
Andrew Tate uk prime minister ?

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18 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

Lol which country are you from? Don’t be ashamed tell me.

What does it matter?

Doesn't change the fact that westerners are brainwashed as hell 

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16 minutes ago, Twentyfirst said:

What does it matter?

Doesn't change the fact that westerners are brainwashed as hell 

Ok you’re going on ignore it’s useless talking to you bye. And don’t be ashamed of your country.

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1 minute ago, PurpleTree said:

Ok you’re going on ignore it’s useless talking to you bye. And don’t be ashamed of your country.

Im not ashamed. I just know how westerners are. You would take the small crimes of my country (every country has something) and then maximize that while minimizing the horrific atrocities that the west has non stop been inflicting on the planet for centuries 

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9 minutes ago, Twentyfirst said:

Facts measured by who?

Doesn't matter. Facts are facts. Go measure all these markers individually for yourself (quality of life + measure of freedom) and you will come to the same conclussion. These are the markers:

- Purchasing Power Index

- Safety Index

- Health Care Index

- Cost of Living Index

- Property Price to Income Ratio

- Traffic Commute Time Index

- Pollution Index

- Climate Index

- Rule of Law

- Security and Safety

- Freedom of Movement

- Religious Freedom

- Freedom of Association, Assembly, and Civil Society

- Freedom of Expression and Information

- Identity and Relationship Rights

- Property rights

- Business freedom

- Trade freedom

- Regulation of labor, credit, and business

- Size of government

- Access to sound money


Additional markers not considered but still important:

- Income inequality

- Education quality and access

- Employment and job security

- Social support

- Life expectancy and health outcomes

- Civic engagement


Some muslim countries may rank fairly high on some markers, for example Quatar on purchasing power marker (cause it's an oil shilling country of course LOL that's why they're so rich) but overall muslim countries rate very very low, kinda comparable to Russia almost LOL

22 minutes ago, Twentyfirst said:

You really think that you guys invented freedom? and that no one else has it? Jesus

You can do less stuff than we can. Try to refute this statement please LOL I'll wait

23 minutes ago, Twentyfirst said:

Actually most westerners have less than 1,000 dollars in their bank and actually have negative money with huge debt 

That's mostly Americans. And yes, capitalism + lack of education and lack of personal responsibility does screw many people over, so what. We're still better of than yall are LOL

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4 hours ago, NewKidOnTheBlock said:

1. Switzerland

3. Denmark

4. Finland

5. Norway

6. Netherlands

7. Luxembourg

8. Sweden

10. Canada

12. Estonia

13. Germany

14. Iceland

21. Belgium

22. Slovenia

Countries full of bored cycling retirees and extinct young people

The europeans decided to work less than Americans, but they’re spending that extra time cycling around and sleeping at home, the demographic is totally fucked beyond repair, and that’s not my opinion

It’s as clear as day, that Andrew Tate doesn’t like the UK and America because he’s scared of driving a supercar and being famous and rich there, he said it himself that the reason he lives in Europe is because he’s “not gonna get shot” there, implying he would get shot and robbed in the west

tldr he wants to flex how rich he is, and not get shot and robbed because of it, a situation he created for himself

There are still seemingly good places in Europe ex. Vienna, Madrid, maybe Amsterdam. 

Edited by MarkKol

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4 minutes ago, MarkKol said:

Countries full of bored cycling retirees and extinct young people

The europeans decided to work less than Americans, but they’re spending that extra time cycling around and sleeping at home, the demographic is totally fucked beyond repair, and that’s not my opinion

Yeah so what? That's what's going to happen with all the countries on the Planet eventually. The rest of the world (the poor parts) just hadn't yet realized yet that making a bunch of fucking kids isn't the only purpose for their existence. But they'll learn eventually

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8 minutes ago, NewKidOnTheBlock said:

Yeah so what? That's what's going to happen with all the countries on the Planet eventually. The rest of the world (the poor parts) just hadn't yet realized yet that making a bunch of fucking kids isn't the only purpose for their existence. But they'll learn eventually

The future is increasingly uncertain in both positive and negative ways, impossible to predict because just 1 person can come in and make it far worse or far better, ex. hitler or ex. Henry Ford or Nikola Tesla

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1 hour ago, NewKidOnTheBlock said:

Doesn't matter. Facts are facts. Go measure all these markers individually for yourself (quality of life + measure of freedom) and you will come to the same conclussion. These are the markers:

- Purchasing Power Index

- Safety Index

- Health Care Index

- Cost of Living Index

- Property Price to Income Ratio

- Traffic Commute Time Index

- Pollution Index

- Climate Index

- Rule of Law

- Security and Safety

- Freedom of Movement

- Religious Freedom

- Freedom of Association, Assembly, and Civil Society

- Freedom of Expression and Information

- Identity and Relationship Rights

- Property rights

- Business freedom

- Trade freedom

- Regulation of labor, credit, and business

- Size of government

- Access to sound money


Additional markers not considered but still important:

- Income inequality

- Education quality and access

- Employment and job security

- Social support

- Life expectancy and health outcomes

- Civic engagement


Some muslim countries may rank fairly high on some markers, for example Quatar on purchasing power marker (cause it's an oil shilling country of course LOL that's why they're so rich) but overall muslim countries rate very very low, kinda comparable to Russia almost LOL

You can do less stuff than we can. Try to refute this statement please LOL I'll wait

That's mostly Americans. And yes, capitalism + lack of education and lack of personal responsibility does screw many people over, so what. We're still better of than yall are LOL

You are very slow. All of these facts come from western sources im assuming? You want me to refute every single one? No do your own homework. It's not my job to go through mountains of obvious propaganda. 

Traffic commute? Yet all 90 percent of wars are started by western aggression. Again you miss the point completely

Property rights? The right to pay tax on something you "own" every single year

Religious freedom? Why is Tate gaining popularity on being racist towards other religions? 

Pollution index? You mean you are allowed to develop by raping the earth but once you develop you want to change the rules for the rest of the world? Now India and China aren't allowed to grow by raping the earth like you guys did? It's like how UAE is criticized for exploiting migrants. Slavery is only bad AFTER the americans build their country using it (not advocating for slavery or even saying the UAE is doing it, I know your mind will go there). And what happens if they dont develop? You will call them primitive savages. Its a lose lose situation 

Social support? You mean the most division of any country ever with no hopeful way forward 

Life expectancy and outcomes? You mean throwing away your parents in nutty nursing homes to rot while you selfishly forget all they did for you?

Im not gonnna go through each one. Do some traveling. Talk to some people that disagree with you. Look up Russian news then translate it to English 

Did you see that woman in NYC that was burned alive on the subway and nobody helped? Terrible society. So dangerous. Not only are you guys outwardly violent but also inwardly. What about 500 school shootings a year?

It's not about doing stuff or being developed. Thats a western idea. That if we have skyscrapers and you live in mud huts we are supreme over you

Edited by Twentyfirst

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56 minutes ago, NewKidOnTheBlock said:

Yeah so what? That's what's going to happen with all the countries on the Planet eventually. The rest of the world (the poor parts) just hadn't yet realized yet that making a bunch of fucking kids isn't the only purpose for their existence. But they'll learn eventually

How do you know whats going to happen before it happens? Maybe other countries have different values. You do know that other countries are on a completely different path than the west. Different paths lead to different destinations....

Did you read this in a fortune cookie? 

Edited by Twentyfirst

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1 hour ago, NewKidOnTheBlock said:

Yeah so what? That's what's going to happen with all the countries on the Planet eventually. The rest of the world (the poor parts) just hadn't yet realized yet that making a bunch of fucking kids isn't the only purpose for their existence. But they'll learn eventually

The funny thing is a lot of the bad things about other countries (not everything but most) is actually caused by the west. But the infinite problems of the west is caused by the west. Whats your excuses? Besides blaming immigrants who are running away from the war torn countries that the west created 

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For now, just his video is seriously lacking in professionalism lol. You can be a radical, provocative personality but still make an effort.

Edited by Schizophonia

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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1 minute ago, Schizophonia said:

For nçw, just his video is seriously lacking in professionalism lol. You can be a radical, provocative personality but still make an effort.

Know your target demographic and market according to that 

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Just now, Twentyfirst said:

Know your target demographic and market according to that 

Yes, but no one is going to subscribe to his thing.

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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4 minutes ago, Schizophonia said:

Yes, but no one is going to subscribe to his thing.

Thats what they said about trump 

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26 minutes ago, Twentyfirst said:

Traffic commute? Yet all 90 percent of wars are started by western aggression. Again you miss the point completely

What? What does have to do with traffic commute?😂 and where do you have that 90% figure from? I would like an exact source and how you calculated that exact percentage please😂 or was that will of the Almighty?

27 minutes ago, Twentyfirst said:

Property rights? The right to pay tax on something you "own" every single year

Yeah, that's how it works. That's how it works in vast majority of countries nowadays, in fact, including all muslim countries. Soooo.... your point is?😂

29 minutes ago, Twentyfirst said:

Religious freedom? Why is Tate gaining popularity on being racist towards other religions? 

Where's that popularity? Nobody in the real world gives a fuck about him except for some weird niche internet echo chamber weirdos and all these other right wing grifter attention seekers/monetizers. The fact that you're even mentioning him makes me take your arguments even less seriously😂

32 minutes ago, Twentyfirst said:

Pollution index? You mean you are allowed to develop by raping the earth but once you develop you want to change the rules for the rest of the world?

Yes. During history, we more or less always mantained our superiority over the rest of the world. Then when the age of collonialism came we dominated the whole world. We won over the whole world at times at which everyone was a savage and every nation aimed to expand selfishly and did not give a shit about anything else. You guys were no different. You had the chance to defeat us, why didn't you do so? But we nevertheless dominated and now the times have changed, Europe has become more tolerant and peacefull while you guys remained pretty much savages. Yeah in the past we may have been mean to some of you, so what. Deal with it buttercup, is what I say. Yall have the opportunity to become as advanced as us but instead you'd rather just stay in your little comfortable fundamentalist religious bubble.

Normally I would agree with you on these points as there definitely is some truth to what you're saying, but seeing as you definitely wouldn't do the same for me and would never acknowledge the other side even for a milisecond, I won't do that for you. Yes, we won over you during history and we became a lot richer than yall because of it. So what. It was mainly African continent that was the biggest victim of our exploitation, not you muslim necessarilly.

41 minutes ago, Twentyfirst said:

Social support? You mean the most division of any country ever with no hopeful way forward 

The exact opposite is the case actually. What social support do yall offer? I'd like to know it.

44 minutes ago, Twentyfirst said:

Life expectancy and outcomes? You mean throwing away your parents in nutty nursing homes to rot while you selfishly forget all they did for you?

What does that have to do with that marker? Can you prove with actual data that this is what happens in majority of cases or even sometimes? Or is that another one of your claims that aims to invoke baseless fear and doubts?

46 minutes ago, Twentyfirst said:

Im not gonnna go through each one.

Well you maybe should

46 minutes ago, Twentyfirst said:

Do some traveling. Talk to some people that disagree with you.

Yeah, get some anectotal evidence from people brainwashed by their culture. Sure, sure. Better than objective data am I right? LOL

47 minutes ago, Twentyfirst said:

Look up Russian news then translate it to English 

Oh yeah, Russian news LOL what's next thing that you recommend, watching Hitler speeches? LMAO

49 minutes ago, Twentyfirst said:

Did you see that woman in NYC that was burned alive on the subway and nobody helped? Terrible society. So dangerous. Not only are you guys outwardly violent but also inwardly. What about 500 school shootings a year?

Worse things than that happen in your country, I guarantee it. I'm not gonna even mention them

50 minutes ago, Twentyfirst said:

It's not about doing stuff or being developed.

Yes it is. It's what makes us superior.

45 minutes ago, Twentyfirst said:

How do you know whats going to happen before it happens? Maybe other countries have different values. You do know that other countries are on a completely different path than the west. Different paths lead to different destinations....

Did you read this in a fortune cookie? 

Because it's in the best interest of people to be liberal and tolerant. That's what leads to best life.

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14 hours ago, Twentyfirst said:

Chinese have 5 times the population but a fraction of prisoners

Normal, if you are caught with more than 12 grams of cocaine and I suppose any drug, you are sentenced to death. There are few criminals there.

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11 minutes ago, NewKidOnTheBlock said:

What? What does have to do with traffic commute?😂 and where do you have that 90% figure from? I would like an exact source and how you calculated that exact percentage please😂 or was that will of the Almighty?

It has nothing to do with traffic. Nobody cares about traffic when you start wars. It's like how in Europe if you buy a bottle of water you cant remove the cap completely to protect the environment. Meanwhile your governments bomb everything in sight and ruin environments but lets just forget about that and look at the tiny good that is there

11 minutes ago, NewKidOnTheBlock said:

Yeah, that's how it works. That's how it works in vast majority of countries nowadays, in fact, including all muslim countries. Soooo.... your point is?😂

Not nearly as high of a percentage 

11 minutes ago, NewKidOnTheBlock said:

Where's that popularity? Nobody in the real world gives a fuck about him except for some weird niche internet echo chamber weirdos and all these other right wing grifter attention seekers/monetizers. The fact that you're even mentioning him makes me take your arguments even less seriously😂

They said the same thing about trump. Lets see how it plays out 

11 minutes ago, NewKidOnTheBlock said:

Yes. During history, we more or less always mantained our superiority over the rest of the world. Then when the age of collonialism came we dominated the whole world. We won over the whole world at times at which everyone was a savage and every nation aimed to expand selfishly and did not give a shit about anything else. You guys were no different. You had the chance to defeat us, why didn't you do so? But we nevertheless dominated and now the times have changed, Europe has become more tolerant and peacefull while you guys remained pretty much savages. Yeah in the past we may have been mean to some of you, so what. Deal with it buttercup, is what I say. Yall have the opportunity to become as advanced as us but instead you'd rather just stay in your little comfortable fundamentalist religious bubble.

There we have it. White western supremacy didn't end after the dark ages. It's still here and so are the dark ages. And no Europe has not remained tolerant. Still terrible

Call us savages because we don't develop predatory weapons. Thats fine

11 minutes ago, NewKidOnTheBlock said:

Normally I would agree with you on these points as there definitely is some truth to what you're saying, but seeing as you definitely wouldn't do the same for me and would never acknowledge the other side even for a milisecond, I won't do that for you. Yes, we won over you during history and we became a lot richer than yall because of it. So what. It was mainly African continent that was the biggest victim of our exploitation, not you muslim necessarilly.

It's easy to be rich when you steal. Europe has no resources of its own. You DEPEND on the savages you exploit. Duh 

11 minutes ago, NewKidOnTheBlock said:

The exact opposite is the case actually. What social support do yall offer? I'd like to know it.

I thought you meant something else. That people inside your country support each other. You need government systems because you dont have tribes or clans to take care of each other 

11 minutes ago, NewKidOnTheBlock said:

What does that have to do with that marker? Can you prove with actual data that this is what happens in majority of cases or even sometimes? Or is that another one of your claims that aims to invoke baseless fear and doubts?

Because im not freaking blind. Get out of here with your peer reviewed case studies. 

11 minutes ago, NewKidOnTheBlock said:

Well you maybe should

I already have. You are too supreme to listen to a slave savage like me. Why dont you invade our countries and free us from our terrible dictators that we are happy with. Meanwhile you are miserable with you democratically elected pedo leaders 

11 minutes ago, NewKidOnTheBlock said:

Yeah, get some anectotal evidence from people brainwashed by their culture. Sure, sure. Better than objective data am I right? LOL

Nobody knows you more than the people you pressed 

11 minutes ago, NewKidOnTheBlock said:

Oh yeah, Russian news LOL what's next thing that you recommend, watching Hitler speeches? LMAO

Hitler who came from the west? 

11 minutes ago, NewKidOnTheBlock said:

Worse things than that happen in your country, I guarantee it. I'm not gonna even mention them

Generally speaking there is much more peace and social cohesion in other countries. You can find fringe things in every society. You are better off walking alone in Thailand for example than anywhere in Europe but ya you may find sketchy things about Thailand 

11 minutes ago, NewKidOnTheBlock said:

Yes it is. It's what makes us superior.

Because it's in the best interest of people to be liberal and tolerant. That's what leads to best life.

Disgusting. One day this will come back to bite you

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12 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

Don’t feed the trolls guys

Wait until you find out Europe isn't even a continent. 

Last time I checked. Continents are huge masses of land surrounded by mostly water

Eurasia much? 

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8 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

Normal, if you are caught with more than 12 grams of cocaine and I suppose any drug, you are sentenced to death.

So? Are you gonna go to Singapore with LSD or MDMA? They warn you ahead of time about the laws. So you want immigrants to respect your laws or else they are primitive but you wont respect Chinese law?


8 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:


There are few criminals there.

They don't have crime. How terrible 

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