The Crocodile

Tom Campbell on JRE.

75 posts in this topic

@The Crocodile backup there, and go one at a time, plz : / .. too much at once.

Edited by kavaris

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@The Crocodile Ill just go ahead and address the one on meditation..

~ i didnt say anything about the effectiveness of meditation?

The intuitive side isnt even a thing.

Raw meditation doesnt clear the mind.

Intellect is about as synonymous as it gets with consciousness.


where in there did it say meditation"wasnt" effective? Plz dont confuse me.

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1 minute ago, kavaris said:

@The Crocodile Ill just go ahead and address the one on meditation..

~ i didnt say anything about the effectiveness of meditation?

The intuitive side isnt even a thing.

Raw meditation doesnt clear the mind.

Intellect is about as synonymous as it gets with consciousness.


where in there did it say meditation"wasnt" effective? Plz dont confuse me.

Well, I guess I'd say the effects of meditation you describe are not the effective effects of meditation.

And I'm too lazy to explain it to you logically because it's intuitive. ;)

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@The Crocodile What are the effective effects of effective meditation? Does it mean there cant be any reason to meditate besides quieting the mind? is that what you are implying? because you have me very confused.

p.s. you dont have to be lazy, im only asking on the stipulation thatll youll go one item at a time.

Edited by kavaris

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@kavaris No, no, I mean that intellect is not fundamental to reality because intellect is the linear logic / human capacity for linear logic. That's just a single part of reality in the human mind that doesn't apply to every sensation.

In my personal opinion the effects of meditation should be this crazy stuff here I wrote:


Then in a fully dark room watch the colors and scoop the colors onto your body, or watch the colors coming out of the body. Then watch dreams and devious entities start to appear out of the colors.

If on day one the wall didn't do it for you on day two you can try using a candle, stare into it for three hours without blinking, then close your eyes and observe, for three hours.

Then in a fully dark room you'll progress along stages, 

Like I've said before Stage One is akin to normal visual snow or sparkles. Stage Two is simple purple blobs. Stage Three is more complex purple blobs, sheets, more multicoloration. Stage Four is powerful sensations in the body like electricity or The Force with purple and black swirling and vortexing together, or some equivalently potent energy-form. There you might get shapeshifting, but so far it's probably only "micro-shapeshifting" like perceiving a third arm that extends into the sky or dozens of feet down below an overpass. Stage Five is like clear light or fluid. It's not just luminous anymore, it's reflective, and the visions on surfaces might look like it's made of the same stuff as the normal world. There's also an elusive Stage Six that's so complex and varied and unassailable you could just call it ectoplasm, like the stuff from Ghostbusters or Poltergeist.

The black stuff is negative energy from inorganic beings.

But you could use infinite intelligence not just as a knowledge but as a power, the intelligence or force behind things existing is interactive.

But there are more specific forces, like the light you first see when you do trataka or the electricity you feel doing pranayama may be the same force passing through the body, but the black stuff is something else, and the fluid in the ectoplasm is something else.


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@The Crocodile Now see, your changin the subject on me here.

Im only responding on the stipulation we stay on one road.

p.s. if you wanna switch to intellect, then thats a new road now that we'd have to stay on.

Edited by kavaris

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Errrr, comprehension of reality does not have one road.

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I don't want you to respond. This is painful.

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1 minute ago, kavaris said:

@The Crocodile What is painful? Focusing on one thing?

No, focusing on one thing is concentration or meditation.

What's painful is your intellectual lack of understanding of things, and then applying that intellect that doesn't understand as the key principle to absolutely everything, and then trying to get me to play by your limited rules when discussing things which are nonlinear, when protracting things and going down to a line of limited irrelevancies is totally unnecessary for understanding or productivity.

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You can keep going im still here. Go on about the intellect one now then... You had said something about intellect not applying to every sensation and fair enough. What were we talkin bout again?

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1. An apple is an example of something that is not the intellect.

2. Probability as a principle makes sense because some things are more likely than others, and there are rules where systems actually do have probabilistic outputs such as random number generators, tarot shuffling, human DNA, etc. There's randomness that may end up one way or another, depending on how consciousness selects it. The actual laws of physics are not that precise so as to have only one output, so a different consciousness picks an outcome.

3. That process partially explains stuff in relative reality.

4. There has to be explanation or correlation or principle for why this particular universe exists in relative reality, other than "materialism . . .+ God".

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@The Crocodile As long as some part of you is still invested in consciousness and meditation after this then thats all that mattered. The other stuff i said will make more sense later on, obviously now, it just seems like two ppl who arent on the same page at all.

Edited by kavaris

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@The Crocodile i appreciate that you responded. lets leave the floor open to others now as we have been hogging it up together.

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@The Crocodile Its very delicate, reality, you know. One wrong turn, one wrong twist... its like... "Crash"... pieces of me, falling. Okay ill shut up now.

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Tom Campbell actually reminds me of Chris Langan, just a more mystical version:

  • They both have heavily intellectualized (they both emphasize logic) non-physicalist ToEs that they claim can be reconciled with modern physics.
  • They speak very fluently and not very pedagogically/apologetically.
  • They're well-aged men.
  • Independent researchers, against the mainstream.
  • Deep voice.
Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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@Carl-Richard For the love of God tell me that Tom is not a Trump voter.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Just now, Leo Gura said:

@Carl-Richard For the love of God tell me that Tom is not a Trump voter.

"Trump is a computer" 😂

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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16 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

Tom Campbell actually reminds me of Chris Langan, just a more mystical version:

  • They both have heavily intellectualized non-physicalist ToEs that they claim can be reconciled with modern physics.
  • They speak very fluently and not very pedagogically/apologetically.
  • They're well-aged men.
  • Independent researchers, against the mainstream.
  • Deep voice.

I agree with you. Both start off well by talking about how reality is all one infinite consciousness but then go on to try cloack that infinity in concepts, ideas, speculations, personal beliefs etc and presenting them as theories of everything. Watching this interview with Joe Rogan you could feel how much emotional energy he was wasting to try and maintain his worldview. It must be exhausting to keep convincing yourself every day of your life of your own pet peeve ideas on the nature of reality.

Edited by LoneWonderer

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