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"Liberalism" on life support?

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It seems like the trajectory in the west for the foreseeable future.


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The establishment is so disconnected from the lives of the every day person, which is the main issue. It's the economy, stupid.  The stratospheric stock valuations that help the wealthy individuals who run the system doesn't put food on the table for the working class person as the politician buys his or her 7th property.  It's not about progressive ideals as much as it is about a political party of elites showing off their lavish lifestyles with policies that don't help their constituents.  The west is increasingly turning to a plutocracy, with a left wing that is really only left wing in name only in my opinion.  It was able to sway just enough voters to switch "sides" as if the other side will solve any of their problems. :D  It's not dead... it swings back and forth and big money buys which ever side has the power at the time. 

Of course I'm always willing to admit I'm wrong and trying to get past this anger over the "money printing" they did and try to see things from their perspective. I'd love to sit down and have a conversation with a central banker on monetary policy.

Edited by sholomar

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a news piece that shows how out of touch the left is, they make some points but their messaging is god awful

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