
How to not let bad experiences radicalize you and make you bitter?

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Accept reality as it is and try your best to drop preconceived notions. It may appear that it’s helping you or keeping you safe but this isn’t exactly true. It’s often times limiting you. Go with the internal yes, the openness, do things to nurture truth and have integrity. If you can shake this sense that your problems and this idea that your story is you, you will see light shine through. With this light shining challenges will still present themselves and life will keep going and changing, but whatever unfolds you will see so clearly how constructing a life of bitterness limits you. You are never a victim, you create your emotions through your beliefs and perspectives, you’re always in the drivers seat even when you’ve deceived yourself into thinking you aren’t. If your beliefs are out of alignment with truth you will suffer.

Edited by Lyubov

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I think that the answer could be the radical understanding of other people perspective. All people are traumatised (emotionally hurt) on some level and if they behave in toxic ways, it's a product of their life circumstances and environment. I think that if we deeply grasp it, read tons of examples, educate ourselves about real motives of people behaviour we can start to look at toxic behaviour maybe not right away with empathy, but at least with understanding, that it comes from their wounds and it's not about Us. It's just the world full of people with broken emotional legs trying to crawl. I recommend work of Gabor Mate.

Edited by Shogi

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I have become a Blackpill anti-sjw selfish egoist misanthrope due to hundreds if not thousands of terrible experiences.

I say accept the bitterness. Accept the harsh lessons that life has taught you.

Don't try to escape what you are feeling. Accept it.

My bad experiences have made me bitter but also wiser. I now see through people's facade and deception. And recently I have also had profound spiritual insights about myself and society.

Lies are fluffy and comfy.

The Truth is bitter.

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