
Jealousy in my relationship

5 posts in this topic

Im dealing with this a big time. Sometimes when my girl look other guys i feel this jealousy, something like he is better than me, that she'll dump me for other guy. I dont like this feeling cuz i dont think it's healthy of my part, even because feels like im looking to the direction shes looking to find a problem(someone attracted to her, she attracted to other guy).

What can i do to change this?

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Because you are not focused on yourself.You should be busy making things happen with a woman progressing things further rather than men.Because you are not focused on yourself, you then place women in your mind above yourself, then you are reacting to things you have no control over.From that point you have mindsets that are based on feelings which causes judging yourself based on those feelings.

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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43 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

Because you are not focused on yourself.You should be busy making things happen with a woman progressing things further rather than men.Because you are not focused on yourself, you then place women in your mind above yourself, then you are reacting to things you have no control over.From that point you have mindsets that are based on feelings which causes judging yourself based on those feelings.

Spot on

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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This advice might not resonate but it's the way to go. Don't try to change it. Notice it and leave it alone. Don't try to analyze it or try to figure out why you're doing it. You can maybe say, this is silly what am I doing or laugh at yourself doing it; but don't take it seriously. I promise in due time, it will fade away with the wind. Promise. 

Come back and let me know when.

P.S. Leave all the stories you're telling yourself about why this is happening behind or it won't work. Just see yourself doing it and that's it. Stories might come, but just don't pay them any attention. No emotions towards it, I mean. It's the emotions that makes things linger.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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