
Dopamine Detox

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Tomorrow I will do a full dopamine detox:

  • No screens (except for emergency)
  • No music
  • No food

Just black coffee, water, reading, writing, walking outside. I assume it will be boring, but that's how people lived 100 years ago how bad can it be. 

If anyone has done something similar I'd love to hear your experiences, even though I won't be able to read them until Friday. 

Edited by Butters

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What I find valuable is slowly moderating it rather than completely going cold turkey. I have that fear of missing out. 

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So I did this yesterday and I'm quite happy with the results. I ended up mostly meditating and contemplating. Apart from resetting dopamine the added benefit was all the contemplating I did which gave me some good insights. 

Did end up cooking a meal at night but abstained from screens. It made me realize how much I am addicted to checking for notifications. Even reading texts after waking up causes tiny stress, and causes my brain to go in that direction (reactive). 

I'd recommend it, even if it's just to gain insight into your own screen / phone behavior. 

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Thanks for sharing, and well done from staying away from screens. I need to do this more, I can only go maybe few hours without my phone. Did you put away your phone/ screens?

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On 17-1-2025 at 8:25 PM, cjoseph90 said:

Thanks for sharing, and well done from staying away from screens. I need to do this more, I can only go maybe few hours without my phone. Did you put away your phone/ screens?

Yes, I think not looking at my phone for the first couple of hours of the day so I have a clear mind to think made the biggest difference. By constantly being reactive to notifications (events) you sacrifice your ability to think. Same for YouTube, I always thought it was smart to watch educational videos but 95% is just going past me anyway, it's not concentrated study. 

Edited by Butters

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I would keep the food and remove the coffee.

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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Digital detox is one of the best things to try.

If you enjoyed yours, check out Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport.

He talks about how to implement it long term. Can be a life changing book for the people who takes it seriously.


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Just do a vipassana retreat 

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On 1/23/2025 at 9:02 PM, Schizophonia said:

I would keep the food and remove the coffee.


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19 minutes ago, Butters said:


Because coffee is stressful while food brings you energy and nutrients.

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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