
Why did God/Universe choose this particular dream?

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Hi! I'm new on the forum 😊

This question has been on my mind for a while now...why did God choose this particular experience/point of view among all the other possibilities? Why am I experiencing reality from this human perspective and not from another one? Is there a reason for this or it's just random? 

Edited by Giulia_22

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This is akin to asking why you are watching channel 27 on TV.

Edited by Hojo

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I get what you mean but I really can't understand why this particular perspective. I can't decide to experience reality from a rock point of view, or my cat point of view. 

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I wonder the same. I have a belief that before we are born our souls somehow chose or someone else decides what we’re gonna reincarnate into and it’s based on the souls level of development, origin etc, I don’t know this but it’s kinda a belief I hold. But then we can ask, why am I this particular soul. So the question remains, and to that I think it’s just random honestly 

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11 minutes ago, Sugarcoat said:

I wonder the same. I have a belief that before we are born our souls somehow chose or someone else decides what we’re gonna reincarnate into and it’s based on the souls level of development, origin etc, I don’t know this but it’s kinda a belief I hold. But then we can ask, why am I this particular soul. So the question remains, and to that I think it’s just random honestly 

Survivor bias, like op you are so used to this maya that you think there is something special about it.

Excuse me but already just the "beginning" of the "universe" with the "big bang" that "explodes" from "nowhere", you really were a lazy god.

Don't even talk about the rest. 

Edited by Schizophonia

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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The only way I can explain this is infinity. There’s an infinite amount of dreams that God is dreaming right now, and those dreams should manifest in infinite dimensions in all possible directions. The dream that you’re living in right now HAD to exist, because it’s a part of infinity. If I were you I would try to investigate infinity to answer this question on my own. But realizing infinity can kind of drive you insane. 

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Nothing is random.

There are no accidents.

That's all I know.

And that's all I need to know for now.

Edited by Atb210201

Rationality is Stupidity, Love is Rationality

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It's probably impossible to know. All you can do is be amazed that the impossible is right in front of you. 

Edited by Salvijus

I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Therein is our Glory. 

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20 hours ago, decentralized said:

The only way I can explain this is infinity. There’s an infinite amount of dreams that God is dreaming right now, and those dreams should manifest in infinite dimensions in all possible directions. The dream that you’re living in right now HAD to exist, because it’s a part of infinity. If I were you I would try to investigate infinity to answer this question on my own. But realizing infinity can kind of drive you insane. 

Its like that and you aren't a human you are an antenna picking up visual signals. You can zonk out and go to a different one. You dont get to pick what shows up on your antenna like you dont get to pick which radio station will come in on your radio next. Why something is showing up is cause thats what you are tooning into. Why you paid attention to this signal is up to you. Why did I watch this channel? We can't tell you.

Edited by Hojo

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@Giulia_22 I like the analogy leo used some time a go. Your life is Iike a movie sitting in a shelf somewhere in the middle of eternity across infinite movies that no one will see.

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Once You go in this direction, of asking Why all the time, especially when it comes to these sorts of questions, Your intellect identified which means You will eventually divide it up and be further away from really Knowing...Any answer You get is just a story to either believe in or disbelieve in. then what, You still in the same place.. Just go deeply into Yourself, find out what You are and are Not, all of it is there, then You will Know!

If You buy into Karma theory, You were already a plant, insect, amoeba, tiger, and any other life form before You came as a Human and You've been other Humans too, its just a matter of its forgotten, and that is a blessing in many ways, as most right now cannot handle this lifetime of actions they have performed and feeling shame or guild over it, never mind thousands of lifetimes.. 

Creation as we know it here on this planet, with Duality and Karma in play, and You being here as a Human is for us to live to our highest possibility, for Absolute to know itself thru You, and for Life to go on and on as it has forever!

Edited by Ishanga

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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God doesn't dream. Dreaming would imply reality isn't enough. I am the one who dreams that I can be apart from god. Obviously that's impossible but god will allow a kid his dreams right? I am thus free to make up strange new worlds people and experiences however I please. This dream reveals how asleep or how awake I am. I didn't choose it, I constructed it. Asleep I fall deeper into the madness that I am here and awake I start to unwind all the silliness that this could be real. Every moment is a choice and in that sense I am choosing this particular dream. It's a great dream and not many of us extricate ourselves since the dream is too compelling. Welcome to the forum dream and nice cat by the way.

Edited by gettoefl

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Welcome to the forum 👋💙 

Beautiful question.  
My understanding is that in Heaven a desire was born: what would it be like to experience something else? Something outside of this perfect eternal Heaven? And because you are in Heaven - all of your desires are fulfilled instantly, so, sort of like a kid playing with matches and burning down the house, you fell from grace and started dreaming. This is the granting of that desire. Notice that just like you wanted - this is something else, and neccassarily has opposite qualities to Heaven, since you wanted to experience something else.  

In Heaven all is one, perfect, eternal, changeless love. And in dreams there’s seemingly a multitidue of beings, there’s time, death, you have to take care of yourself, things always change, fall apart, leave you, and there’s no real love. So it’s something else, not Heaven.


Salvation can be seen as nothing more than the escape from concepts. - Jesus

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