
I think that Leo feeds into Christian ideology without knowing

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@Leo GuraThis is serious, you make mistakes about Christianity that only feeds into Christian ideology. I honestly don't know why you fall short in this but these mistakes are problematic. In one of your videos, you make a mistake about Jesus which shows that you don't understand the trinity. The "Son of God" is referring to the Son in the trinity and the trinity is supposed to represent God in the same person. If you wanted to do research to develop big-picture understanding, I would like to know how you missed that even though you're a solipsist. The trinity is not solipsistic and doesn't support what I'm about to say but works the same way in which I am you and you are me because of God as our true nature and that we play different roles. In the video, "What Awakening Feels like", you ignore the 10 Commandments and treat Jesus like an idol. You also leave out Protestetarianism by generalizing Christians as praying to Mary which feeds into the Christian ideology that you are not God's child shown not knowing him (1 John 3:1). And do you really think that Christians will ever question if the devil wrote the Bible with confirmation bias? In James 4:4, it says that the world is an enemy of God so why are you feeding into the us vs them mentality without addressing what the Bible says directly? Furthermore, you didn't explain why you were targeting the Bible which only feeds into the confirmation bias of the world being against God. If you call things "technical minusha", why comment on things and beliefs with confidence if your lack of focus on that causes to get things wrong? Surely Christians have thought about the common objection that Jesus isn't both God and the Son of God, so why didn't you into that and find the belief in Yahweh in 3 persons? I have a long document about the Bible that I haven't finished yet and don't know if I should share it yet, but can you please take what I say into consideration?

Here is the article I was talking about:


In my own mind, I mispeak what I want to say which makes me feel bad that this prevents me from having ideologues feel challenged even if they are a lost cause since that feeling should be karma, that karma exists because of indescriminate love, and that truth is identical to love and that ideology is the opposite of love because it is the opposite of truth and Consciousness. You say that I wouldn't be arguing if I have the truth but it seems like you have the truth yet you argue about it by giving some pointer in the article. What about the Bible verses that you use yourself at the beginning of some of your videos? How do you explain that even with what you said about the Bible? What about looking for the good in perspectives like God is love for instance (1 John 4:16)? Please explain. 

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Simply put, there is too much nonsense and corruption within Christianity, or any religion, to bother seriously engaging with it on any technical level. This would be like trying to do scholarly work on Lord of the Rings. It's unncessary.

It is easier to just throw it all away. And if your mind is unwilling to throw it all away, that itself is the problem. Because God-Realization has zero need of Christianity or Jesus.

If you're not willing to throw it all away then you're not serious about truth-seeking because you shouldn't care about this story, this person, or that teaching, or that scripture. That's all human stuff. God is beyond the human and does not care about any human forms or ideas.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 hour ago, AndylizedAAY said:

You say that I wouldn't be arguing if I have the truth but it seems like you have the truth yet you argue about it by giving some pointer in the article. What about the Bible verses that you use yourself at the beginning of some of your videos? How do you explain that even with what you said about the Bible? What about looking for the good in perspectives like God is love for instance (1 John 4:16)? Please explain.


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46 minutes ago, yetineti said:

@Leo Gura Right - but you engaged with it on a technical level. That was his whole point. Answer to that.

Not really. I engaged with it at a meta, epistemic level.

I don't get into the weeds of the content of Christianity because that is already an error.

The bottom line is that I do not care nor respect what any religion says because it is a distraction from understanding God.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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13 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

The bottom line is that I do not care nor respect what any religion says because it is a distraction from understanding God.

I bet you claim that while wearing True Religion jeans :D

I AM transitioning

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"Jesus" is a pointer, means the God he reached is linked to the kind of life he lived and words he said. The bible is not written by Jesus alone, nobody's disputing that, nor am I disputing that almost none of his followers reached the same state.  

This mind does evolve to the times and can change its language around how things are communicated based on its audience. In the end, it is simply trying to communicate to those who may have an opening or close to this state, regardless of one's background. 

It is true that you cannot reach this state by trying to separate from this being and is why this pointer is relevant. It is an essential ingredient that one understands what this mind had gone through in order to become one with it (the same state of "God"), if that is one's goal. Without the pointer, you cannot understand this mind or what this mind had gone through enough to reach this state. Even with the pointer, you cannot make someone start to care about it.

It was not such a problem for me to acknowledge "the forerunner"... it was natural from a state of love. When I first started merging with this mind, I cried often about what happened to him (the crucifixion). And there were other complications because this being had to return in me in a short period of time due to what was happening in this world as well as my "personal life" and things I needed "assistance" for going through this life. You could say, "God was fair", Jesus knew the kind of life I had and the kind of being I was (his equal), gave me full access to this state. Hence the phrase "no one goes to the father except through me" makes a lot of sense to me.

Edited by puporing

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ❣ Warning: nobody here has reached the true God.

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪ 星空のディスタンス ♫┆彡 what are you dreaming today?

                           天国が来る | 私は道であり、真実であり、命であり。

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It's so fucking hilarious because the entire picture of Jesus challenging the prevalent religion at the time (Judaism) *is* the whole message. It's so unfortunate that religion can get it so so wrong. But Its also quite obvious to me that the vibration of God has maintained under currents of truth through religious developments. Like the verse "God is love". Like kinda fucking similar. There are points of overlap and interest but trying to get anywhere with religion alone is very futile. Quite dangerous actually cuz you could easily fall into a 40 year long Buddhist trap. Like that's a serious possibility. Jesus wasnt quite oppositional to religion as he did condone faith (the essence of religion) but he was very mystical too. He pissed off the religious people so much that they literally executed him. Or so the story goes. Baked into the story of Jesus I find elements of fractured truth. Lots of people say the historical likelihood of his existence is quite strong given the records and such. And religion itself is of course very central in stage blue... As such it is a major part of collective evolution. But it is extremely limited and not powerful in certain ways. But a better alternative to being a drug addict or directionless homeless person. 

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Firstly his name was yeshua which is actually closer to Joshua than the westernised "Jesus." 

So the canonical scriptures say that Joshua was unattractive (Isaiah 53:2), that he was did self improvement (Luke 2:52), he hung out with low quality people (Luke 7:34) and seriously pissed off religious people when addressing fact that he knew he was god.

I do believe that this manifestation of the absolute can serve quite nicely when the ego requires some tenderness and something it can relate to. From an all out enlightenment perspective is probably not useful but we aren't all there yet. Josh was actually quite a nice sounding guy. An interesting specimen. I think he would have fit in in this community lol.


Check out what he said here:

Matthew 11:28-30

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

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