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How can you get rid of parasites?

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2 hours ago, Florian said:

How can you get rid of parasites?


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@Florian could  you elaborate? 

Do you have helminths , tapeworks etc? Have you tested positive for parasitic infection? 

Personalised Holistic Health Support
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@Michael569 I have symptoms I heard a lot were corelated general to parasites and apparently they are a relatively widespread problem (correct me if thats wrong)

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@Michael569 maybe I should do a test first though yea but thats kinda expensive and im saving for something right now

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@Florian see a doctor and request a referral to gastroenterology. If you can't get it, see if you can find a private assessment.

I wouldn't jump on any antiparasitic cleanse in the absence of testing as these can be hard to structure properly and if your symptoms are unrelated to parasites you might cause yourself more harm than good.

Out of interest, what are those symptoms? 

Edited by Michael569

Personalised Holistic Health Support
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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On 9.1.2025 at 2:46 PM, Florian said:

How can you get rid of parasites?

If you’re looking for advice, it would help if you could describe your symptoms in detail and provide some general information about yourself (age, weight, height, any relevant medical history, etc.). The more details you share, the easier it is to get meaningful input.

Keep in mind that parasitic infections are pretty rare in Germany because of high hygiene standards and preventive measures. There’s a good chance your symptoms could be related to something else.

That being said, it’s really important to prioritize seeing your primary care physician (Hausarzt) if you’re dealing with any health issues. Online forums can be helpful for advice, but they’re no substitute for professional medical guidance. Most people here will do their best to help, but the quality of advice can vary a lot. Always make sure to follow up with a doctor.

MD. Internal medicine/gastroenterology - Evidence based integral health approaches

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This is the man: https://www.thedetoxdudes.com/
He recommends the ZenCleanz. I don't have experience with it, nor did I research it but it's supposed to be very effective. 

Edited by Spiral Wizard

"The journey never ends, the point of arrival is always now." 

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