How to not let bad experiences radicalize you and make you bitter?

By UpperMaster in Personal Development -- [Main],
When you get  abused by some black migrants for the 6th time, how to not become racist? If your wife cheats on you, how do you not become bitter, and adopt harmful ideologies like redpill and blackpill?  When you get betrayed by a friend continuously your whole life, how can you continue to trust people?   Recently I've been thinking about how people get radicalized, and I don't know how to prevent this happening to me. Someone I know and who I take general life advice (because he is older) from got cheated on with his wife, and now is very bitter (I can feel it). He gives me advice like, "long distance relationships never work, if you leave your woman in another town she WILL cheat on you. That's how it is. Always." with full conviction. Honestly, I can see where he is coming from, I'd be heartbroken from his shoes too.   I doubt that this is actually the case. My parents are together, I don't think either of them ever cheated, and they worked through a lot to keep their marriage going.  The thing is, I don't want to be radicalized like this just because I have a bad experience or something. I am scared I am vulnerable to such radicalization.  How do I prevent this from happening? It seems to be a very common thing for most people when they get hurt.      
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