
Elon Musk Shenanigans thread

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29 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:


I don't know that these two are miserable. I can see then enjoying their lives.

These two seem pretty miserable but in way too deep. There's no getting through to them at all.

Hard to know what his inner life is like. Seems like he's desperate to be liked by others, but who knows.

@Leo Gura  How are you so sure Musk is so unhappy? I would almost give anything to work with something as cool as rockets (I have hyperfocus on rockets hahaha).

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1 hour ago, Apparition of Jack said:

@Leo Gura At some point do you think these people will ever realise how fundamentally miserable, broken, sad and lonely people they are?


None of them can stand each other. None of them sees any of the others as more than anything but as means to their own ends. Even their own families fucking hate them.

Thiel, Bezos, Musk, Trump, Zuckerberg - they’re all so fucking miserable. As much as it annoys me they have all this power, part of me is glad I’ll never end up like that, living a constant, never-ending web of lies and deceptions, chasing the next high.

It just sounds awful tbh.

I don’t think Zuckerberg is entirely corrupted. Don’t get me wrong there’s many things I think he did were dishonest and he was quite immature when Facebook came out and he has been consistently irresponsible with how he handles his platform but he doesn’t strike me as entirely corrupted, he greatly values knowledgeable and education. Trump is in an entirely different class than the tech oligarchs. 

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Upon reflection Musk is such a petty fool. Brainwashed himself badly. He could have stayed above all of this and actually did something good but he just couldn’t stand being mocked on the internet and had to go down the pipeline. I would not categorize Zuck or Bezos along with Trump or Musk. Of course the epistemic problems of corruption, capitalism and our collective society still have the shadow of Zuck and Bezos in them, I would consider them to value knowledge and innovation. Musk was somewhat in this camp until he made himself a celebrity through social media and rotted his brain. Trump was never an innovator or particularly smart. He had a large inheritance and grew his wealth through loans and real estate and also burned a ton of his wealth and went bankrupt many times as well. That’s not really comparable to basically creating social media or creating online shopping. 

Edited by Lyubov

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9 minutes ago, Lyubov said:

Upon reflection Musk is such a petty fool. Brainwashed himself badly. He could have stayed above all of this and actually did something good but he just couldn’t stand being mocked on the internet and had to go down the pipeline. I would not categorize Zuck or Bezos along with Trump or Musk. Of course the epistemic problems of corruption, capitalism and our collective society still have the shadow of Zuck and Bezos in them, I would consider them to value knowledge and innovation. Musk was somewhat in this camp until he made himself a celebrity through social media and rotted his brain. Trump was never an innovator or particularly smart. He had a large inheritance and grew his wealth through loans and real estate and also burned a ton of his wealth and went bankrupt many times as well. That’s not really comparable to basically creating social media or creating online shopping. 

I mean Zuck already stole Facebook from those posh twins. He played woke-ish and then turned into Rogan guy brolygarchy jiu jitsu type of guy and kissed Trumps ring. And the way Bezos (one of the richest men) treats his workers? Drivers are forced to pee in bottles because of the stress. When workers wanted to unionize in Quebec, Bezos just left the state. Because he wouldn’t be able to mistreat them the same way.

Edited by PurpleTree

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2 hours ago, Tudo said:

@Leo Gura  How are you so sure Musk is so unhappy? I would almost give anything to work with something as cool as rockets (I have hyperfocus on rockets hahaha).

You can read anecdotes about Musk from people like Kara Swisher. She was his friend before he turned on her and called her evil for daring to criticize his immaturity.

She says he's kinda lonely and miserable in his private life.

Frankly I'm sick of hearing about these Tech Bros. They are all corrupt and shallow as hell. Success and power addicts who understand nothing of what life is really about.

Edited by Leo Gura

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