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Is confirmation bias the biggest trap for the self and humanity?

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At some point you get a belief and then you just keep confirming it.

Could be anything from “i’m a loser” to “Mexicans are lazy” to “Islam is true”

It’s just egoic pattern/sense making of the surroundings by the mind.

But it certainly does keep us trapped.


I just now looked up if Leo has an episode on it and surely enough. But I don’t really remember it and will listen to it again.


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I think its good. It creates a strong identity. The only people who care about it are people who want you to be wrong. I don't agree with his definition of bias it dosent always mean you are wrong. You pick it cause it works and it works till it dosent. When you see your bias is leading you astray you can see it and changed it. Seeing bias as being wrong and ignoring it to suit your bias is what this video is talking about not just bias generally. Reality is a fight for truth believing in God is a bias.

Edited by Hojo

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27 minutes ago, Hojo said:

 believing in God is a bias.


Why do you think it’s good to have a strong identity?

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1 minute ago, PurpleTree said:

Why do you think it’s good to have a strong identity?

In my experience, your guard is down when you're doubtful, when you're unsure of standing on any principle. You're susceptible to brainwashing as opposed to when you strongly identify with some truth or principle. It's a mental defense against manipulation.

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1 minute ago, gambler said:

In my experience, your guard is down when you're doubtful, when you're unsure of standing on any principle. You're susceptible to brainwashing as opposed to when you strongly identify with some truth or principle. It's a mental defense against manipulation.

Yea but i also think that “guard” is what causes a lot of suffering. 

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Just now, PurpleTree said:

Yea but i also think that “guard” is what causes a lot of suffering. 

Of course, that's why it's important to identify biases and uncover their negative consequences.

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Great insight @PurpleTree 

I think it’s one of the biggest ones, but it’s also a choice because once we become aware of it and how we may be using it to limit ourselves, it can be seen through pretty easy. 

I would say a lot of personal issues we have culminate in a deeper spiritual issue though, confirmation bias is a symptom. 

At the core much of it revolves around our belief and desire for familiarity and safety and our disconnection from truth, usually from a core belief of believing we are separate and not enough. 

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What is the driving mechanism that makes us seek for confirmation bias? The answer to that question is the biggest problem. 

Edited by Salvijus

I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Therein is our Glory. 

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2 hours ago, Salvijus said:

What is the driving mechanism that makes us seek for confirmation bias? The answer to that question is the biggest problem. 

ego, survival, wanting to be liked by the group and whatever.

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4 hours ago, Salvijus said:

What is the driving mechanism that makes us seek for confirmation bias? The answer to that question is the biggest problem. 

To experience, and to keep reality being created.

Consciousness  -------> | (Reflection)
(Decided-Meaning-Reality) ------> | Consciousness 

Loop, begin again.

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