
Owen Cook parenting his autistic son Dylan

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Owen Cook / RSD Tyler has his son Dylan run up and down the seminar room screaming in the face of the adult attendees.

The point he's trying to prove is that when you start speaking louder and more authoritatively (and in this case, bordering on insulting) your brain opens up more and you become more comfortable expressing yourself and using all your faculties.

Owen is clearly not only using his son as an illustration of his point for the seminar, but he's also trying to drill it through Dylan's head that he's high status and can act how he wants / express himself. I'd imagine this is something Owen does with Dylan very regularly, not just on this one occassion.

It will be interesting how this turns out for Dylan. Hopefully well but I can see this backfiring in multiple ways.

You can see Dylan have a meltdown from 6:00 onwards.


Edited by quantumspiral

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I've met Owen multiple times IRL. 

Great guy. You can tell his heart is in the right place.

He loves his kids. Spends lots of money to take them with him on his travels. 

But I sometimes wonder: does he guide his kids toward what they authentically like/want, or is he just trying to get them to be a particular way (the way he wants them to be)? 

Owen has light-level autism and clearly psychomotor overexcitabilities (he can'tstay still and can talk infinately).

He's unique in these ways. I wonder if he's projecting these on Dylan when maybe Dylan is more sensitive in other ways? 

Time will tell.

Personally I think no matter what parents do, every individual needs to find themselves.

Owen says he never lets his kids see him angry. So what happens when Dylan gets his wallet stolen by a crackhead. Will he be allow himself to feel anger + take appropriate action?

Who knows.

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I'd be worried that kid turns into a raging narcissist.

Teaching humility and self-doubt is important.

Edited by Leo Gura

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His solution for everyone (not just his son) is to talk louder, holler and scream.  He is a one-trick pony.   It is a useful exercise for people who are too timid, but has to eventually be integrated with common sense into the underlying context.

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19 minutes ago, Jodistrict said:

His solution for everyone (not just his son) is to talk louder, holler and scream.  He is a one-trick pony.   It is a useful exercise for people who are too timid, but has to eventually be integrated with common sense into the underlying context.

It's a great method to "get out of your head" and most people need this, not only "people who are too timid". 

It worked for him and his autism, it can work for his son.

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1 hour ago, Jodistrict said:

His solution for everyone (not just his son) is to talk louder, holler and scream.  He is a one-trick pony.   It is a useful exercise for people who are too timid, but has to eventually be integrated with common sense into the underlying context.

You missed the point of it completely.

He is explaining throughout the exercises the mental habits 95% of people have.

The exercise of yelling and being loud is a metaphor for staying engaged in a variety of social situations, despite the overwhelming social pressure to conform and make yourself small. 

Edited by PenguinPablo

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I used to look up to Owen. Now I realize he has a miserable life and a despicable ideology.

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The amount of manipulation done in those conference rooms is of a sickening level. They basically led the way to redpill and blackpill becoming popular, by selling pipedreams to impressionable lonely men, who then, when it turned out that not everyone can win using their method, turned to darker ways.

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Owen is a full proof autist. I can see that.But he made the best out of this condition and I have huge respect for his business and that he truly made something unique.

His body proportions look out of balance but I notice that many autistic people have such problems due to overeating because they lack impulse control. Again not all.

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3 hours ago, PenguinPablo said:

You missed the point of it completely.

He is explaining throughout the exercises the mental habits 95% of people have.

The exercise of yelling and being loud is a metaphor for staying engaged in a variety of social situations, despite the overwhelming social pressure to conform and make yourself small. 

People who already know how to engage in social situations don't need to holler and scream.  However, somebody who is timid needs to do something to get the volume of his voice up.  

Edited by Jodistrict

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1 hour ago, Jodistrict said:

People who already know how to engage in social situations don't need to holler and scream.  However, somebody who is timid needs to do something to get the volume of his voice up.  

The average person is so profoundly socially stifled. It is so SAD.

I don't know where you live. But here in the USA this has been my experience in multiple cities. I don't think you recognize the gravity of the sitiuation and probably suffer from Dunning-Krueger Effect. Just being real. 

Also possible you can't relate at all with this issue. For someone with social anxiety, the way Owen breaks this down is spot on!

I am significantly more socially free than at least 70% of people due to all the personal development work I've done, spirituality, and sales, and I still have a long way to go!


Edited by PenguinPablo

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3 hours ago, PenguinPablo said:

The average person is so profoundly socially stifled. It is so SAD.

I don't know where you live. But here in the USA this has been my experience in multiple cities. I don't think you recognize the gravity of the sitiuation and probably suffer from Dunning-Krueger Effect. Just being real. 

Also possible you can't relate at all with this issue. For someone with social anxiety, the way Owen breaks this down is spot on!

I am significantly more socially free than at least 70% of people due to all the personal development work I've done, spirituality, and sales, and I still have a long way to go!


You seemed to have missed the point that i said the technique is useful for some people.  

Vincit omnia Veritas.

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I’d play online video games if I wanted to get yelled at by a child with autism, I’d want my lunch break back if I went to a self help seminar and this happened. 

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On 10/01/2025 at 9:23 PM, gengar said:

The amount of manipulation done in those conference rooms is of a sickening level. They basically led the way to redpill and blackpill becoming popular, by selling pipedreams to impressionable lonely men, who then, when it turned out that not everyone can win using their method, turned to darker ways.

Imo everyone can win using their method. But only like 5% will have the dedication, perseverance and ability to self reflect that allows them to get the serious results. So I sorta agree and disagree. 

And yes I did just pluck that 5% figure out my ass


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