
Direct Consciousness/Self Deception

1 post in this topic

Intuition, thoughts, knowledge and cognitive content are extremely tricky and self deceptive. How can we know anything is the challenge. How to distinguish between lower and higher perspectives is another big challenge that requires years of training in introspective contemplative work and the principles of epistemology Leo teaches, but is so fundamental and exciting to crack open this nut of the mind. How to know Truth is like trying to eat your own face. Perception is the absolute truth, but how can we trust perception, what if perception is wrong? What if there is something beyond perception? These questions are what tangle the cords in order to unravel them again. Being Absolutely Conscious of Truth is prior to knowing Truth, but this journey through a epistemic minefield is where the shit show and party is at lol God wants to see who will make it 🤣 😂 the mindfuck is that You are God

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