
Using LLM's to Supercharge Yourself

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I don't have the time to go in elaborate details, but I as someone who has been using these tools daily (many hours a day; Software Engineer starting my own app studio) in conjunction with my habit of perpetually observing people (synthesizing information and obtaining insights), I can confidently say: People have no f***ng clue how powerful these tools really are. (Understandable, because the nature of them is ENTANGLING; In other words, the tools are as good as YOU are)

Some points/possibilities: 

  •  You can learn ANYTHING.... (excluding radical +Turquoise/Coral content which doesn't apply to %99.99 of people here);
    • Any Language
    • Any Skill
    • Any academic topic
    • ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!
    • Of course most of this content has existed within the internet thus far, the difference "time time around" is the lack of a middleman, paywall or "bullshit" (filler that doesn't directly serve YOU because someone else is trying to make THEIR own survival
  • Even now, people are still persistently asking "strangers on the internet" various questions that (way more often than not) could be answered instantly, with far greater accuracy, via LLMs (although its worth noting exploring various perspectives is never bad)

A crucial, crucial point I want to make is "new doors" have opened in the sense that you could think of it like this: Using these LLMs + Technology (your phone) is an even GREATER order of magnitude than the previous jump that came with "having a smartphone". If you learn to properly use these tools, it will be like you're driving a car and the person without LLMs is riding a bike. (If that analogy is even worth proposing).....

This will be come exponentially highlighted with time, as the technology built is fairly generalized at the moment and not oriented around specific use cases (though will certainly increase with time). 

On the other side of the coin, I'd like to propose that "brainrot/doomscrolling/mindlessly and unconsciously using technology in a mechanical primitive lizard-like fashion" is also exponentially more costly. While you're commuting, opt to use Realtime Voice feature from a LLM to learn a new language! When you feel particularly negative or self-defeated, use the LLM (providing as much input as possible) to help discover a blindspot or expand your sense of emotional intelligence. See if you can find an automation or insight (or whatever means of leverage) to compress your work (originally taking 4 hours, now takes 30min)

At the end of the day: "Do whatever you want" (because you are God lol) but I just hope those who WOULD take action "on this" had a better chance of receiving this communication/message. This is Life. Love you all 



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Combine LLM with a commonplace book 🤯

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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5 hours ago, Thought Art said:

Combine LLM with a commonplace book 🤯

Notion AI

I personally use Notion, but use built-pipelines instead of Notion AI. I have also heard good things about Google NotebookLM 

Whatever floats the boat, but just use SOMETHING! lol 

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