Terell Kirby

Los Angeles Wildfires

60 posts in this topic

59 minutes ago, Lyubov said:

Because people don’t particularly shine their consciousness on important matters but instead put the vibes and culture wars first. A lot of people would rather argue about all the silly shit, leave troll comments on social media and own the libs rather than set their bias beliefs aside and expand their consciousness. Many of these people will need to have their homes destroyed and face these issues to shock them out of their silly games. 

I get that, but California, Illinois, and New York are blue pro-environmental states because of those factors I mentioned. Those same factors also exist in Florida. It's not some backwards rural state with older and less educated folk like in Alabama or Mississippi.

Besides, Florida already has a lot of floods, hurricanes, and other weather-related problems for many years.

So again, why have states like California been more on the ball and proactive about climate change than other very developed states like Florida? 


Edited by Hardkill

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1 hour ago, Hardkill said:

I get that, but California, Illinois, and New York are blue pro-environmental states because of those factors I mentioned. Those same factors also exist in Florida. It's not some backwards rural state with older and less educated folk like in Alabama or Mississippi.

Besides, Florida already has a lot of floods, hurricanes, and other weather-related problems for many years.

So again, why have states like California been more on the ball and proactive about climate change than other very developed states like Florida? 


California is one of the most progressive states that is why, but not by much. LA apparently cut their fire department budget by millions even after experts have been saying for years a major fire like this can sweep through LA. California has some of the most hypocritical housing and zoning rules for what's supposed to a progressive bastion. Ocean property has gone up in general across the country and world. People want to live in warm areas if they can and swim in the ocean on the weekend, the rich work remote now so they can overpopulate these areas away from cold and dangerous business metropolis centers up north. People are going to continue to reap natural paradises as long as the market demands it without any thought to serious long term conservation. Dollar speaks louder than any policy or threat that isn't immediate. 

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17 minutes ago, Lyubov said:

California is one of the most progressive states that is why, but not by much. LA apparently cut their fire department budget by millions even after experts have been saying for years a major fire like this can sweep through LA. California has some of the most hypocritical housing and zoning rules for what's supposed to a progressive bastion. Ocean property has gone up in general across the country and world. People want to live in warm areas if they can and swim in the ocean on the weekend, the rich work remote now so they can overpopulate these areas away from cold and dangerous business metropolis centers up north. People are going to continue to reap natural paradises as long as the market demands it without any thought to serious long term conservation. Dollar speaks louder than any policy or threat that isn't immediate. 

But the reason it is more progressive than red states are is because of how developed they are and the demographics they have. 

Leo talked about this before.

I don’t know what happened with the LA fire department. I am they’ve made mistakes that need to be urgently addressed but they are still ahead of most states on climate change and taking care of the natural environment.

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I don't accept any of this New Age or occult stuff you are into. Do whatever you want with your spirituality but don't expect me to be into that stuff.

Your "acceptance" doesn't really determine the reality of the situation.

What, you think I'm some kind of crystal-clutching fool or something?

Everything I have EVER said on here has been, the truth.

Every disagreement you've had with me you have been making conflations and falsehoods and stuff.

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@The Crocodile Are you literally talking about someone who sees the future like Paul Atreides? Didn't even this fantastical character have blind spots? Who is the perfect man you speak of that only speaks the truth. He may be the one of prophecy (Dune reference)

Edited by Quader

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It's a natural cycle to have these forests in semi arid areas burn down every hundred years or so.. if you hike out in the black hills or in Wyoming/Montana as an example you can see all the dead stumps and vegetation from man intervening and putting out the fires, so if they get going, they can get big.

This is not a sign of the end times, or major climate change (though the climate is warming due to increased atmospheric CO2) it's just this bad because they put fires out for long enough there's lots of tinder on the forest floor, and if you build in a fire prone area there are risks and it just takes a small fire and some wind to get it moving.

Best wishes to the victims. This will put a strain on our already tight housing supply not to mention the skyrocketing national debt as I'm sure they'll print a few trillion to bail out the insurance companies and anyone uninsured, which means more inflation, more quantitative easing, and more of the same from the status quo.  These events can make people realize just how tight a line we weave having a stable society and how lucky we were to have so many decades of relative prosperity and calm in a reality designed with entropy in mind where stability can become unstable more easily than people realize. Building a utopia and maintaining it is not easy.

Edited by sholomar

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4 hours ago, The Crocodile said:

Your "acceptance" doesn't really determine the reality of the situation.

What, you think I'm some kind of crystal-clutching fool or something?

Everything I have EVER said on here has been, the truth.

Every disagreement you've had with me you have been making conflations and falsehoods and stuff.

You have some very strange views and it's concerning that you seem to not even recognize how strange they are.

I am not here to tell you what to believe, but you keep throwing some very weird views around so I had to respond somehow.

Crystal-clutching would be quite tame next to some of things you have claimed.

You do you, just don't expect me to join in.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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At least crystals are pretty

From beasts we scorn as soulless, in forest, field, and den,
the cry goes up to witness the soullessness of men.

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أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

Translation: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Leo [Gura] is the messenger of Allah.


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23 hours ago, sholomar said:

This will put a strain on our already tight housing supply not to mention the skyrocketing national debt as I'm sure they'll print a few trillion to bail out the insurance companies and anyone uninsured, which means more inflation, more quantitative easing, and more of the same from the status quo.  These events can make people realize just how tight a line we weave having a stable society and how lucky we were to have so many decades of relative prosperity and calm in a reality designed with entropy in mind where stability can become unstable more easily than people realize. Building a utopia and maintaining it is not easy.

It's heartbreaking 💔 

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From my office on Thursday, 50 miles away from it all. The smoke cloud only got bigger and taller throughout the day.

Even though I wasn’t directly affected, indirectly we had patients cancel appointments to help family evacuate, my ex-roommate had her high school burn down, and many in my area are volunteering/donating in some way. An old close friend I’ve cut contact with, but I know she lives one block away from the Sunset fire evacuation range. I have a best friend whose brother lives in Pasadena and he went to high school in Malibu. Haven’t had updates on how his circle is, he might be busy figuring it all out…

Watching the smoke on the drive to work has turned me into not wanting to eat red meat again….(once went 4yrs without due to environmental reasons). Gonna pick that up again and slowly cut out meat altogether when feasible for me…just too silly not to when the disasters are visibly nearing your doorstep.


Wind is still very strong right now, off and on.


Edited by ricachica

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if you think these fires are caused by climate change, you are delusional. These fires were clearly started by chem trails, weather modification and Direct Energy Weapons. I can post tons of evidence supporting this, but you will still reject it so I won't waste my time

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1 hour ago, Cobblestone Prince said:

if you think these fires are caused by climate change, you are delusional. These fires were clearly started by chem trails, weather modification and Direct Energy Weapons. I can post tons of evidence supporting this, but you will still reject it so I won't waste my time


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This will be used as an excuse to rail against progressive politics for no reason. 

Although geography is to blame for the most part.

Bailouts and rebuilding is only going to add to the inflation ripping off the economy even more. 

Wild times.

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