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The older you get the more you should meditate

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I believe the more conditioning you add the more time you have to spend to get rid of it. I remember when I was a child my mind was clear .I was enjoying the moment.  No worry..or anxiety..or overthinking..or existential worries..I could fall asleep in few minutes etc . And with age the opposite happened in tandem . And I'm not that old for fuck sake I'm only 26 so there is no mid life crisis or anything like that yet . No wonder very old people begin to lose their beans and they are quasi crazy . 
Anyone had the same realization?

And the bad part is that also as you age meditation becomes more difficult yet more needed which is a bad combo .new conditioning accumulates each year which make it somewhat more difficult.

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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I meditate all the hours i'm awake, it comes natural to me per example. No matter what i do. Meditation does not mean only sitting. 

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Agreed. I’m also 26 and feel the same way. 
I started serious meditation at 20 and I notice each year my meditation skills develops more and more. 

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I'm from '87 and meditation comes easier and easier after time. Of course, after you train yourself into hypnotizing into your own image and listening the breath all times during waking hours. Just use listening to breath as something you depend on it, not an exercise, not a training, a way o life, look it as food or air. 

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