
Help me understand

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To preface what I'm about to write. I have taken a deep dive over the course of about 1 ½ years reading, watching, interacting with the study of; Lifes greatest questions, who am I? what am I? where am I? what is my purpose *if any at all* what am I in control of? is there more to life? on and on and on....... 

and I've obviously stumbled upon Leo's video on What is God.... and it made sense ... it fundamentally answered a ton of questions for me. I felt that I had to go deeper and i discovered; Peter Ralston & Robert Adams...

Both of which fell into the same category of explanation one was more directly related to Leo's teachings and the other leaned toward more or less spirituality to explain the same questions however with some contradictions to which I'll list shortly.


Furthermore, I wanted to learn about my time here on earth, and I wanted to know why I simply: wanted/yearned/desired and if there was MORE to life than just what I have been seeing day in and out.. and this took me on a journey where I was introduced to the Great mystics such as: Neville Goddard, Joe Dispenza etc..... 

I'm trying to understand if in actuality; our beingness our ISness, the fact that we ARE God/source of it all has any contradiction to the teachings of certain mystics or ideas.... because I did see some contradiction with one aspect Robert Adams teachings on: Peordination... that life is preordained

That goes into direct contradiction to who we are as GOD. we are the whole thing in finite form. 

The teachings from mystics such as Neville Goddard reflect that: we are God. Consciousness above all else creates the circumstances we observe here and now.

where im lost is... is it contradictory, or wrong... or just nonsense to look at these teachings as simply being incongruent to the entire framework that is what we already ARE. 


are these teachings supplemental to the knowledge shared by Leo, Ralston etc......



We are not here to merge into the Oneness, lose our identity, kill our egos, kill our desires off or experience Non duality as so many of the New age gurus tell us too. This is all misleading and self hating. We are not here to bow to a merciful Man in the sky either and behave like a robotic automaton. We are CREATORS in our own right.

We are here to experience Our Individual Divinity. We are born here to know and experience I AM GOD! Our own Imagination and Inner speech being our divine tools of creation.

it could be taken as I came to Eath to live as a material being and I'm going to enjoy doing so. If I just wanted to meditate indefinitely I would have never chosen to become flesh and blood.

Thank you much






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That was a great post. Well said. 

My name is Whitney. 

Nothing can bring you peace but the triumph of principles — Ralph Waldo Emerson. God will foil the bid of the sickened.  

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Furthermore, I wanted to learn about my time here on earth...

- Good news for you then, this time here on Earth is part of a time-trilogy w/ neverending magnitude and beyond. So youve witnessed that part about now xD

Youre experience is only limited by your ability to imagine it, and the sooner you come to realize it on your own, the better, as its, well one of- if not- the hightest summit.. but theres a plethora of summits, its a mountain range really.

Home Home, Home on the range... of mountains...

Where the deer and the antelope play.. etceteras...

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