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Guru Experience

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Today I had my second guru experience (with Eric Hoogland, in the Netherlands).

Pretty amazing, it really supercharges your meditation process, being in such a presence, and the eye contact is just such a unique intense experience, and was a really grounded experience too.

I released some emotions afterwards, I feel more confident and my view is truly fresher/intenser, really nice, I also have more confidence in the fact that this absolute is very within reach.

It really has a lot of potential to transform you quickly, now I get why it's often recommended by many of teachers I found good.

I think it's comparable to meeting your future self, whom has gone through all your insecurities and completely knows and sees you.

Yeah, really helpful, make use of this tool (often), do some guru searching, it shouldn't be so hard to sense if they are genuine I think, you should see an extraordinary amount of love, calmness, compassion and innocence (in their eyes).
Also, one thing that reassured this Guru thing for me: It's not about giving up yourself to someone else, it's about meeting yourownSelf with them.


If you feel like sharing your experiences, feel free

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@AlwaysBeNice  Thank you for sharing! Tomorrow I'm actually going for the first session with a teacher that I met 2 weeks ago. I'm very much looking forward to that! 

Don't try to become a Buddha. Just be yourself. That is the Buddha.

Bliss out to LeakyBliss ? ➡


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