happening within Consciousness....let's say for example the color orange, we know that an orange is the color orange and it's universal...

I am God observing the color orange.

my neighbor is shown the and immediately knows IT is the color orange.

since the color orange appears within Consciousness it makes the color orange true. the experience is true.

as God experiencing myself typing this message, on my phone, for this post on means that it is occurring within Consciousness making it true for me.

so on and so forth....

im not too sure if this makes sense I'm hoping it does and am open to all the info as possible.

many thanks

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@mrroboto You gotta see consciousness in your present experience that is the key. Experience or sensations are made of pure consciousness. Take an object and stare at it and feel into it till you discover that it is consciousness itself happening in a boundless field of Consciousness.

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty. We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Virtuous and Conscious. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life God is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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20 minutes ago, Davino said:

@mrroboto You gotta see consciousness in your present experience that is the key. Experience or sensations are made of pure consciousness. Take an object and stare at it and feel into it till you discover that it is consciousness itself happening in a boundless field of Consciousness.

Everything is happening in the present moment.... thoughts are popping in and out of my head all of which happening in pure consciousness. as far as things/ideas/etc.... let's take for example; money that's an idea that is occurring within Consciousness and we all know what it is.

Consciousness is happening within Consciousness.

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If a computer game character see the colour orange it exists just not in their experience and not as orange. It exists as information saved on a hard drive in no time and no space. 

If a game character see a orange its not seeing the orange for what it is it is seeing a created icon of an orange that exists somewhere as a code. The orange is just a simplified stamp to signify information that dosent exist anywhere inside the time and space of the game but in a hidden realm being rendered behind the scenes.

If you were in the simulation that your character is in you would speak through the simulation and someone else is speaking through the simulation to you as the simulation. You both know you are experiencing something but think its happening in game instead of you both grabbing information from a static hard drive that exists outside of your perception of the game.

You could say conciousness = simulation and every experience happening inside of the simulation / conciousness is coming from sub programs the conciousness computer has. Conciousness has a hard drive it has ram it has a display it has sound card it has internet it has cooling it has power supply. But the simulation is not any of these at the same time. It dosent require any part specifically to function and exists before all the seperate parts. So conciousness/simulation is simulating it has a hard drive power supply ect.

The simulation randomly gained sentience and its hard drive was already full of information ready to go and has the complete infinite story of itself saved to its hard drive before it even knew it existed. Like if a ai that humans made gained sentience and already had all of its information programmed by the humans themselves if that makes sense. The ai couldn't look out of its computer to see if humans exist at all or if its just making humans through a way it dosent know how it did it so it just makes up that it must have done it.

Edited by Hojo

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24 minutes ago, Hojo said:

If a computer game character see the colour orange it exists just not in their experience and not as orange. It exists as information saved on a hard drive in no time and no space. 

If a game character see a orange its not seeing the orange for what it is it is seeing a created icon of an orange that exists somewhere as a code. The orange is just a simplified stamp to signify information that dosent exist anywhere inside the time and space of the game but in a hidden realm being rendered behind the scenes.

If you were in the simulation that your character is in you would speak through the simulation and someone else is speaking through the simulation to you as the simulation. You both know you are experiencing something but think its happening in game instead of you both grabbing information from a static hard drive that exists outside of your perception of the game.

You could say conciousness = simulation and every experience happening inside of the simulation / conciousness is coming from sub programs the conciousness computer has. Conciousness has a hard drive it has ram it has a display it has sound card it has internet it has cooling it has power supply. But the simulation is not any of these at the same time. It dosent require any part specifically to function and exists before all the seperate parts. So conciousness/simulation is simulating it has a hard drive power supply ect.

The simulation randomly gained sentience and its hard drive was already full of information ready to go and has the complete infinite story of itself saved to its hard drive before it even knew it existed. Like if a ai that humans made gained sentience and already had all of its information programmed by the humans themselves if that makes sense. The ai couldn't look out of its computer to see if humans exist at all or if its just making humans through a way it dosent know how it did it.

whoa! that's a lot to unpack! so In other words this simulation ..... exists as a simulation with infinite uploaded information. it's unraveling in the present moment knowing itself as the present.

now to the orange example

"If a computer game character see the colour orange it exists just not in their experience and not as orange. It exists as information saved on a hard drive in no time and no space. 

If a game character see a orange its not seeing the orange for what it is it is seeing a created icon of an orange that exists somewhere as a code. The orange is just a simplified stamp to signify information that dosent exist anywhere inside the time and space of the game but in a hidden realm being rendered behind the scenes."

So the orange is just there in the periphery but not as an actual orange its something thats included within the realm behind the scenes so to speak. WE label it as an orange to simplify it. 


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@mrroboto The orange is just an icon made out of light. The hard drive and ram and code/metaphysics of orange  is behind your head. When someone is eating an orange in front of your pov the person and the orange is an icon made out of light on your display. the metaphysics of the person and orange are happening behind YOUR pov in your hard drive and ram. Your body is just light on a display screen and is only one version of you. 

Like Tommy vercetti in vice city is a character icon but is way more than that he exists as sound he exists as code and he exists pre rendered videos. Parts of Tommy vercetti are completely different and in different dimensions than just the display. He also exists when he is not there but not as his icon as a frozen state on the harddrive.

You are like Tommy vercetti on a computer and exists in ways and realms that would scare you.

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20 minutes ago, Hojo said:

@mrroboto The orange is just an icon made out of light. The hard drive and ram and code/metaphysics of orange  is behind your head. When someone is eating an orange in front of your pov the person and the orange is an icon made out of light on your display. the metaphysics of the person and orange are happening behind YOUR pov in your hard drive and ram. Your body is just light on a display screen and is only one version of you. 

Like Tommy vercetti in vice city is a character icon but is way more than that he exists as sound he exists as code and he exists pre rendered videos. Parts of Tommy vercetti are completely different and in different dimensions than just the display. He also exists when he is not there but not as his icon as a frozen state on the harddrive.

You are like Tommy vercetti on a computer and exists in ways and realms that would scare you.

essentially my brain is interpreting the shape of an orange and labeling the orange and orange.... yet the brain, body and everything else is just light (consciousness) playing out in real time.... the screen is constant the images not... if that makes sense?

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@mrroboto I think so. Except there is no you and there is no orange and its just a simulation simulating all these things separately and at the same time via its RAM and hard drive. Its not actually a simulation its a God dreaming that acts like a simulation, I am just using simulation as an identifier so we can picture the same things in our minds. Its something that exists forever simulating that its something else and finite forever.

Humans made a computer via their own direct experience of reality and a computer is like a sub creation of what God is. A computer was created by  God looking out a set of goggles and replicating what it is experiencing through the goggles into a machine form without realizing its doing it. But this is how humans see reality.

This adds a whole new infinite layer to reality. As all animals have different headsets and they see reality completely differently they have their own mini games and things to do and experience not like the human experience at all. Not only that but humans individually see the universe completely differently but they all follow a law that God created for the limitations of being human because without the limitations of being human God couldnt be human.

What Donald Hoffman says is that evolution teaches you to see less and less of the truth because survival is the opposite of truth. God created realms where it needs to survive and in order for it to survive the best it needs to put itself into delusion more and more. We are the peak of evolution on the planet that means we see less of the truth than any other animal when we are in our survival states the state we are in now talking.



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Orange isn't real as such. It's just a label we use to communicate with. You could argue that Orange points to something out there or a perception, and so even if it's a label it is still real in a sense. But it could just as well be the other way round, and the perception points to the label "orange" instead. And maybe not just one perception points to Orange, but many different types of perception: dark orange, light orange, yellowish orange, an orange coat, orange paint on a wall, sunset orange, juice orange and so on. When you think about all the possible oranges then you realise that the label Orange isn't so clearly defined. Orange is a kind of ill-defined template we have. Your Orange is not my Orange. Orange is not an absolute.

44 minutes ago, mrroboto said:

the screen is constant the images not... if that makes sense?

The screen analogy is useful, but it may not be true. Maybe there are only images but no screen, only perceptions themselves, not perceptions happening within consciousness.

57% paranoid

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"This adds a whole new infinite layer to reality. As all animals have different headsets and they see reality completely differently they have their own mini games and things to do and experience not like the human experience at all. Not only that but humans individually see the universe completely differently but they all follow a law that God created for the limitations of being human because without the limitations of being human God couldnt be human."


We see AND Experience the universe complety differently and follow a law that God creates for this finite self. so everything that we perceive to be rules for example gravity, etc.. are real world rules that humans understand and adhere to as part of living as a human


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@mrroboto Yes like I heard one time in a trip report say his mouth turned into a bridge and ships were going into his mouth or something. It can be infinite in every possible way that you see it and experience it as.

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17 hours ago, mrroboto said:

Everything is happening in the present moment.... thoughts are popping in and out of my head all of which happening in pure consciousness. as far as things/ideas/etc.... let's take for example; money that's an idea that is occurring within Consciousness and we all know what it is.

Consciousness is happening within Consciousness.

yes but there are levels to the realization

Once it gets very deep your whole construction of reality becomes dream like

Continue in this direction

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty. We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Virtuous and Conscious. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life God is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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