
Best ways to secure my wealth for political winter?

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Hedge funds don't beat the market with an army of analysts, insider knowledge and so much computing power you could train GPT-6 on it. For all intents and purposes, everything is priced in.

The thing about market doomers is that eventually they're right. Graham Stephen has made millions fearmongering for the imminent collapse, basically throwing shit on the wall until it sticks.

Stocks... usually go up. Bad luck for you if you invest before a bubble explodes, but NOBODY can predict that with any accuracy in the long term, so in the meantime you're missing out on a sweet yearly return, potentially for years, losing out on significant compound interest.

If you're really convinced that the crash is imminent, wait it out and buy the dip in one or two highly diversified ETFs tracking a decent index fund (arguably with some exposure to emerging markets), and monthly deposit whatever you can save consistently for 20 years. This is the only way to make money for the retail investor.

In the off chance you were right, great! You managed to time the market. Never try that again unless you're so delusional you're convinced you're the next Warren Buffett.

Edited by kylan11

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Chances are I'm going to be better off than all of yall who are trying to speculate and time the market, just by regurarly investing into a trustoworthy ETFs for decades and not caring about the topic much, if at all

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4 hours ago, NewKidOnTheBlock said:

Chances are I'm going to be better off than all of yall who are trying to speculate and time the market, just by regurarly investing into a trustoworthy ETFs for decades and not caring about the topic much, if at all


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Timing the market can make you a lot of money.

It's not about sitting on money for decades in fear of a global meltdown, but about being clever.

I have timed the gold market and I have also timed some of the stocks recently.

There are other factors as well, such as currency exchange rates, if you are living in the EU and buying US stocks, etc.

If you have a large sum of money to invest, you need to time the market.

ETFs usually have 100+ stocks, but a lot of them are underperformers which makes them volatile. There are stocks that are as stable, if not more stable than most ETFs. You just need to do some research.

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On 2/6/2025 at 4:57 AM, NewKidOnTheBlock said:

Chances are I'm going to be better off than all of yall who are trying to speculate and time the market, just by regurarly investing into a trustoworthy ETFs for decades and not caring about the topic much, if at all

Or get some bitcoin and participate in the financial revolution of the century. 

Owner of creatives community all around Canada as well as a business mastermind 

Follow me on Instagram @Kylegfall <3


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1 hour ago, LordFall said:

Or get some bitcoin and participate in the financial revolution of the century. 

I've been considering allocating part of my investment funds to Bitcoin and/or Ethereum (as long as I can employ a similiar strategy, meaning just sending money regurarly and putting my feet up, waiting patiently) but honestly. I think I'd rather just diversify ETFs I'm investing into rather than do that. And I don't think it's in the interest of goverments nor banks to let Bitcoin replace all fiat currencies, so I don't think that's happenning. So it's always going to be just used for speculation is my bet

Edited by NewKidOnTheBlock

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So american tech companie shares crashed a little. Is it likely that they drop way further?

I have another very wide spread fond which has shares in the whole world economy and active trader who monitor everything. Might be a relatively safe strategy right now.

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Nothing has crashed yet.

A real crash means the markets are down for a solid year or more and everyone is crying, freaking out, calling the end of the world, losing their houses, going broke.

We ain't seen nothing yet.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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17 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Nothing has crashed yet.

A real crash means the markets are down for a solid year or more and everyone is crying, freaking out, calling the end of the world, losing their houses, going broke.

We ain't seen nothing yet.

I heard this. Apparently the tariffs could cause a food shortage in the US tantamount to a real famine. The farmers will artificially raise their prices even more, to make money proportionally by only selling a small amount of their crops.

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The principles of economics aren’t going to change just because of whatever historical moment we’re living through.

Only invest money you know you won’t need for at least 10+ years, so you’re not forced to sell at a bad time just because of some emergency.

Invest as much as you can comfortably manage under those conditions, and do it as broadly as possible. It’s really not that complicated - just put your money into an ETF that tracks the entire global economy, so you’re not at the mercy of some fleeting trend. The entire global economy isn’t going to crash and burn, and if it does, you’re screwed anyway, no matter what you did with your money. 

If you’re super paranoid about some global giga-crash, you can buy physical assets like real estate instead, so at least you have something tangible when the fiat system melts down - but let’s be real, that’s not a realistic option for 99% of people.

“Did you ever say Yes to a single joy? O my friends, then you said Yes to all woe as well. All things are chained and entwined together, all things are in love; if ever you wanted one moment twice, if ever you said: ‘You please me, happiness! Abide, moment!’ then you wanted everything to return!” - Friedrich Nietzsche

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Can you please lay out the traps and pitfalls we can look out for that are helping you Leo?

Drop some gems here.

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57 minutes ago, ExploringReality said:

Can you please lay out the traps and pitfalls we can look out for that are helping you Leo?

Drop some gems here.

Right now no stock, crypto, or even gold is safe. I expect all of it to crash soon.

But keep in mind my predictions could be wrong.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura

 Taken with a grain of salt. 

I need to be more cautious with my money, it's so easy to get suckered by false and misleading information. 

People just spit ideas that others fall on. 

Where can one put there money? Definitely not a shoe box, savings and definitely not checkings account.  The devil wants our money lol

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@ExploringReality Cash savings is oddly enough the safest store of value right now.

Anything else you put it into is likely to crash 25-50%.

There will be a huge liquidity shortage so cash will be king. Everyone will run to cash out, all at the same time as the finacial bloodbath starts.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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6 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@ExploringReality Cash savings is oddly enough the safest store of value right now.

Anything else you put it into is likely to crash 25-50%.

There will be a huge liquidity shortage so cash will be king. Everyone will run to cash out, all at the same time as the finacial bloodbath starts.

I feel like Bitcoin is going to crash too , everybody is running towards it like it is a holy grail.. We will see one huge correction I think

🐉 Feeling Is the Secret ❤️‍🔥

Please no judging and butt hurt. Just sharing experiences. 

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@Leo Gura I wish I had cash to buy the dip in this next stock market crash, but I'm still in med school, so no money for investing in the next few years.

Any ideas on buying farmland as an investment in the US?





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8 minutes ago, AION said:

I feel like Bitcoin is going to crash too , everybody is running towards it like it is a holy grail.. We will see one huge correction I think

Bitcoin will crash first. Bitcoin always crashes first cause it's all hot air with no ground.

8 minutes ago, Tudo said:

@Leo Gura

Any ideas in buying farmland as an investment in the US?

If the market crashes, real estate will go down too.

Basically everything will drop in sync. There won't be a safe place to stand but cash. And even cash may be hit hard by inflation.

The whole point is no one will be safe. We will all suffer for this idiocy.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Every check, cash out and shut up.

Man George Carlin is needed in these times.

I'll come stay with you Leo, hope you like toddlers, twins too haha

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I am quite confident gold won't crash that hard. The price will probably fall for a couple of weeks with everything else, but it will rebound for sure.

There is too much cash in circulation and the money has to go somewhere. It will go into gold, bonds, etc.

It might seem extremely overpriced at first glance, but when you start digging deeper into it (no pun intended), you realize it's undervalued against the stock market.

Check out the gold to Dow ratio gold to US debt ratio, etc. 100 year historical charts suggest that gold is in fact still slightly undervalued.

Silver is even more undervalued, but it went out of style with crypto. Also, you have to pay VAT when buying silver, gold is tax free.

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