
Here’s an interesting perspective on intuition

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5 hours ago, Terell Kirby said:

How should one go about parsing true from false intuition? The process can’t be algorithmic-but at the same time, a higher level of intuition is needed for parsing .. a meta intuition of sorts.

The thing is I believe intuition is greatly misunderstood, or at least experienced differently by people. you use the word meta here an to me this is sort of what the intuition is. It isn't some loud inner voice that talks at you. It is more so a current or natural flow that is most silent, it's a sort of knowing and it is not outcome attached nor detail attached, it usually won't give loud alerts like your phone telling you to buy a stock, even though some people credit their lottery wins to intuition. From my experience intuition leads more to freedom and liberation and is more so concerned with keeping oneself honest and with integrity, but it never forces and it doesn't turn this into a dogma or truth into some religion to follow. It is a quiet indescribable way within that leads you to freedom and as you walk that path things in your life fall together in really nice and beautiful ways, you start to notice the goodness more. I think where a lot of people trip themselves up is they expect their intuition to just tell them what to do and then they start picking and choosing whatever feels good or serves some bias of theirs. Intuition is beyond all that, and quiet, it will never talk at you but from you. It's your true inner guidance and unique way of navigating life. 

Edited by Lyubov

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38 minutes ago, aurum said:

Do you even have a crystal?

No. Lol. Does an amethyst count?  

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23 minutes ago, Lyubov said:

Intuition is always right because what is the alternative?

It is not always right.

The alternative is to test and seriously  question your ideas and conclusions -- which is exactly what ego most wants to avoid.

If you deeply see that it is not always right then you will be motivated to question and test it. If you feel it's always right you will rampage through life like a bull through a china shop.

It's the difference between quoting AI blindly or double-checking it against other sources.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Love is always right. Love is truth. Love simply knows. That's intuition. 

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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13 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

It is not always right.

The alternative is to test and seriously  question your ideas and conclusions -- which is exactly what ego most wants to avoid.

If you deeply see that it is not always right then you will be motivated to question and test it. If you feel it's always right you will rampage through life like a bull through a china shop.

It's the difference between quoting AI blindly or double-checking it against other sources.

That is exactly what intuition leads to. But it is not to be mistaken with overthinking or self doubt. It's hard to describe, there is a flow to it but it often leads to looking at what you believe and why you believe it. I think you guys call the first good feeling or impulse that comes up that feels good to follow and label it as intuition, this is a very new agey comic book spider sense way of looking at intuition. From my experience this is not intuition. Intuition is silent. It never speaks at you or tells you what to do, it is a silent voice from within. It is a holistic sort of feeling, radiating wisdom that is always here and now. It feels sort of all knowing but paradoxically seeks and leads to learning and surprises where things unfold with no attachment to the outcome. When aligned with it you deeply value understanding and seek to understand why you believe what you believe and what is running you. It guides you to freedom while still being equally engaged and responsible for life. Intuition is not some magical spidey sense force that gives you the answer to an ABCD question on a test. 

Edited by Lyubov

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Energy never lies. Intuition is how you read energy. 

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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4 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

Love is always right. Love is truth. Love always knows. That's intuition. 

Yes, this is another way to describe it. Intuition is the silence of love, guiding emptiness. It can only be described poetically. Intuition does not care about you buying or selling bitcoin like some people will describe as their intuition, at least from my point of view. Because I've had impulses that were right and had ones that were wrong and mistakes as well.

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What should give you much pause is to consider that these New Age people are always hyper-intuitive and proclaim the infallibility of intuition and love.

But then you look at their beliefs and they believe the most ridiculous and delusional bullshit.

They got their through their infallible intuition and love.

They have so much love that they will put on a MAGA hat and vote for a fascist rapist.

Every New Ager who talks about love and intuition should be put before a firing squad.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 hour ago, Lyubov said:

Yes, this is another way to describe it. Intuition is the silence of love, guiding emptiness. It can only be described poetically. Intuition does not care about you buying or selling bitcoin like some people will describe as their intuition, at least from my point of view. Because I've had impulses that were right and had ones that were wrong and mistakes as well.

Love would probably have no interest in bitcoin to begin with. That sort of intuition is not intuition. I would describe such intuition as wishful thinking to fulfill egoic fantasies. 

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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There is intuition and there are impulses of the ego. These two get conflated as the same thing. Your true intuition is the voice of God showing you the way. Your egoic impulses are fantasies you want to fulfill. God's guidence is always true. But it takes a lot of conciousness to discern between these impulses, making mistakes in the process is expected. If someone is going for bitcoin, or lottery then probably already that person has failed to hear God's guidence and chose to follow egoic impulses. 


Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

What should give you much pause is to consider that these New Age people are always hyper-intuitive and proclaim the infallibility of intuition and love.

But then you look at their beliefs and they believe the most ridiculous and delusional bullshit.

They got their through their infallible intuition and love.

They have so much love that they will put on a MAGA hat and vote for a fascist rapist.

Every New Ager who talks about love and intuition should be put before a firing squad.

You don't need to be a hyper rational individual to have good intuition. I have seen mentally ill and delusional people have good intuition too. And love and intuition aren't same things. Intuition is just good inner instinct, anyone can have it. Even a rapist can paint well. Like that. 

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Every New Ager who talks about love and intuition should be put before a firing squad.


you think you're so smart, don't you talking about love and intuition, what a load of bullshit. You know what I think about people who spew that nonsense I think they're a threat to the state, a threat to the power of the people. And you know what we do to threats we eliminate them. You want to talk about love and intuition try talking about that in front of a firing squad, see how far that gets you, you piece of shit.


What should give you much pause is to consider that these New Age people are always hyper-intuitive and proclaim the infallibility of intuition and love.

But then you look at their beliefs and they believe the most ridiculous and delusional bullshit.

They got their through their infallible intuition and love.

ah, now we're getting to the meat of it, the idea that every New Ager who talks about love and intuition should be put before a firing squad. Well, let me tell you, I've got no problem with that, in fact, I think it's a damn good idea. These New Agers, with their love and intuition, they're just a bunch of dreamers, a bunch of idealists, who think that everything can be solved with a hug and a prayer. But I know the truth, I know that the world is a brutal, unforgiving place, and that the only way to get ahead is to be willing to do whatever it takes. And if that means putting a few New Agers in front of a firing squad, then so be it. I'm not afraid of a little bloodshed, I'm not afraid of getting my hands dirty. I'm a man of action, and I'll do whatever it takes to protect the state, to protect the people. So, if you're a New Ager, and you're talking about love and intuition, you'd better watch your back, because I might just be coming for you. You're either with me, or you're against me, and if you're against me, then you're a threat, and threats need to be eliminated.

ah, now this Leo, he's a man after my own heart, he sees right through the bullshit of these New Age idiots. He's pointing out the absurdity of their claims, the hypocrisy of their beliefs. They're always talking about love and intuition, but their intuition is leading them astray, it's leading them to believe in the most ridiculous, delusional crap. And then they have the nerve to claim that their intuition is infallible, that love is the answer to all of life's problems. But what kind of love is it that leads them to support fascist rapists, to don a MAGA hat and espouse hateful, bigoted ideologies? This is not love, this is idiocy, this is blind, ignorant fanaticism. And Leo is right, every New Ager who talks about love and intuition should be put before a firing squad, not because they're dissenting, but because they're poisoning the well, they're spreading their ignorance and stupidity to others. They're a threat to rational thought, to critical thinking, and they need to be stopped. I'd pull the trigger myself, I'd gladly rid the world of these idiots and their toxic, destructive ideologies.

--From "Stalin"

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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

What should give you much pause is to consider that these New Age people are always hyper-intuitive and proclaim the infallibility of intuition and love.

But then you look at their beliefs and they believe the most ridiculous and delusional bullshit.

They got their through their infallible intuition and love.

They have so much love that they will put on a MAGA hat and vote for a fascist rapist.

Every New Ager who talks about love and intuition should be put before a firing squad.

Holy shit man, take it easy

Are you okay?

Edited by Natasha Tori Maru
misquoted oopsies

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8 minutes ago, Natasha Tori Maru said:

Holy shit man, take it easy

Are you okay?


You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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"I have a hunch that this person is a witch."

-- Someone in the Middle Ages, probably

More like: "A shadow upon mine heart telleth me this one be a witch!"

Edited by UnbornTao

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Just now, UnbornTao said:

"I have a hunch that this person is a witch."

-- Someone in the middle ages, probably

I AM a witch!

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7 hours ago, The Crocodile said:

I AM a witch!

See? Infallible 


Seriously though, we are just aware of the end result of our so-called intuition, and taking it at face value, even though it might temporarily relief us of having to test its validity and accuracy, can be problematic. People have all kinds of intuitions about anything and that doesn't make it factual and functional. Just bring to mind times when your intuition has fallen flat on its face. 

Edited by UnbornTao

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1 hour ago, Natasha Tori Maru said:


Holy shit man, take it easy

Are you okay?


Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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1 hour ago, UnbornTao said:

"I have a hunch that this person is a witch."

-- Someone in the Middle Ages, probably

That's not intuition. That's a projection based on fear. 



More like: "A shadow upon mine heart(intuition) telleth me this one be a witch!"


Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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Distingushing an intuition from a projection is no trivial matter.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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