
4 path/Arahatship vs Christ

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I have recently been studying Jesus (specially the work of Gary Habermas), and I have learned that historical evidence suggests that the miracles and the Resurrection of Jesus are historical facts.

f that were true, wouldn't that fact be incompatible with Buddhist maps? According to Theravada Buddhism, the ultimate level of consciousness we can reach is one where there is no subject and things happen by themselves in real time, eliminating suffering. But the buddha Gautama himself was not able to deconstruct the imaginary reality, the dream, by changing its laws, and doing things like creating objects out of nothing or resurrecting after dying. If he achieved end path why he was not able to realize he is God and be omnipotent?

Also, what is the difference in terms of practice/approach between the no-mind/end suffer approach and the God/Everything-is-imaginary kind of awakening of Christ/Leo Gura?

What should I practice if I want to hack the game and fly instead of get ride of craving? What is the difference in the approach? 




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1 hour ago, RedLine said:

If that were true, wouldn't that fact be incompatible with Buddhist maps?

It's compatible with Tibetan buddhism and rainbow body. 

I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Let us join in Glory. 

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If Jesus had powers he probably didn't have them from "unimagining the dream" but just from access to energy sources, which could have overlap with awakening or understandings higher overall mechanics of reality, but it's not like what you're saying. It's like a real energy thing.

Also Buddhism has superpowers-y stuff in it, you can see with Ingram who claims to have finished the Theravada four paths and who is also into the occult and obtaining powers, measuring altered states using scientific equipment for the medical establishment to change its understanding, and other stuff.

Also things can have different goals even if they don't seem to have ontological or epistemic contradictions.

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2 minutes ago, The Crocodile said:

If Jesus had powers he probably didn't have them from "unimagining the dream" but just from access to energy sources, which could have overlap with awakening or understandings higher overall mechanics of reality, but it's not like what you're saying. It's like a real energy thing.

Also Buddhism has superpowers-y stuff in it, you can see with Ingram who claims to have finished the Theravada four paths and who is also into the occult and obtaining powers, measuring altered states using scientific equipment for the medical establishment to change its understanding, and other stuff.

Also things can have different goals even if they don't seem to have ontological or epistemic contradictions.

No. Jesus claimed to be the son of God (omnipotent), so of course he implicitly assumes he can deconstruct the dream.

Ingram believes God insight is just "arising and passing away", some temporary experience of the mind. His metaphysics is more like that of a regular reddit atheist. He has no special metaphysical intuition or knowledge of God.

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31 minutes ago, RedLine said:

No. Jesus claimed to be the son of God (omnipotent), so of course he implicitly assumes he can deconstruct the dream.

There is no contradiction between Jesus claiming to be an avatar (as it's written down in the Bible) and anything I said.

I meant by how it actually would have worked if indeed Jesus had any physically tangible powers, if Jesus was even a historical singular figure at all.


Ingram believes God insight is just "arising and passing away", some temporary experience of the mind. His metaphysics is more like that of a regular reddit atheist. He has no special metaphysical intuition or knowledge of God.

No, his metaphysics is that he's ontologically agnostic and has no gaps in his ontological agnosticism. He would say he doesn't know, but that he's had the experience of the Divine, yet doesn't know how to interpret it.

I also didn't say that he specifically contradicted Christianity, I said you could have multiple different viable goals in an ontologically coherent universe. The existence of Buddhist enlightenment does not contradict sorcerers with control over matter, and the existence of Beauty doesn't contradict Truth, and so on.

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If you want to fly you have to get really happy. Like REALLY happy.i.agine getting happy like your soul getting lighter. You can make it so light it starts to make the body float.

Edited by Hojo

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1 minute ago, Hojo said:

If you want to fly you have to get really happy. Like REALLY happy.

You learn that from Bashar? It's not true. You don't need to be happy.

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@The Crocodile when I awaken i got so happy I felt like I was going to levitate or fly. The soul becomes like helium for the body.

Edited by Hojo

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@The Crocodile It felt like if you were leaning really hard on your leg with your arm for like 10 hours and you suddenly lifted your arm off your leg will start going up automatically. Like that but your whole body.

Edited by Hojo

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13 minutes ago, Hojo said:

@The Crocodile It felt like if you were leaning really hard on your leg with your arm for like 10 hours and you suddenly lifted your arm off your leg will start going up automatically. Like that but your whole body.

Yes, I've also experienced this and tried to do it before.

I'm still working on it.

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