
Why is there still such a major disconnection with climate change

21 posts in this topic

It's mostly because the people who want to preach about climate change don't actually want to live the lifestyle of someone who produces low carbon emissions... they want to travel to 30 countries via international air travel, have all their luxuries, multiple properties, experience everything, "life their best life," and preach to others about climate change.  Plus, you can't reduce carbon emissions unless you reduce consumption, and the central banking system can't really handle a reduction in consumption. You need economic activity and "growth" to be able to sustain the welfare systems people depend on. Reduce consumption and the system collapses or you get major inflation. They are kind of stuck, really. They have no choice but to push more economic activity, hoping that eventually technology will solve the problem for them.  So then it becomes easier to push electric vehicles and wind/solar energy (which I fully support, I just wish they pushed nuclear power and fuel cell energy more) because it gives them a reason to spend money.

It's the reason they are trying to import mass immigrants for the inexpensive laborforce to keep pushing economic activity at all costs, we have a large baby boomer population now collecting social security. The more people in a society you pay to do nothing, the higher the parasitic burden, the tougher it is to maintain the system. We used to have our elderly parents live with their kids in multi-generational households, now we expect them to have 2 or 3 retirement properties while the kids have a couple properties of their own... not exactly sustainable.  First world luxuries for first world problems.


Think about all the things we make from plastic, and then think about what plastic actually is... all those masks we wore 4 years ago that would survive trips through the washing machine and end up in the pacific garbage patch. ;)  The clothes you wear, the sheets on your bed, the couch or chair you are sitting on, TV you are watching, vehicle you are driving....

https://www.google.com/search?q=is plastic made from oil


Throw in the large number of tier 1 consciousness stage blue/red/orange nation's who's populations are exploding (India, China, South America, Africa, Middle East) and they're all pumping out more carbon than ever... double the levels of 1980 globally. It's actually amazing we seem to have stabilized somewhat since 2014, but that's still a lot of carbon. The vast majority of the growth in emissions is coming from Asia at the moment, but we have a global marketplace so the point is moot outside of the idea that corporations like to export businesses to nations with cheaper labor and more lax environmental laws.


Edited by sholomar

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