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Aaron p

My presence

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I was walking down the street after partying in my city and someone just stopped me and said "hey, do I know you?" I asked them if they were into any meditation or business groups. He said "no, just your energy." 

I said, "oh that. I study enlightenment, that's what that is."  Then told him to look at this website #plug

This is not the first time this has happened. There have been at least 2 other incidents where people have claimed to have "dreamed this exact scenario" that I was in close proximity with them. It was like they could literally feel something that was invisible to me but I recognised it. They were like confused.

I've had people come close to me and just start describing... Something ... They said "it's a bit weird, but it's good." One guy described me as if I was glitching back and forth.One girl started describing the presence of a grandfather when she was around me. It's just strange cuz this is not the direction I imagined awakening going. Everything feels like it's getting more real, not less real.

It's become apparent to me that awakening increases reality not decreases. I suppose it depends what I mean when I say reality. If I mean the physical world then it decreases, but actual reality increases. And the degree to which it seems impossible is the degree to which it is awesome. It's almost like it's calling me to surrender to it, to switch from the perspective of "I'm a human on earth trying to have an awakening" to the perspective "I am not human, nor am I on earth, something else entirely is happening here." 

And I can feel people's energetic fields. Some are strong, some are ugly and corrupt, some are sick, some are beautiful. It's just this spiritual one liner "reality doesn't exist" seems a bit misleading. My experience is very real. 


I get the sense that this reality will only increase. I am nearly asking for people to give their opinion on this but it's kinda like... This is happening regardless of anyone's opinion...

There's also this "thing" around my head it's like...wide. like my field of vision is carrying itself. And people who enter it can feel it.

Edited by Aaron p

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9 hours ago, Aaron p said:

It's become apparent to me that awakening increases reality not decreases.

I think the same. The more awake you are, the more real reality seems, the more alive. That thing about reality is a dream, it is simply an idea in the conceptual mind. You cannot experience reality as a dream because the idea of a dream is something that occurs within reality. Reality is reality and that's it, and the more awake you are, the more clearly you perceive it, the more you capture its energy, its life. Everything that arises lives, you cannot separate yourself from what arises because that is what you are. You arise from the abyss of existence, and you live, your life is infinite, you are life, and you flow infinitely. Everything that appears, each person, each sound, each perception, has infinite life, it is a reflection of yourself, and you are the total.

Life seeks depth, it flows within itself, it opens to itself. If you realize your infinite depth, you realize the infinite depth of each person. Everyone is you in another dimension, everything is you manifesting, and everything is total, because you are what exists 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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@Breakingthewall I have a feeling the reason I'm experiencing a degree of confusion in relation to the op is because my mind has co-opted what the word dream means. I have experiences with hazy dreams outlandish dreams unclear confusing dreams. Perhaps it is just the case that the dream reality is not any of these things and these things are egoic, connotational add-ons to the word dream. But it's interesting because:

the dream is real. I mean something is real. Whatever I'm experiencing...I mean, I'm experiencing it. It's real. I can see it right now. It's pretty f obvious. I think it's a matter of contemplating and investigating what people like Leo mean when they say a dream. I suppose it's possible that a dream could be extremely intelligent and unimaginably Powerful and well cloaked in a veil of high definition and a feeling of solidness. I do expect this reality to become more real.

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I'm also aware that I am still completely and utterly clueless as to the depths and dimensions and scope of awakening right now

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