Leo Gura

Mega-Thread of Low vs High Perspectives

40 posts in this topic

4 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Ah yes, preaching to the Devil :D

Why couldn't we get the Devil preacher? 





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24 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Ah yes, preaching to the Devil :D

I watched it over and over. It was so powerful. 


Carolinians. Bohemians. Tribe Jane Doe. 

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55 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

No mam!

You left out the 'a'.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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@Leo Gura I'm glad you created this thread-not much participation (i think due to actually having to take the time contemplate this stuff)- but it's opened up so much- thanks !

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Low perspective: This guy assumes he can deconstruct Capitalism in a two minute video without falling into self deception, partiality and bias.

Feature: lacks nuance/evolutionary thinking, doesn't consider historical context, black and white thinking, uses straw-man arguments with no awareness of broader context. 


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High vs Low power I think would lead to more reliable results.

It allows you to immediately develop a meta-theory on the correlation between not only cognitive level translates to certain 'perspective' analogous to eyesight and one's ability to complete the standard eye test optometrists give when you're reading their 'Letter Chart' from a distance but also the intersection of emotion, culture and personality.

This hierarchy of low vs high perspective is incredibly tedious and ultimately is only going to yield an accurate result where you've no doubt gone the path of doing precisely as I've explained to figure out 'What Would Be' the high/low perspectives, until you realise of course, it simply has its roots in consciousness power, which has its roots at the intersection of the explained, along with other attributes beyond the ordinary that naturally take more careful consideration not reserved for this discussion.

'Consciousness Power' puts us at the immediacy of original perception, what we're experiencing right now, thereby preoccupied by analyzing how we ourselves generate and fathom any perspective whatsoever emotional and otherwise, thereto, we arrive at the first paragraph for said explanation. Choosing between the high and low in this regard is like choosing between different colored straws where we return to understanding mechanical underpinnings.

For a personal development community, what increasingly facilitates higher power vs lower power? Emotional intelligence like that of a pale white redhead drunk breaking onto the set of the series Baywatch screaming and ranting about why I didn't get to be one of the lifesavers, in spite of any cognitive abilities I have, is most likely to misuse the best of my cognitive power as well as not have a cognitive power that is bolstered by the management of my emotional power. Which after enough contemplation, would at the very least come to reason that I'd improve my chances greatly if I started off as a waiter on the set, befriend the right people, always ensure that I've tanned my body and dyed my hair black before I arrive on set or anyone else sees to reveal my secret, and for several months ensure I have far less belly fat that I argue is purely in modelling the winter bear season habits in moderation. My only obstacle at present is a timetraveling machine, given Baywatch's last episode was in 1999. Given its been 25 years thereabouts, I imagine that the original destination for their auditions are unusually short of numbers, and my confidence not only stretches here but also by the mere fact that I'm considering the possibility of being a director for the show. One that captured the transition into the present modern environment I think would be particularly popular, not only this, I think the inclusion of the biodiversity of men like myself and the beautiful intelligent women from multicultural geographies, would not only bring a new spin to the show but a much needed integration. Imagine the future episodes now, redheaded white dude biotech entrepreneur, creating CRISPR enhanced baywatch bodies furthering ultra surf and rescue capabilities. I'm already a little star struck, and if my ego could handle it, maybe I'd enjoy the show so much that I'd be comfortable just sitting back being the director watching it all unravel itself. "We have the sexiest lifesavers ever" says former director of Baywatch, "Well we have lifesavers that are both sexy and can glow in the dark! (CRISPR/related)" - ha!


Edited by Letho

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Adding slightly more seriousness @Leo Gura .

More and more my goal is just in the mapping of function, where structure is purely meta-structure on pre-existing mapped function. Unless we're grounded in our most preliminary of languages from the spoken to the numerical, though even then, society has become too polluted to know which way is up vs down much less which is a higher or lower perspective. If the ego is not only able to handle relying on structure, at the base level, to be its only practical medium for operating in reality, but grow their consciousness along those limits as its not something that can be merely attained by shifting without the mastery on how to do so, then consciousness will be at far greater odds of flying freely without the constraints of at the very least, the worst of ego. 

When we perceive something, our function superimposes the structure that limits the freedom of functionality to roam even further. Structure, is self-imposed limits embedded into the programmable areas of function, take a social norm, it operates at the functional level of the programmed structure and to that conforming end, frees or limits consciousness expansion or intelligent convergence. This is not simply a crime of passion by a 'global elite' as you're well-aware, such programming habits spontaneously, on the fly and throughout every social system from the simple domain of a toxic to healthy relationship between a couple or even, an internet forum where you can get ideas for the next highest grossing series for the year on Netflix, particularly as it relates to being a director of the next series of Baywatch, Feng Zhang (CRISPR genius) endorsed. I never saw a "Baywatch Asia" maybe in my lifetime I will as a release of built up tan envy. 

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Example of how US democratic institutions are impacted by low perspectives corrupted by post truth politics:


Features: disregards facts, does not value expertise/expert analysis or data, post truth in sense making, lack of systems thinking, magical thinking in place of objective facts and raw data.

Edited by Terell Kirby

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High perspective: Jordan Peterson on friendship. I miss this version of him-before he got caught up in the intellectual dark web:

Feature: growth-oriented, facilitates development, practical, uses real life examples, clear & concise.

Edited by Terell Kirby

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Low perspective: Rachid Hammami's egregious straw man against Isalm. Completely ignores historical context, and is full of bias. This is classic ego projection, a refusal to take seriously how one's worldview might be self deceived.

Feature: Gross over-generalizations, Hypocrisy, double standards, cherry picking historical facts for confirmation bias, straw manning (x1000).

Edited by Terell Kirby

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Few common examples that I consider to be near the lower spectrum of perspectives:

Believing and teaching people that being selfish is good for you in the long run.

Being proud of one's religion and culture instead of following its moral and spiritual principles and practices.

Not doing any selfless, productive or passionate work, and indulging in higher forms of pleasures, such as masturbating to porn, eating fried foods, watching endless movies of violence, etc., and mistaking the pleasure for happiness.

Taking and giving respect with respect to birth, nationality, wealth, power etc., instead of giving respect to one's hard work and selflessness.

In short, any perspective that is ego-centric and encourages selfishness is of lower perspective, and the opposite is what people who wants to be of the highest perspective should be doing.







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Trump is just too easy for these examples. We are going to need to ban him from this thread :D


Low: Contracted circle of concern, self-deceptive victim narrative, ignoring of historical context, strawmanning of higher perspectives, lack of self-awareness of how American hegemony backfires.


"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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Low perspective: Although very articulate and thoughtful, Jordan Peterson doesn’t fully acknowledge Christ and the historical narrative of Christ as a social construct. Makes appeals to belief systems without acknowledging relativity and subjectivity of interpretation.

Feature: absence sense of construct awareness, absence of context awareness, dismisses relativity of perspective.

Edited by Terell Kirby

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1 hour ago, aurum said:

Trump is just too easy for these examples. We are going to need to ban him from this thread :D


Low: Contracted circle of concern, self-deceptive victim narrative, ignoring of historical context, strawmanning of higher perspectives, lack of self-awareness of how American hegemony backfires.


Trump is a poster child for low perspectives but the bottom of the barrel.

Believe it or not-there are even low perspectives that are way more evolved than Trumps BS.

Edited by Terell Kirby

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Lower action: Engaging in a debate with the primary goal of "winning," focusing on defending one's own side, strawmanning opposing arguments, and seeking to undermine or "own" the opponent, often at the expense of meaningful dialogue or truth.

Higher action: Collaborating with one's counterpart in a debate to understand and steelman all perspectives, including opposing views, with the shared goal of uncovering truth and expanding knowledge. This approach requires setting aside ego, embracing humility, and prioritizing intellectual honesty over personal victory. It’s a process of mutual growth rather than competition.

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High perspective: It's good to understand the linguistic maneuvers and style of speech of demagogues-maneuvers that they are not even conscious of. Good analysis of how Trump's style of speech sways the ignorant masses:

Feature: non partisan, objective, based in science/empirical analysis, comes from a place of deep study & expertise.

Edited by Terell Kirby

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13 hours ago, ryandesreu said:

Lower action: Engaging in a debate with the primary goal of "winning," focusing on defending one's own side, strawmanning opposing arguments, and seeking to undermine or "own" the opponent, often at the expense of meaningful dialogue or truth.

Higher action: Collaborating with one's counterpart in a debate to understand and steelman all perspectives, including opposing views, with the shared goal of uncovering truth and expanding knowledge. This approach requires setting aside ego, embracing humility, and prioritizing intellectual honesty over personal victory. It’s a process of mutual growth rather than competition.

I like this one, I would like to add a variation and a mistake that I’ve personally made.

Lower action: debating with the intention of being productive, but while failing to see one’s shadow and how it’s creating a blind spot. Or how one’s shadow is creating unnecessary stress and tension through tonality.

Communication style is as important as truth in a productive debate. 

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How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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Green: Idealism, Revolution, Victim of the World

Yellow: Pragmatism, Incremental Growth, Master of the World


If we burn down the current systems, it will simply be replaced by another system just as bad or far worse. Revolution is against integration.

Seeing people or systems as inherently evil or good is short sighted. Also, corruption and other compromises are to be expected from a system, it depends on how efficiently the system designed. This also means, bringing in superior systems to the world prematurely can cause more harm than good. Because, don't forget, higher systems are co-created by the people.

Side Note: systems and individuals need to be approached very differently. Individuals are infinitely more complex than systems. Individual is a real thing, a system, however complex is still a construct at the end of the day.


Edited by ryoko

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14 hours ago, integral said:

I like this one, I would like to add a variation and a mistake that I’ve personally made.

Lower action: debating with the intention of being productive, but while failing to see one’s shadow and how it’s creating a blind spot. Or how one’s shadow is creating unnecessary stress and tension through tonality.

Communication style is as important as truth in a productive debate. 

You bring up a good variation about the shadow. I will sometimes catch myself doing that. 

Disagreeing with someone simply because of their tone or delivery could also be considered lower. Or not taking someone's advice simply because that person is perceived as a hypocrite. Ad hominems are common.

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Richard Nixon’s views on homosexuality :

Here’s another one:

I hesitate to call these low perspectives, as the 1960s were a different time relative to today- but I note that Nixon’s perspective is based on a belief in various absolutes truth claims about gays and their impact on society/culture.

He also interprets historical facts/figures to reinforce these truth claims-possibly misattributing causality of homosexualitys role in the collapse of Greek and Roman empires- all in an effort to buttress his worldview.

Edited by Terell Kirby

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