
Who here has actually had a proper awakening?

97 posts in this topic

5 minutes ago, cetus said:

That's why I mention it. Better now than him realizing it when it's too late.

Then we meant the same thing. You can only distract yourself for so long. 🙂

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Awakenings are nice but they means nothing, Enlightenment is now. If you had an awakening a few years ago where you said oh my god, it doesn't mean you're enlightened like Buddha. Yes, it's very tempting to think that. Elon Musk has money, the porn actor x has a 27 cm dick and I have an enlightenment, and you don't, you poor loser. We already know how it works, but that's not how things work.

Enlightenment means that your human structure is such that the opening to your true nature is constant. There is no unhappiness or suffering, you don't care about life or death, because you are existence. Are you there? If you aren't you aren't enlightened, and your awakenings means nothing, just some interesting experience, irrelevant 

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Nobody seems to mention this when these topics arise but I will set the record straight. The body doesn't care about your awakening and enlightenment. It will act out. It will not want to talk to others and see the world as an enemy. It will throw temper tantrums and shit on walls. It will want to go in a corner and not come out because of what the mind has put it through. When the body thirsts, it grabs for some liquid to quench. Hungry, it eats, needs to pee it pees, burps, yawns, sneezes etc.

It has grown accustomed to interacting with people normally and going about daily life. When one starts to interfere with existential matters like awakening and enlightenment it's not used to that shit. The egoic mind wants to come back to homeostasis and wants to be separate and different. It wants to construct and develop not be dead. It wants to live, not die. So the body acts out because the embodiment is so strong and the connection felt deeply, as in this is my body so the body/mind coherence is thrown off balance. Wow, I'm God, no you're not, you better keep on surviving and building your house made of cards is what the ego says.

Anyway, without digging too deep, you're not doing any of that the body is, and that's why we go through these changes. The body doesn't care about your awakening, it just wants to survive and will go haywire when the mind does a 360 loop, it gets confused. The body is already awake and there's nothing but now or presence and so-called enlightenment is already the case. It doesn't need your made up construction of it.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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12 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

There is no unhappiness or suffering,

I agree with what you're saying to a degree, but I disagree with this. Unhappiness and suffering will still be it's just one doesn't care if it is or not and will not try to change anything for the betterment of the egoic structure.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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There's no such thing as a proper awakening. It's either it's awake or it's not. The body says, I'm already awake, even during sleep. The heart still beats, right. So, the mind can keep saying it's asleep, the body doesn't care. It keeps on keeping on.....until it doesn't....but it never really was but only as an appearance. When it "dies", it will appear as a corpse - still alive. There's nothing but aliveness. That corpse will then appear as something else, idk maybe maggots and a skeleton. Still alive.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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39 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

I agree with what you're saying to a degree, but I disagree with this. Unhappiness and suffering will still be it's just one doesn't care if it is or not and will not try to change anything for the betterment of the egoic structure.

Enlightenment means that the egoic structure is totally transparent, there can't be suffering because the suffering is something that appears in the egoic structure. Even If there is real pain it's perceived like an arising, it doesn't produce suffering. I'm not talking about my experience, I'm talking about what enlightenment is supposed to be . 

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9 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

Even If there is real pain it's perceived like an arising,

This is what I'm talking about, precisely.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I've only had improper awakenings.


Leo Realy?? Being cryptic defits the purpose Leo? What do you mean by you've only had improper awakenings???

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2 minutes ago, RightHand said:

He summoned this guy to fight Buddhists 

I originally read “guy” as “gay” xD


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I had a blissful massive shift which was like the dissolution of my mental self, but I don’t know what to call it. Maybe I haven’t awakened but I’ve dissolved myself so much the world lost 99% of its 3D depth now try to beat that one

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1 minute ago, RightHand said:

It feels like Buddhists lack the shitposting facet of God.

What would Absolute shitposting look like?

By that measure Elon is God.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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id dare consider awakening and enlightenment as slightly highlighting differents kinds of experiences, though, from within the same source, just from two different lineages towards the same spot or path. It might be enough for now, to say that enlightenment sounds more light, and bright in ways. An awakening sounds more akin to something *sudden* (both a kind of transcendence at some lv) though i cant help feel like enlightenment has something of a long term thing goin' on, and feels less like "short term, final resolves" (the source that awaits us) where awakening feels like it could be encapsulating turn-arounds, and resolutions... Like, that part of ourselves that connects to the more confusing, foggy areas—not to dissuade from what enlightenment might mean or could mean in the realm of our selves; And for all anyone else thinks, they just mean the same thing, or atleast point to a common path from two different lineages of the same source—>experience—>destination (an implicit `source` that is moving through that sequence, as us, awaiting us) type've thing.

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3 hours ago, RightHand said:

It feels like Buddhists lack the shitposting facet of God.

What would Absolute shitposting look like?

Hilarious! 😂

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5 hours ago, Sugarcoat said:

I had a blissful massive shift

So, why do you want to die and why are you depressed.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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3 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

So, why do you want to die and why are you depressed.

The bliss didn’t last for long, but I remember and it was very blissful. I don’t wanna die all the time, like I’m fine right now. But sometimes I wanna die and am kinda depressed, I’d say I’m always just a little bit depressed. The reasons are quite weird so I don’t tend to write about it. But I can say I feel this severe disconnect from myself, kind of like depersonalization 

Thanks for asking

Edited by Sugarcoat

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I saw God using a past experience. I saw it didn't know what it was then 8 years later I reminded myself that what I saw was God and then I saw it again with my eyes open and concious looking at reality.Its permeating reality.

At that moment I awaken too

I can't die

Cause we are always dead pretending to be alive

Myself as God

I saw my emotions are reflecting back on me like god has a peice of glass between where you are in your body and reality.

I saw a clear light at the bottom of my visual field that I remeber having as a baby.

I saw that I was energy 

I saw reality is a bubble

My bubble popped 

I saw we have a soul which is the bubble

I saw God and God unconditional overwhelming love for me and everyone else.

We are in heaven permanently. Even typing on a keyboard.

I saw the importance of believing in God and how its the most important thing you can have.

Edited by Hojo

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5 minutes ago, Sugarcoat said:

The bliss didn’t last for long, but I remember and it was very blissful. I don’t wanna die all the time, like I’m fine right now. But sometimes I wanna die and am kinda depressed, I’d say I’m always just a little bit depressed. The reasons are quite weird so I don’t tend to write about it. But I can say I feel this severe disconnect from myself, kind of like depersonalization 

Thanks for asking

Ok. I hope you're recognizing the changes in states and how you're perceiving reality in fluxes. You're not going through depersonalization; it's only apparent because there's no actual person there already. "I feel this severe disconnect from myself" is not a disconnection or you wouldn't be able to recognize it as such. You are still connected to the feeling of a "self" to be able to say you're disconnected from self. Hope that's clear. 

What you're talking about is "you" and a "self" - "my" and "self" implies that. We use those terms with life to communicate and be able to construct our egos identification with a self, but for the purpose of trying to point out something to you, there's no validity to your statement in actuality, because there's no myself to be disconnected from. If I say my cat, my purse, my car, how am I saying I'm disconnected at the same time. It's either they're mine or they're not. That's a mouthful, but I hope you understand what I'm saying. You're feeling disconnected but it's not really the case, you've attached yourself to the feeling and have mentally detached from what's actual.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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16 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

. You're not going through depersonalization; it's only apparent because there's no actual person there already

Maybe absolutely, but I don’t recognize that.

16 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

 "I feel this severe disconnect from myself" is not a disconnection or you wouldn't be able to recognize it as such. You are still connected to the feeling of a "self" to be able to say you're disconnected from self. Hope that's clear. 

What you're talking about is "you" and a "self" - "my" and "self" implies that. We use those terms with life to communicate and be able to construct our egos identification with a self, but for the purpose of trying to point out something to you, there's no validity to your statement in actuality, because there's no myself to be disconnected from. If I say my cat, my purse, my car, how am I saying I'm disconnected at the same time. It's either they're mine or they're not. That's a mouthful, but I hope you understand what I'm saying. You're feeling disconnected but it's not really the case, you've attached yourself to the feeling and have mentally detached from what's actual.

Another way to put it is that my sense of self (and sense of other and reality) feels extremely weak and subtle, and that the connection to myself feels very weak. My thoughts are very quiet and subtle, like the volume on them is low. Ofc when I say this I’m speaking as myself, from myself, from my own connection to myself, it has to be there for me to say “I”. But all of it feels extremely “weak” that’s my experience. Reason being that I went through a lot of self dissolution (but not complete). You can’t know it unless you experience it

Edited by Sugarcoat

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17 minutes ago, Sugarcoat said:

You can’t know it unless you experience it

17 minutes ago, Sugarcoat said:

You can’t know it unless you experience it

55 minutes ago, Sugarcoat said:


I get this and I get all you're saying........BUT....Experience and knowing are illusions. They don't go hand in hand. What you experience you are one with, there's no separation between you and what you're experiencing. Take you away, there's no experience, you cannot experience it if you're not there. That's the whole thing you and your experiences are one. So, how can you know it. That puts you outside of the experience. You can't know it either - but only as an hallucination/dream/illusion/ or whatever the word is. Do you see how I'm deconstructing what you think is real, or maybe not. Break it down. Knowledge is separation, you cannot know anything because there's no actual separation. So saying "you can't know it unless you experience it" isn't actually accurate either but only within the realms of separation and there isn't any.

P.S. Please note that I'm not saying there's no apparent separation and that we don't live in separation as individuals because I do too. I will also say I know this experience and experience is key etc, but for the purpose of clarity (of which there's none either because there cannot be in wholeness), I'm trying to show you that it's all illusion you're experiencing and not actual. So youre right, I cannot know but neither can you.

This is why it's said reality is a dream. Reality is real, but how we experience it is dreamlike.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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3 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

I get this and I get all you're saying........BUT....Experience and knowing are illusions. They don't go hand in hand. What you experience you are one with, there's no separation between you and what you're experiencing. Take you away, there's no experience, you cannot experience it if you're not there. That's the whole thing you and your experiences are one. So, how can you know it. That puts you outside of the experience. You can't know it either - but only as an hallucination/dream/illusion/ or whatever the word is. Do you see how I'm deconstructing what you think is real, or maybe not. Break it down. Knowledge is separation, you cannot know anything because there's no actual separation, so saying you can't know it unless you experience it isn't actually accurate either but only within the realms of separation of which there's not actually any.

P.S. Please note that I'm not saying there's no apparent separation and that we don't live in separation as individuals because I do too. I will also say I know this experience and experience is key etc, but for the purpose of clarity (of which there's none either because there cannot be in wholeness), I'm trying to show you that it's all illusion you're experiencing and not actual. So youre right, I cannot know but neither can you.

I get all of that conceptually but it doesn’t shake this “sense of self” , I dont recognize it for real 

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