Hardik jain

Overthinking And Confusion

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I have anxiety and a confused mind so I overthink a lot. So whenever I try to do good things like being mindful or sitting alone in an empty room I keep thinking a hell lot and I become mad. What do I do? Please help because of these racing thoughts I'm not able to go all the good stuf. I have a lot of potential but my brain starts over thing because I have a confused mind and I get confused a lot.

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I've struggled with overthinking a lot and it is definitely hard to be mindful when you're caught up in the midst of a bombardment of thoughts about anything and everything. From a meditation point of view, some guided meditations might be a good thing to try if you haven't already as it they actively give you something to focus on.

As for the confusion, I'm probably not the man to be giving advice on that as I'm still quite confused myself. Leo's video on confusion is great so I'd recommend looking at that if you get the chance. For me, my deep confusion is only really starting to fade away since I started using Holosync for meditation. It seemed I was in need of a higher strength dose of meditation. You might need something like that to help snap you out of your current thought-patterns and see them for what they are. 

I've found that I get very confused when I feel like I have to make a decision about something IMMEDIATELY. When I can be a bit more patient with myself and give myself a longer period of time before "having to figure it out", that usually helps.

Some other things I've heard people recommend for calming oneself down are supplements like Ashwagandha and of course the general advice about basically living cleanly - diet, sleep, exercise and getting out in nature.

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  On 5/8/2017 at 2:44 AM, Hardik jain said:

I keep thinking a hell lot and I become mad

Are you becoming mad because of your thoughts? Are you hoping or expecting to sit and have a clear and still mind? Anger is usually resistance to something so perhaps you are resisting the fact that you are having thoughts. Mindfulness is not about repressing thoughts or necessarily trying to make your body or mind still. It may be your goal to eventually live with still mind and clarity, but for now you can relax by accepting what your experience is like. Relaxation makes progression easier. 

Having thoughts, emotions and frustrations doesn't mean that you are not making progress. Even getting angry about the situation can be progress. If you find anger arising, just observe that anger and try to breathe through it and be with it without labeling your efforts as a failure. Instead label them as a success. If anger is arising, you are doing extra well. Keep practicing, keep observing and keep accepting, and your experience will transform over the days and weeks. 

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That is a tough situation you are in, but you can overcome it.

I know is hard to deal with it , because it seems like negative thoughts are stronger than positive thoughts,

There is method that i use my self to overcome negative thoughts, & you mentioned that you sometimes catch yourself thinking about bad stuff.

Now you are aware of that, is a good sign that you want a change.

What you have to do is SERIOUSLY look around you, & notice what is influencing you to think the way that you think,

you could be influenced by your Past(what happened to you before) or by your surrounding area (who do you hang around with and who do you look up to)

Try to be aware of what do you watch on TV and who do you listen to.

To get rid of the negative thoughts, you have to think of the positive things, i know is easier said than done, but just do it.

Think of what you want the most, be like a chilled again, imagine good stuff.

The more you focus on good, the bad stuff, slowly start to disappear.

If You Hate to be Poor, then don't even think about it,

Think About been Rich

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@Hardik jain Why not try practicing concentration? I've been doing it ever since Leo's video on it came out and as far as I can see, in such a short time of practice, I can see how I'm able to focus on ONE thing for longer periods and with a higher intensity.

The trick is (and this is important) to concentrate on the object without wavering ONE BIT. That's why I do 5 consecutive 3 min sessions every day before meditation. My meditation sessions are much more enjoyable and effective afterwards.

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Don't try and sort your thoughts out. Just let the mind be, let your thoughts arise fully and freely don't  judge them or start analyzing them just let them pass threw in your awareness, the more you don't buy into the random thoughts  in your mind,  the quieter the mind will become. 

After all you are not the random noise of thoughts in your head.

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