
Does everything has an answer in reality?

10 posts in this topic

Or some things don't have an answer cause they are paradox?


I think I am going crazy the more I contemplate and imagine possible answers to some difficult existential/consciousness questions I have. 

The more I think of these questions and my mind only sees paradox without any answer, the more I get confused and tired and can't relax. It's like my mind just can't let go of what it doesn't understand. Today it got so bad that I felt kind of depressed with this situation.


Do everything has an answer or I am wasting my time and should just accept that sometimes there is no answer cause for some mysterious reason, things don't make any sense... ? I am so sad with this situation.... I need to know....  :/  Thank you in advance 

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Maybe ask one question as an example and see if folks here have specific answers. 

Either way this heading is a good question. And the answer is paradoxical.  I like to distinguish between relative superficial knowledge and answers and absolute definitive answers.  

You can definitely answer questions about existence but these answers  don't have 100% explanatory power . For instance ..why does the  sun rise in the morning ? Well because the earth rotates around its axis.  But that's not a full comprehensive answer because why does the earth rotate around itself ?! Well because gravity or whatever..yeah but why and why and why ?!!   ...And on and on we can extend this line of questioning apparently endlessly.  The final answer would something like : because God. Lol.

The absolute final answers are all its because God did it . And God is the ultimate origin of everything. Try to comprehend the majesty and profundity of God. God is the absolute answer to every question.

And science (which keeps evolving and perfecting itself with time ) is the relative answer to partial phenomenon like why does the sun rise every morning. 

You might ask then what is God?  Well it literally cannot be spoken. Nobody REALLY knows. Even God himself.

Edited by Someone here

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@Never_give_up instead of asking the big questions you could try to contemplate on the small ones. Like having an object in front of you and contemplate on its nature.

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The answer is always a black hole of nothing.

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Funny thing is you're not really asking a question you're making a statement. It's right in your post. There are no answers to anything. Every sentence you made reveals this. It's written in crypto, but I can decode it.

You're saying there are no answers in reality. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance - it is the illusion of knowledge.

Daniel J. Boorstin

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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Lean into the paradox.

Accept when you don't understand things you don't; It's okay time will tell you everything.

Put your trust in time and in Eternity.

There is an answer for everything.

You just don't have to have them all at once.

Leave some room for growth.

You'll get them when you're ready don't worry.

Edited by Atb210201

Rationality is Stupidity, Love is Rationality

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Everything has an answer, the only answer is that it exists. If it exists it cannot not exist, all reality is perfectly synchronous down to the last subatomic particle of infinity, down to the smallest movement. It is absolutely obvious. It is perfect because it is. If you open your eyes to reality the answer to everything is that it exists, and in that fact is everything. 

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On 1/23/2025 at 9:54 AM, Never_give_up said:

Do everything has an answer or I am wasting my time and should just accept that sometimes there is no answer cause for some mysterious reason, things don't make any sense... ?

You are the answer. Are you ready to accept that!


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The frame of your question implies that elements of the universe themselves pose questions and that these questions require answers... I would adopt a more neutral view in seeing that all aspects of existence simply: are.

If your talking about understanding everything in reality...I think the answer to your question is yes. Leo sure makes it seem like everything can be understood. But even theoretically it should be possible to understand everything in existence in essence. By this I mean that if you understand one grain of sand, which is the essential element, then you, by default, know every sand based structure in existence no matter what shape it is, no matter how large it is. 

Also, understanding the grain fully means you understand the entire's essence.


Edited by Aaron p

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