
Dangers Of Being A Personal Dev Slut

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I was watching one of Leo's insights, that he developed from his retreat, and he spoke about the dangers of getting too caught up in trying different methods. Main reason why was because you tend to dabble a bit, and not get much out of the technique, before you try another one.

There are literally millions of spiritual techniques out there. Its so easy to get caught up in trying bits and pieces of each one, and not really get anything out of any of them.

Currently what I do to resolve this problem, is to try out a few techniques, try and pinpoint what it is about that technique that does work and that doesn't work for me, and then try and find techniques that highlight that aspect, while still trying different, random methods once a week just to survey the landscape a bit.

What do you guys do about this problem?

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I hop.

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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