
Leo's Perspective on Elites, Meritocracy, and Success

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3 hours ago, Apparition of Jack said:

I don’t know Leo. I feel like in recent years you’ve become far too apologetic for the world “as it is”, if that makes sense.

That's right. That's because I've become much more grounded, shredding through fantasy. The world is much bleaker than people want to believe. Especially than leftists and spiritual people want to believe. Reality will beat your liberal ideals out you. The only reason liberals and spiritual people can be so delusional is because they live in a bubbles of fantasy disconnected from reality. But eventually all those bubbles will burst, like with this Trump victory.

Just notice that you liberal spiritual lovey-dovey ideas do not match up with how the world actually runs.

This doesn't mean you shouldn't have vision. Vision is vital. But it needs to be grounded in what is realistic. Good intentions, high ideals, and love are not enough.

I have made this calibration in my worldview and it has made my view so much more potent. But it also more biting. My view of mankind is more accurate than ever before.

The aim is not liberalism, the aim is accuracy. Wherever that leads is where I will go. Your political view needs to accurately predict political happenings.

You will notice, I predicted this Trump win would happen right before it did. Because I wasn't operating off my ideals, but what I saw in real life. This sort of predictive power only comes from grounding your view and cutting through all the fantasy.

In fact, I will be teaching you guys how to do this because it is so powerful and core to our work. We are not spinning New Age fantasies here. We want a stone-cold sober view of mankind's true nature. This is a painful, disillusioning process  but vital to our commitment to truth-seeking and epistemic rigor.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura  How have you made sure the brutal reality doesn’t corrupt your consciousness? I have found that the more I wrestle with gruesome nature of what needs to be done (олигархия), my mind tends to enter Chaos/Insanity spaces.

Chaos, Entropy, Order

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11 minutes ago, Ero said:

@Leo Gura  How have you made sure the brutal reality doesn’t corrupt your consciousness? I have found that the more I wrestle with gruesome nature of what needs to be done (олигархия), my mind tends to enter Chaos/Insanity spaces.

I don't get insanity from it, but it is blackpilling and emotionally difficult for sure to see all of mankind's corruption.

It's been difficult.

In the end, truth is your North Star. Follow truth wherever it leads. A genuine commitment to truth means that you don't get lost in sugary fantasies of life, but also don't overfixate on negativity and fall into pathology.

The path of truth is an exquisite balancing act, with crocodiles to the left and right.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Has anyone noticed how liberals and leftists keep being surprised and shocked by the right's victories?

Why do you think that surprise and disappointment happens?

Could it be because the left does not have correct sense-making of how society functions?

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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14 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Has anyone noticed how liberals and leftists keep being surprised and shocked by the right's victories?

Why do think that surprise and disappointment happens?

Could it be because the left does not have correct sense-making of how society functions?

Depends what you mean by left. For Mao, all power comes from violence or the threat of violence. For Lenin, the role of the state is to enforce class exploitation. The actual left is pretty cynical. 

I agree that liberals have a deluded idealistic view of reality. 

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15 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Has anyone noticed how liberals and leftists keep being surprised and shocked by the right's victories?

Why do think that surprise and disappointment happens?

Could it be because the left does not have correct sense-making of how society functions?

I will be honest, this level of perversion and corruption we are seeing is rather shocking. It's always been bad but now, you don't even have the veneer of respectability anymore, it's all flaunted out in the open. 

Like, imagine what most of us were (probably) told when growing up. "Be nice, treat others with respect, work hard" etc etc. All that is just out the window now. Scam, cheat, lie, manipulate - do all that and then ye shall be successful in life. The devil knows his craft well. 

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23 minutes ago, nerdspeak said:

Depends what you mean by left. For Mao, all power comes from violence or the threat of violence. For Lenin, the role of the state is to enforce class exploitation. The actual left is pretty cynical. 

I agree that liberals have a deluded idealistic view of reality. 

I mean the current left. Not Mao. Although Mao and Lenin certainly had very delusional and utopian ideas about how society functions. Although they were also ruthless, pragmatic, opportunistic, Machiavellian creatures.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

I mean the current left. Not Mao. Although Mao and Lenin certainly had very delusional and utopian ideas about how society functions. Although they were also ruthless Machiavellian creatures.

When Mao was in school he got into a fight with a teacher because he was angered the teacher told him his Chinese fairy tale fantasy books weren't real.

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"Be Realistic" 

But also you're imaginary.

Everything is imaginary.

There is no ground to reality.

Very paradoxical.

As beneficial as it is to live in reality I think it worth noting that no matter how much of a realist you're being, its still all imaginary and there is no ground to your realism.

Delusions are relative, and the delusions that society has currently internalized aren't based in realism either.

Id argue that in the domain of politics; vision is just as important as realism.  Nobody will vote for somebody that will just say

"I'm going to muddle through and run things according to how they always been run based on realistic principles I've observed.".

So you can explain how things are, why things are, what works and what doesn't, but that doesn't make anything anymore realistic its still infinite potential which could change at any moment.

Thinking that reality can be studied and boiled down to the principles you assert and you've understood it all is a grave error.

There will always be something you don't understand about reality  eluding you and this is why you could never make a prediction about what's going to happen 5 years from now with any accuracy. 

In the domain of politics don't you think its kind of naive to expect an ideologically free perspective? 

There is no escaping survival as you say, and that's all politics is.

I think if you have the deep mind which I agree you do Leo then I think you should start offering some solutions...what could be more realistic than that.

Just sitting above all of the fray of the left and right and above all ideology isn't improving society.


Actually I think the best thing you can do is let nature play out of itself, infinity is smarter than you, you will never outsmart infinity and you will never understand enough of it t be 100% confident that your political analysis will be spot on.  


Isn't that the lesson to be learned here? the right thinks they know how society works, the left thinks they know how society works, you think you know how society works, I think none of you do ultimately, you may be closer to the truth than the left or right, so then what are your real world solutions and how to implement them? and if you don't know then what's the point of it all?

my claim is that the natural order is better than any solutions the human mind comes up with, no need to interfere. No need for survival agendas at all. 


interesting analysis though and I will keep coming back to it.

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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Has anyone noticed how liberals and leftists keep being surprised and shocked by the right's victories?

Why do think that surprise and disappointment happens?

Could it be because the left does not have correct sense-making of how society functions?

The left doesn't have correct sense making but it is not the left who is surprised. Liberals are the ones whining and being surprised about Trump. Leftists mostly hate on liberals, which imo is 25% correct in the sense that liberals enable the rise of fascism, with their empty platitutes and defense of big capital who are the enemies of working people. big capital doesn't give a flying fuck about the average joe. Liberals also have 0 cultural narrative, giving leeway to crazy narratives like MAGA. 

I mean who would you pick between Trump, Harris or Sanders? I think I already know the answer, which is why I don't really see why you're hating so hard on the left. "The left" isn't just annoying marxists and revolutionaries, it's mostly people who want to make systemic change towards a stage green society. Calling it unrealistic to fight the status quo is a self defeating argument, it's like saying it's unrealistic for democratic secular people in Syria who are pushing for democracy because the status quo is Islamist. 

I agree that you can't just overthrow big capital and the like, I mean it feels like you've been reading some Ayn Rand lately, and I do agree that there are big realities there. But the push towards Green has to be strong, big capital ceos and shareholders have absolutely no interest in pushing the world forward in any meaningful manner, except if you count Musk going to Mars as meaningful change (lol).

Edited by gengar

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Look at the status quo pushing us off a cliff with climate change. It's unrealistic to stand up against them but also immoral to not do it.

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And the undermentioned elephant in the room: men can't get sex, both because they are worse at socializing but also because women are gaining socioeconomic status at unprecedented rates. There was a serious TV discussion in my country where highly educated women were still living at their parents, because they couldn't find any men who are also highly educated. Lol. As if men ever thought that way, that your partner has to be of the same education level as you or higher.

Huge sexual market failure causing frustration, causing abandonment of epistemology and ethics, causing shit like MAGA. If I look around in my generation most of my peers are enchanted with incoherent anti-govrnment narratives, salad-bar narratives (taking from far left, far right, religious, conspiracy, esoteric, like a salad bar of bullshit), giving them a feeling that they are not responsible for all the bullshit. Its the new opium for the masses. 

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13 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

In fact, I will be teaching you guys how to do this because it is so powerful and core to our work. We are not spinning New Age fantasies here. We want a stone-cold sober view of mankind's true nature. This is a painful, disillusioning process  but vital to our commitment to truth-seeking and epistemic rigor.

The real challenge is to not become too discouraged and depressed. Not being too emotional must be of great help to find balance in this level absurdity and stupidity human beings display. I tend to wish too much that this reality was different that I tend to lose interest in it all.

I don't expect things to turn out different, I wish they were different already.

I geniunely don't know how to drop all of my desires for a different existence and accept things for how they really are. I don't know how to ground myself in this reality. Parts of me hate it.

The road to acceptation is long for me.

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8 minutes ago, Clarence said:

The real challenge is to not become too discouraged and depressed. Not being too emotional must be of great help to find balance in this level absurdity and stupidity human beings display. I tend to wish too much that this reality was different that I tend to lose interest in it all.

I don't expect things to turn out different, I wish they were different already.

I geniunely don't know how to drop all of my desires for a different existence and accept things for how they really are. I don't know how to ground myself in this reality. Parts of me hate it.

The road to acceptation is long for me.

Yes, that's the challenge of life.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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9 hours ago, gengar said:

And the undermentioned elephant in the room: men can't get sex, both because they are worse at socializing but also because women are gaining socioeconomic status at unprecedented rates.

Lack of economic opportunity is a real problem. But you should probably say, men can’t get sex with the women they feel entitled to. They need to lower their standards. 

E.g., if a man has a minimum wage job, only high school education, and lives with five roommates, then he shouldn’t expect to date women with professional jobs who can afford to live alone — even if she comes from the same social class originally. A guy like that, experiencing downward social mobility, needs to date someone in a similar situation, which may mean dating “down” either in looks or in social background. 

When I lived in London I found it mildly hard to date women who were as pretty as what I was used to, because I was competing with the most successful men in the world for a set of women who generally don’t value their appearance. I valued companionship so I settled for a temporary relationship with someone not that attractive. Instead of being bitter I just accepted the conditions and lowered my standards. 

When I lived in Kyiv, it was extremely easy to date. Not just pretty girls from the village, but very pretty professors, doctors, lawyers and IT executives, who had multiple graduate degrees and had travelled abroad a lot and spoke perfect English. Mind you before the war.

On Khreshatyk, the main high street, I would often see gorgeous women walking away from average-looking men, crying after being broken up with. I’ve never seen anything like it. 

I guess that sounds awesome from a male perspective but it actually creates a lot of other problems. Namely, women are typically scared to communicate their needs for fear of being abruptly dumped, and this is coupled with (often) extreme paranoia and drama related to fear of being cheated on. 

Edited by nerdspeak

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

Yes, that's the challenge of life.

Have you found what works best to overcome this? Are there ways of thinking that can help, or some kinds of life experiences, or strategies?

I really don't know how to accept everything as it is from a human perspective. From a higher perspective (God's point of view), it is easy. But this isn't the same as full acceptance from all levels.

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3 minutes ago, Clarence said:

Have you found what works best to overcome this? Are there ways of thinking that can help, or some kinds of life experiences, or strategies?

I really don't know how to accept everything as it is from a human perspective. From a higher perspective (God's point of view), it is easy. But this isn't the same as full acceptance from all levels.

The only way I know is to suffer through the challenge and bear the cross of truth. Embrace the difficultly of life rather than looking for an escape from it.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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9 hours ago, Clarence said:

@Leo Gura Thank you.

I will make a video addressing how to cope with the harshness of life.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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