
Another Curse Was Placed Upon Me

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On Tuesday, another curse was placed upon me. I had an appointment in the morning with a lady from the government. It consumed my energy and for the rest of the day I just wasn't myself. I was sighing a lot, not lightness in my energy. 

Then at night I lay in bed, still feeling frustrated as I've spent the entire day ruminating rather negative thoughts, and I accidentally click a video on my timeline to remove a curse. 


Immediately I realized: that bitch had placed a curse on me. After watching the video I felt amazing and the lightness was back in my body and mind. 

But I think I've now identified a common theme, since I also recognized the last person who cursed me (I made a thread about this). The common theme is this lady was trying to be my friend, even when I showed no signs of interest in her advances. It was the same with the last guy. I guess there's just an aura around these people that seems "fake" to me or something in their energy that keeps me disengaged, and this must trigger something so deep in them that instead of backing away like a normal person would, they double down trying to force their personality on me. 

I'm not sure if they consciously use black magic to cast a spell or if my ongoing effort to exclude them from my being creates bad feelings in me that act similar to a curse. I have a strong sense that these people have NPD and that me excluding them triggers such deep-rooted feelings of shame that they cast this curse in response. 

Perhaps you're thinking "oh you are just creating this because you walk around all day thinking about curses" but that is not the case. It didn't even enter my mind until I accidentally clicked on that video and then it clicked for me then I watched the video and I was cured. It's also not like my YT homepage is full of these videos, it's mostly business stuff. 

If you have experience with this exact situation, could you share tips on how to deal with these situations better? OR if you believe you have a more rational explanation then I'd also like to hear it. 

Edit: I asked the new ChatGPT o1 for both a Machiavellian Self-Help Mentor and a Tony Robbins answer 😂  https://chatgpt.com/share/6792b005-d390-8004-8f83-0005017112fa

Edited by Butters

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I've killed six people using curses. 

But for you I suggest you identify with a higher consciousness and don't go down to their level, since you're above them you can't receive blows from them.

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If I wanted to curse a bunch of people at the same time I would disguise it as a reiki healing video to protect against curses.

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Kinda funny cuz when viewed through a logical-mystical perspective curses and gods and devils are all real. They have real power and govern aspects of reality. But I doubt they are like what most people would imagine them to be like. I think it's just vibration.

Edited by Aaron p

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8 hours ago, The Crocodile said:

I've killed six people using curses. 

That's cute. 

I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Therein is our Glory. 

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9 hours ago, Butters said:

I'm not sure if they consciously use black magic to cast a spell

Some people who carry bad energy with them can transfer that energy to other people without any concious intention just through interaction. Same with positive energy. I think that would be a more likely explanation. 

9 hours ago, Butters said:

If you have experience with this exact situation, could you share tips on how to deal with these situations better? OR if you believe you have a more rational explanation then I'd also like to hear it. 

Negative energies are all around. If you live in the world you're going to get hit by it inevitably. Don't make a big deal out of it and have daily meditation/prayer practice to cleanse yoruself. It's like taking a shower every day. 

Edited by Salvijus

I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Therein is our Glory. 

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1 hour ago, Salvijus said:

Some people who carry bad energy with them can transfer that energy to other people without any concious intention just through interaction. Same with positive energy. I think that would be a more likely explanation. 

Negative energies are all around. If you live in the world you're going to get hit by it inevitably. Don't make a big deal out of it and have daily meditation/prayer practice to cleanse yoruself. It's like taking a shower every day. 

It's a too complicated egregor lol i don't want to get into that.

I know a guy who supposedly got depressed after being cursed and was cured by Filipino healers.
What a mess for nothing.

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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1 hour ago, Schizophonia said:

I know a guy who supposedly got depressed after being cursed and was cured by Filipino healers.


I'm hoping/planning to meet a Balian shaman soon myself, next month. I love these people, haha. 

I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Therein is our Glory. 

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