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Brahmakumaris on synergy between Principle, Context, Practice for optimal results

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Balakishore of Brahmakumaris expounds on the necessity for synergy between Principle, Context and Practice for optimal results. This also enables elimination of misunderstandings and conflicts between various groups leading to promotion of universal harmony.



Principle is the ‘Essence’, Practice is the ‘current Form’ and Context is the translating agent. Most of the mis-understandings between people, between nations and between religions will disappear if we understand the above principle.

When you try to enforce 7th century ‘Practices’ in the 21st Century without understanding the role ‘Context’ played then all hell breaks loose, literally. Instead of blindly following or rejecting the ‘Practices’, its useful to discern and find out what aspects of the Practice form the ‘Context’ and check if those aspects are still applicable in current Context and what aspects form the ‘Principle’ behind that practice.



Self-awareness is yoga. - Nisargadatta

Awareness is the great non-conceptual perfection. - Dzogchen

Evil is an extreme manifestation of human unconsciousness. - Eckhart Tolle

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