
Let's decode : Prostitution is good or bad?

136 posts in this topic

13 minutes ago, Sugarcoat said:

.A hot man could also sell sex to men but why don’t we see them doing it. 


What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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18 minutes ago, Sugarcoat said:

Sex for love and pleasure isn’t comparable, and the body is literally made to make kids so that isn’t comparable either 

And I guess the body wasn't made to have sex. The body doesn't care about what you think love is. The mind makes that distinction and is forever fleeting because the same person you'll claim to love today, you'll hate tomorrow. 

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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This thread shows the importance of sexual generacy versus degeneracy. 

Edited by AION

To desire it is to have it in imagination... 💫

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1 hour ago, Sugarcoat said:

Bottom line this is why I support the law here in Sweden that makes it illegal to buy sex but legal to sell

Of course, let's see men as enemies. That'll solve the problem, right? Just lock up the men and prostitution will dissapear. Briliant logic. Expected from a feminist

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The only way it's gonna dissapear is if the need itself dissapears. Probably only way to do that on a mass scale would be A.I. sex robots/girlfriends. But they have to be several levels bellow human inteligence, otherwise feminists and some other moron movements would start arguing whether it's not an exploitation, and that since they're a sentient beings we should grant them rights equivalent to those of human beings. An ideal sweet spot would have to be found in terms of their software capacities

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3 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

I'm not condemning anything or anyone. It's just the excuses are laughable and the reasonings absurd.

I don't look for "excuses" i never play with notions. I only describe phenomena.


There's a different one every time I make comments like I did. Yours now is life without sex is not worth living so I have to be a horny cow that pays to see hookers and go try to sex up the town and pick-up any chick who'se willing and hope she's hot.

You can't understand because you are a woman and what's more a woman with a chill lifestyle.
When you are young and full of testosterone you have more, even much more sexual aggressiveness, more ego too, and when you are also very active you don't care that the girl "is exploited" you just want a butt available here and there.
Do you feel guilty about having manufactured objects produced by underpaid workers in China? Of course not.

If I was ugly and had more money I would probably have a budget escort lol.


Even your other explanations about poverty and confort in the West etc. It's in Bali, Tim buktu, Switzerland, the Netherlands EVERYWHERE. Even in Jeruslem.  Comfort? Prostitution is everywhere poor or not. Matter of fact, it's more prevalent amongst the rich.

It is not in the same proportion, it is much more abundant in poor countries. Btw, less than a century ago in France it was still quite normal to take your son to see prostitutes to "unnaive" him, Jacques Chirac, French president between 1995 and 2007, lost his virginity with escorts in Algeria at 16 years old lol.

3 hours ago, Sugarcoat said:

Thats a bit far isn’t it😹

Because you didn't try willy yet 🫨


No more seriously i troll a little but I don't want a lukewarm existence, we manage to take it upon ourselves because we have access to comfort et it's like a parachute but i can understand how a construction worker wants to end his day with a prostitute, a pack of cigarettes, and a steak.

Edited by Schizophonia

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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2 hours ago, Sugarcoat said:

r  thing to actuallly do it. They’re saying it from a detached view .A hot man could also sell sex to men but why don’t we see them doing it. 


It actually exists. 

2 hours ago, NoSelfSelf said:

Escort game is wild stuff, no wonder game came from the pimps...


Nothing will prevent Willy.

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Many relationships are purely transactional and hyper material / scarcity based in general. Sugar daddy / baby, modern economics plays a role in shaping our relationships. Many women are using only fans and while I do agree there are women who absolutely should not work in this industry because their actions are coming from some really horrible beliefs based on what happened to them in the past, it’s difficult to just straight up categorize it all as just bad or gross.

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27 minutes ago, Schizophonia said:

It actually exists. 


Its true, the most real stuff you gonna learn if you know what to look  is from mafia,drug dealers,pimps etc. because one cant navigate/survive in those dangerous domains without being slick.

Edited by NoSelfSelf

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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3 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

I told you, you won't see too many things that works or are not negative in documentaries or in the news etc. There are plenty of this around. There was one on Only Fans in the limelight a few months back. Lots of men selling to men. 

Only fans is not the same as selling sex though. Still it’s way less common because the demand isn’t as high

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3 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

I bet the body that was used for someone else's gain doesn't. Go ahead and try to moralize and place upon the body your views about how we use and abuse it. You are using the body right now for your consumerism of pills to try and make it feel better. Why do you take pills. Because you want to feel better. You need a body for that. Why do we have sex to feel good, we need a body for that. It's all about feeling good, my dear and that's what consumerism is all about. To feed that ego of yours.

I will and can tear apart that beautiful construction of yours to pieces that you'll wish you never realize what it took to build it.

There’s a reason almost nobody wants to be a prostitute, less so than use their body in other ways like working some trash job. Because sex is experienced as something too special to share with someone for the exchange of money 

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3 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:


Is he talking about only fans? That’s a radically different thing then selling actual sex to me

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3 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

And I guess the body wasn't made to have sex. The body doesn't care about what you think love is. The mind makes that distinction and is forever fleeting because the same person you'll claim to love today, you'll hate tomorrow. 

We live from our minds so whatever distinctions it makes becomes our reality that’s right  

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2 hours ago, NewKidOnTheBlock said:

Of course, let's see men as enemies. That'll solve the problem, right? Just lock up the men and prostitution will dissapear. Briliant logic. Expected from a feminist

The reason for the law being that way in Sweden is that they recognize that most in prostitution are women who are vulnerable in some way and buying sex is using her in a vulnerable position plus sex being seen as something too special and intimate to exchange for money. 

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5 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

And I guess the body wasn't made to have sex. The body doesn't care about what you think love is. The mind makes that distinction and is forever fleeting because the same person you'll claim to love today, you'll hate tomorrow. 

The mind is influenced by the genetics within the body.
Genes are very much part of the body.
If you had a chromosomal abnormality in your body, it would influence the mind.
Furthermore a psychopath's genotype is probably different than a neurotypical genotype.
Both minds are different from the result of the body.
The connection between the mind and body shows how our genetic programming shapes our thoughts and behaviors. Going against your programming, or body, can be hard to do.

As a human mind, why don't you act out as a bird in your human vessel? Is it because the body, your genetic programming, doesn't give you the ability to do so?
If you can understand this, then why is it hard to understand that changing human behavior from hundreds of thousands of years of evolutionary forces in other ways, is hard for some to do?

Edited by gambler

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29 minutes ago, Sugarcoat said:

The reason for the law being that way in Sweden is that they recognize that most in prostitution are women who are vulnerable in some way and buying sex is using her in a vulnerable position plus sex being seen as something too special and intimate to exchange for money. 

Sounds like the most boring country on the planet

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1 minute ago, NewKidOnTheBlock said:

Sounds like the most boring country on the planet

Hahaha the fact you base that on the fact of buying sex being illegal says more about you than the country 

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1 minute ago, NewKidOnTheBlock said:

Sounds like the most boring country on the planet

You should create the most entertaining country on the planet where you have sex orgy parades. Where you can show up, strip naked in the streets, and mount a naked female while she does her thing with the guy in front of her.

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16 minutes ago, Sugarcoat said:

Hahaha the fact you base that on the fact of buying sex being illegal says more about you than the country 

No, yall just boring as fuck. If you aren't then you should be able to prove to me that yall aren't. Not shame me for being a man.

Tell me something about your country that spikes any ammount of dopamine in my brain. I can't think of anything. You're the same as Switzerland in this regard

Edited by NewKidOnTheBlock

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33 minutes ago, gambler said:

You should create the most entertaining country on the planet where you have sex orgy parades. Where you can show up, strip naked in the streets, and mount a naked female while she does her thing with the guy in front of her.

Perhaps. I'll let you know when that happens. You'll be the first visitor/tourist of that nation

Edited by NewKidOnTheBlock

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