
Looks, money or status or confidence?

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@Leo Gura which one do women want the most? I have seen women flexing with homless guys and also getting turned off by them for their status whereas I have seen rich guys getting girls for their status and getting turned off by them what is the answer?

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Real queastion is why do you care what they want? If you find the answer for that one it will set you free..

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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Asking a male what do females want the most and an apparent single male at that. It's a good thing we already know what most men want. God was good to us in that department. We don't have to go round town asking about what men want, just what kind; and that's relative and objective and depends on whose looking, so it's a no brainer for us. We just show up and that's it. Women knows what men want and men knows what they themselves want. Everybody knows what men want. 

When it comes to women, now it's a mystery. I can tell you one thing. The one thing you left off the list is what men want so it can be safely said that women and men don't want the same things. So now, it's easy to figure out. Just cross out the things that men want and you'll have your list. You just now have to figure out which women will want what and see them as individuals with a variety of tastes and see how you can make them feel.



Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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The answer is to not care and go talk to girls.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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There is many ways to look at this. I don't know how old you are so maybe lot of this doesn't apply to you yet but in general, age, is a strong determinant for what women want. 

[Note: the age brackets are arbitrary often. Some women are incredibly mature and responsible in 21 and some are childish and immature in 35 so take the below with a pinch of salt] 

Younger girls, under 26-30 (unless exceptionally mature for their age) tend to go for looks, charisma, style of clothing, hair, money, cool cars, cool boy status among guys and girls etc. More superficial, more short term oriented. 

After 26-30, lot of girls mature up emotionally and may now be looking long term. They've done their share of dating, had some fun with the cool guys and many are now thinking about a potential long term boyfriend, even husband and father for their kids. New criteria are now introduced into the equation: ↓↓↓

  • looks - looks still matter but not as much as they did before. Proper grooming, washing and all of that is absolutely necessary but don't get obsessed about it. There are now more important things in play. 
  • competence - do you have a job? Are you relatively educated? Do you look like you're advancing through some sort of career and can provide for her if she gets pregnant with you? Can you do basic housework around the home. Can you cook at least 10-20 meals? Do you consider certain duties "woman's jobs" or can you seamlessly run the entire household yourself if needed? Are you relatively handy? (nothing crazy but basic things like building ikea furniture, unclogging toilet, changing vacum cleaner filter etc)
  • confidence - not a cocky teenager's fake confidence but an actual confidence stemming from experience and expertise. Can you take over and make strategic decisions for you guys when necessary? Can you then stand behind those decisions?  Are you able to stand your ground when challenged by other men or when men are hitting on your girl? Are you jealous and insecure a lot? DO you tend to hit on other women? Do you get defensive if she teases you or pokes you into your weak spots? (metaphorically) Do you have unresolved mommy issues? Are you too clingy, touchy-feely? 
  • Humour - are you fun to be around (you don't always have to be), can you crack jokes, can you make her laugh, can you make fun of yourself and be ok when she teases you? Can you help lift her mood when shes upset. 
  • care - are you empathetic? Do you exert fatherly qualities? Do you actually care about her or is she just there along the ride and you don't care if she leaves? Do you want kids? Could you care for a kid? Can you take care of yourself properly or do you need a woman for that (mother or a girlfriend) 
  • passions & interest - do you have something you're passionate about and that will sustain your mental health and purpose across life? Do you read? Do you have interesting hobbies? Or will she have to nurse you like a little boy who doesnt know what he wants in life? (men without purpose are more likely to end up depressed later in life) 
  • health  - Are you healthy? Are you taking care of yourself? A mature intelligent woman will be severely deterred by health neglect, major unresolved health issues (obesity, dental problems, frailty, alcoholism,  addictions etc). Are you fit enough to be able to protect her or your child if needed? Will you be able to wake up 6 times a night when you have a toddler and still function
    • Sexual health - Can you get hard properly in the bed? Can you give her orgasms? Are you grossed out by oral sex? Do you ejaculate prematurely often? Do you have poor genital hygiene? Do you have some weird sexual kink? 
  • life strategy  - do you have a plan for your life as you enter 40s, 50s, 60s. Are you thinking about retirement, finances, housing. Do you want to get married? Do you want to have kids? Are you saving already for your first home or are you pissing it all away on garbage? 

Obviously lot of this won't be obvious on the first date but I assume you're talking about mature relationship that goes beyond casual shag with a tinder girl. If you do, the above list can get you some ideas for what could be desirable for women. I might be wrong on many of these points so would be curious for ladies to comment more :)


Edited by Michael569

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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The true answer to this will depend on the woman and what she is looking for, a hookup or a relationship etc. There’s not a simple answer to this kind of question. There’s a lot of nuance. A thing I could say though is the type of mindset that asks this question could be a turn off for women. But then again if you think “I will stop thinking like this because women won’t like it and I’ll come off as needy” then you’re back in the same mindset again 😹 thinking about what women want hehe. It’s natural and normal but you won’t come so far with it 

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Looks matter the most in terms of raw attraction. Status matters in terms of being visible but the attraction will be completely conditioned on you maintaining that status. Money and confidence are overrated. Money can't buy real attraction and confidence will not do anything without being attractive or high status. Confidence will not make a short, unattractive man attractive despite what society wants to sell you.

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@Tenebroso No bro, you've completely missunderstood. All you have to do to be at the top level of attractiveness, is to meet a bucket list of 27 items of what you should do, be and provide. And that's also how you'll get the best out of women, you know, certainly not just a boring relationship in which you're doing majority of everything and get next to nothing out of it ( probably a best case scenario btw)

Edited by NewKidOnTheBlock

Don't worry mods. I will not be posting anymore. You can get your panties out of the wad LOL and stop checking my profile as well

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