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Idea vs figure

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If the idea of the person is different from the figure of the person, and there is nothing but figure in perception, then how come that the idea impresses on us simultaneously as the figure does and where does that idea come from?


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Assuming that all things must either have consistency or inconsistency, or harmony and disharmony or congruence and incongruence what ensures that the figure and the idea of someone remains congruent? Are they ever incongruent? When they are incongruent then what generally happens? And if when such incongruence does happen we are the ones who resolves it, then must we change  some of our beliefs about the world as a whole in that process? 

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Like judging a book by its cover. 

Years of societal conditioning is the culprit of those judgmental misunderstandings.

Once it's clearly recognized that thoughts cannot be a trustworthy source, it's recognized that thoughts cannot be a trustworthy source, although sometimes they can be 🤷‍♂️


“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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The answer is that there is no figure, just idea. That idea isn't fixed however, it get continuously updated according to the perception. It's a feedback loop. 

The idea comes (from somewhere), perceptions get matched to the idea and we project out the idea onto the world of perception. Over time the perceptions slowly drift outside the bounds of the idea and so the idea must drift with it or the idea stops matching the perceptions altogether. It's no different than seeing shapes in clouds: the shapes are in our minds not in the clouds.

Where do ideas come from? They are largely given to us by others, or by nature itself. For example it's very important to have an idea of a "face" embedded within us.

Incongruence can happen, for example by meeting someone you used to know, again after many years. They are the person you remember, but not wholly, they have changed, so you must update your idea about them. Bearing in mind that "person" and "them" are ideas.

57% paranoid

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