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8 — Anonymob, Our Own Influencers

1 post in this topic

I had this really weird idea, to start numbering threads and posts 1 — 10... 10 being the lowest perspective and 1 being the ultimate after null point or zero, which represents a mythical source point. So its purely opinion on whether or not you think its something higher or lower, therefore no one would be able to say whether or not it is or isnt that number...

And so i had an idea about how: everyone here is anonymous, and which gives us a kind of interesting meta perspective on the relationship we can have, and do have. We all share in the mystery, whereby nothing between us is defined in a way that has clear meaning, or visual associations to it. We might think we know what someone is like, but that doesnt give any indication about who they are (the brain cannot record any further identity) not to mention that from a meta perspective we dont have an identity at all (ask; what is identity pointing to? nothing.) and/or a single thing that we can point to for "self", from the meta (anyway, thats going off track from what im tryina say here...)

So the *anonymob* (as ive randomly rated it, is an "8" since its so external) it just represents the fact that we are all anonymous here, and thus have the freedom to swim within each other, changing who we are if we want, learning, transforming, living as everyone and anyone. And thats a superpower that people from prior centuries did not have. So...

WELCOME, anonymob.

I just thought i would share that with yous, as i often do provoke yous to think, and think. alas, its not my forte, to go on these long shpeels. Nor am i doing it for any reason at all. I just am always brought back by a simple question: "what adds quality to the world, even though it might be sacrificing time and energy, even though it could be a gamble since others might not want, or have the strength/ability to be awake, alert—as two or mòre wise men to witness each other..."

I continue to take that chance.

Anyway, i dont have a question to leave yous, or a common thread or topic, i only mean to activate the frontal lobes or whatever, and to get the brains pumping so that yous can go on to do productive things w/,whatever you believe may be productive.

Edited by kavaris

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