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Seeking for Truth. My journey so far towards understanding reality.

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I have spent the last 12 months on a journey towards waking up from the dream a bit more "seriously".  I have realized that it is a long process and it cannot happen spontaneously, unless it is destined to happen at that point in time or due to a specific experience that is just a part of the plan. Well, for this part I cannot say I am 100% sure, but that's my hypothesis.

So let's get to business.

Here's my take on reality.

- It can be described as a dream / illusion / hallucination 
- It's not actually "You" who is the body and a part of your lower mind
- It seems that there has been separation from you and God, but in reality it never happened.
- What you are experiencing is simply a mistake, but it was instantly corrected by God, you're just experiencing it as some body and mind, personality - until you wake up.
- You have Higher Self that can guide you when listened to in peace, although it is not purely meditation or it's practice. It's more of a focus shift between two minds. 
- I believe you have had past lives, but I have not had direct experiences of this
- I believe that there's a cycle and if you do not learn the main lesson you will be reborn again with past karma.
- The world you perceive is a mirror of your inner self and it's current state. If you perceive evil, wrong, pain, guilt, fear - you will experience it in your daily reality through various explainable and inexplainable events
- There's only one dreamer, solipsism is true but it has levels. From the point of "human experience" and "ego" there are several dreamers from different perspectives. But only one dream is true, Yours. Since it's all one in the end, it's just one dream.
- Mind over matter. Your mind is powerful and can change your reality, or perspective of it from right to wrong, once identified with God you can cure your pain, disease or anything else, but you must surrender it to God fully. This is tricky
- Practice awareness of your thoughts and non judgment of the thoughts, the world, the events of your experience and you will be free from suffering.

What I still need to figure out:

- Relationships (tricky, because I am afraid it is an egoic trap)
- Money and material things (I am well off, but would love to be more well off, but I am not sure if that's a healthy need)
- How much nutrition really matters 
- Is enlightenment or waking up as an experience -  is pre-determined in this life. It is said that enlightenment is simply a choice and you can choose it and be awake instantaneously. 

Let me know what ya think!

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Great insights. Thank you for sharing 

If you might engage me a bit exactly is this known ?:

18 hours ago, KGrimes said:

There's only one dreamer, solipsism is true but it has levels. From the point of "human experience" and "ego" there are several dreamers from different perspectives. But only one dream is true, Yours. Since it's all one in the end, it's just one dream.


my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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@Someone here

Thank you. I will try to clarify now my further insights on how can this be known.

Theoretically i'd explain it as this: since You are the Son Of God, an extension of God himself who is infinite consciousness, love, awareness, Brahman - whatever your definition is.

And you are the extension of Him. But since You have decided to try and separate from God, you created the world of illusion - your life, this dream, a seemingly legitimate reality, where you play a part of a character that You think is real and true called an Ego.

And there are billions of people around the world who seem to be as real as you and have egos. Yet you cannot really prove that they have the same exact experience as you, even though it can be described in words. Words do not necessarily lead directly to truth, so direct experience is needed. If you sit in silence, and watch your mind, body, the world as if it was a movie in a cinema, with God (Or Jesus, Buddha, Holy Spirit, Angels) and be completely non-judgmental. So you can have several seemingly real people experience this, but you are still kind of stuck in this dream, with other people.


Then if you watch long enough, sit in silence, all thought will disappear and the dream begins to fade. If you go beyond the dream, with enlightenment experiences, where everything becomes One, there's no more questions that you are God, the one and only dreamer. The problem is that you can have a glimpse of this on various states and stages of awareness, you can't really full awaken yet. Usually because it's not the right time.

How does that sound? I hope it makes sense.  

Edited by KGrimes

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18 hours ago, KGrimes said:

I have spent the last 12 months on a journey towards waking up from the dream a bit more "seriously".  I have realized that it is a long process and it cannot happen spontaneously, unless it is destined to happen at that point in time or due to a specific experience that is just a part of the plan. Well, for this part I cannot say I am 100% sure, but that's my hypothesis.

So let's get to business.

Here's my take on reality.

- It can be described as a dream / illusion / hallucination 
- It's not actually "You" who is the body and a part of your lower mind
- It seems that there has been separation from you and God, but in reality it never happened.
- What you are experiencing is simply a mistake, but it was instantly corrected by God, you're just experiencing it as some body and mind, personality - until you wake up.
- You have Higher Self that can guide you when listened to in peace, although it is not purely meditation or it's practice. It's more of a focus shift between two minds. 
- I believe you have had past lives, but I have not had direct experiences of this
- I believe that there's a cycle and if you do not learn the main lesson you will be reborn again with past karma.
- The world you perceive is a mirror of your inner self and it's current state. If you perceive evil, wrong, pain, guilt, fear - you will experience it in your daily reality through various explainable and inexplainable events
- There's only one dreamer, solipsism is true but it has levels. From the point of "human experience" and "ego" there are several dreamers from different perspectives. But only one dream is true, Yours. Since it's all one in the end, it's just one dream.
- Mind over matter. Your mind is powerful and can change your reality, or perspective of it from right to wrong, once identified with God you can cure your pain, disease or anything else, but you must surrender it to God fully. This is tricky
- Practice awareness of your thoughts and non judgment of the thoughts, the world, the events of your experience and you will be free from suffering.

What I still need to figure out:

- Relationships (tricky, because I am afraid it is an egoic trap)
- Money and material things (I am well off, but would love to be more well off, but I am not sure if that's a healthy need)
- How much nutrition really matters 
- Is enlightenment or waking up as an experience -  is pre-determined in this life. It is said that enlightenment is simply a choice and you can choose it and be awake instantaneously. 

Let me know what ya think!

"Reality is a dream, illusion, hallucination", in the East they call this Maya, Maya does not mean something does not exist, it means something exist but not as You presently Perceive it.. We see a Leaf or Tree, in normal awareness we experience ourselves separate from this, via Spiritual Practices and under Psychedelics, one Perceives everything as a part of themselves, so its relative, and dependent on ones level of Awareness and Consciousness...

"It's not actually "You" who is the body and a part of your lower mind" - it is YOU on the Relative Level, same as above, with little to no Awareness we think we are this Body and Mind, with Awareness we Experience that we are not this Body/Mind complex, but have gathered it and what was there before the Gathering is what we are.. 

"It seems that there has been separation from you and God, but in reality it never happened." - if one Experiences a Separation btwn them and Absolute then it is Real for them, for others (very few) they don't feel this separation, that is Real for them, its Subjective, which indicates we are and are not the same, its all based on Awareness and Choice (Free Will).

"You have Higher Self that can guide you when listened to in peace, although it is not purely meditation or it's practice. It's more of a focus shift between two minds. " - Meditation is not a good word, Meditative is what we are looking for, to be at Ease within, Peace is our Natural Experience then Life Perception opens up to new dimensions beyond just Survival Level of Awareness, which is gathering/accumulating more ppl, places, things and experiences in life, once beyond that sort of outlook, then Life Potential is accessed more Easily, Suffering is impossible, and a Human Being is now living up to its true Possibilities...

" I believe you have had past lives, but I have not had direct experiences of this", Karma is a Real Thing, we can call it genetics, history, memory of all sorts, conditioning via Society, Social Media, Education, etc its a real phenomenon, and we have had many different life spans, as a plant, insect, animal, other human beings, how to deal with Karma is to Live Now Totally, Accept Now Totally, Respond to Now Totally and not be reactive...

"The world you perceive is a mirror of your inner self and it's current state. If you perceive evil, wrong, pain, guilt, fear - you will experience it in your daily reality through various explainable and inexplainable events" - This is True up to a point, only if You are so identified with Body and 5 sense organ perception, then You will be a slave to what is happening on the outside, if You Experience a state btwn what is You and what is Not You, then this changes, you can perceive the reality with clarity, the evil and good going on, war and peace, taking and giving, and realize its just the game of duality at play, if good exists, evil has to exist and such, all Potentials are available to Us, its our ability to use our Free Will and chose how to Live this life that is our primary Responsibility...

"There's only one dreamer, solipsism is true but it has levels. From the point of "human experience" and "ego" there are several dreamers from different perspectives. But only one dream is true, Yours. Since it's all one in the end, it's just one dream." - There is no Dream going on, we are here on the most fundamental terms so that Absolute can Experience itself in Trillions of ways, via our Ability to be Aware/Unaware, Conscious/Unconscious, Determined/Free, and such capabilities that we all have within Us...The playing field is set up for Us to explore all the Possibilities of what it means to be Human, we are living in a Possibility Chamber of sorts, we have duality, materialism, and all the Capabilities, Intelligence and Conscious Awareness to be here either Like a God or a savage Animal or worse, we have to Chose it for ourselves how this world is to Be...

" Practice awareness of your thoughts and non judgment of the thoughts, the world, the events of your experience and you will be free from suffering." - Once You know Experientially that I am Not the Body or Mind, then Suffering is Impossible for You to Experience, You can still Experience Pain, but you will not experience Suffering in anyway, this is the first hurdle to pass thru on the Spiritual Path...once this is established the Peace is Your natural Experience, from here Life Potentials open up in a huge way..

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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19 hours ago, KGrimes said:

I have spent the last 12 months on a journey towards waking up from the dream a bit more "seriously".  I have realized that it is a long process and it cannot happen spontaneously, unless it is destined to happen at that point in time or due to a specific experience that is just a part of the plan. Well, for this part I cannot say I am 100% sure, but that's my hypothesis.

Yeah, the process is pretty mysterious and non-linear for me. There are times where I realize that I am very much aware and awake, with a lot of clarity. Then there are times where I forget again. And then I go back to this state of clarity and awareness  and then I wonder: WTF I remember now - I have been here before! How did I "lose" it?

Also, is it a journey where you can actually do anything or is it "just a ride" with the illusion of being able to do activities to become more or less awake?

Comments from me in blue:

- It can be described as a dream / illusion / hallucination. Yeah, it's actually really funny how physics and neuroscience tell us how our senses create our reality...and still very few people want to think / talk about it. And now word of it in public education
- It's not actually "You" who is the body and a part of your lower mind What you mean with lower mind? The individual unit typing here in this forum?
- It seems that there has been separation from you and God, but in reality it never happened. Yes, for me the connections between appearances in everyday reality - people and things -  in are sometimes incredible strong and obvious.
- What you are experiencing is simply a mistake, but it was instantly corrected by God, you're just experiencing it as some body and mind, personality - until you wake up. Strong take re the mistake and the correction. Why so you believe so? In my strongest psychedelic experience I remember a clear message in my head: "I WANT to be here and I want to be exactly in this reality"
- You have Higher Self that can guide you when listened to in peace, although it is not purely meditation or it's practice. It's more of a focus shift between two minds. Yeah, for me there seems to be sth one might call "higher self" or intuition that is giving some guiding information (for example, "talk to this person" or "open this website" or "go to this place"). But not a clear idea how it really works. For me, it often feels like I have a guidance that is in competition with my learned behavior ("programs"). But in what circumstances do I follow the program, when the guidance? What makes the difference? And is this separation actually sth real or am I just making this up to have some concept?
- I believe you have had past lives, but I have not had direct experiences of this Don't know. No direct experience.
- I believe that there's a cycle and if you do not learn the main lesson you will be reborn again with past karma. I believe this reality is entertainment and there is nothing to learn. Or better, there is only so much to learn as it keeps the entertainment going. It's like surfing. You learn to surf bc you want to experience surfing. Getting better at surfing is very likely to correlate with better experience of surfing + learning itself is fun. But there is no purpose beyond that
- The world you perceive is a mirror of your inner self and it's current state. If you perceive evil, wrong, pain, guilt, fear - you will experience it in your daily reality through various explainable and inexplainable events This is very tricky for me to answer. I had and have incredible synchronicities that reflected my current state amazingly well. Shockingly well - re people and objects. But I also have the feeling that sometimes, there is no correlation at all.
- There's only one dreamer, solipsism is true but it has levels. From the point of "human experience" and "ego" there are several dreamers from different perspectives. But only one dream is true, Yours. Since it's all one in the end, it's just one dream. Don't know. Went through many iterations and depending on my current state and experiences, my view on that changes regularly 
- Mind over matter. Your mind is powerful and can change your reality, or perspective of it from right to wrong, once identified with God you can cure your pain, disease or anything else, but you must surrender it to God fully. This is tricky Yes and no. Yes - mind > matter in some way. How? Don't know. The craziest manifestations happened without me really doing anything. This idea of healing etc has a basic assumptions. Namely "I have control" and I don't really buy it. Because ....(next abstract)
- Practice awareness of your thoughts and non judgment of the thoughts, the world, the events of your experience and you will be free from suffering....because if there was any formula on how to do stuff - at least one human must be able to do it and teach it to others, right? And then the world should look different as it is today IMO. Yeah yeah there are stories of Jesus, Buddha ect but I only believe freedom from suffering if I can see it in direct experience with others. Never seen anyone like that. Of course, there is the argument that those humans exist, but I haven't met them. Or that I will never meet them, as long as I still suffer because I haven't cracked the code. Or that I never get enough awareness because I don't believe that there ANY method making you free from suffering. Who knows. Maybe I am wrong. Maybe freedom of suffering is just a carrot on the stick me/others will never reach. In any case, stay tuned for the next season of "Earth - the funniest daily soap in the Universe! Each day, 24/7 until the sun implodes!

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@Ishanga  Nicely said, agree with almost all of this, seems like what I understand now is, at it's core, the same thing from a different perspective.Thank you! 

@theleelajoker seems like you have had some similar insights about reality. As for people on how to teach formula, there is non that you can prove are actually awake, that's why it has to be you who does it for sure, assuming the fact that you are one of the characters from your past life or simply an alternative reality where you are in a different body. But that might be a reach :D It's fun to entertain this idea. 

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