
Could everything be infinitely wrong?

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Could everything be wrong in all directions infinitely? Note that I do not mean "Is it the case that the world is wrong in every way, or that what we're currently in is hell, or what we're currently in is Satan's domain." But COULD a reality exist, which is an ultimate reality encompassing every conceivable layer of being, which is infinitely wrong in all directions indefinitely and in the most limitless way possible?

e.g. a reality in which the worst possible violation and agony is happening simultaneously in all dimensions with escape being deductively impossible?

If you've watched the deleted whatifalthist video you might have been shocked about how much suffering you can be in when you take a high-end-potency psychedelic such as ayahuasca.

He claims to have experienced infinities in hell in that trip, and that hell is so infinitely horrible that it's unimaginable from our current perspective. Your being, allegedly, would crumble under the level of suffering.

Imagine we are the shattered parts of a mind that suffered so much it was broken. In that scenario, we could realize the suffering is meaningless and ultimately transcend it. The argument that qualia is an illusion since suffering is just a material event wouldn't help since materialism is an illusion, but at the same time we could make our minds go beyond the suffering.

On the other hand, If everything is infinitely wrong in all directions, nothing can be right, and so nothing can be overcome since the new thing you can put into place is entirely pointless given that it's just the same metaphysical material that stretches in all directions infinitely.

The entirety of the holocaust will never be 0.00000001% as dehumanizing as the belief that you are God and that you chose to put yourself into this experience in order to "experience everything."

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Suffering is an emotion, an energetic vibration created by evolution to increase evolutionary efficiency. Without the need to evolve, suffering has no reason to exist and disappears. Stones do not suffer, nor do sardines, they feel pain at specific moments, but not emotional suffering. Higher mammals suffer emotionally in specific cases when their world is not what it should be: they are hungry, they are expelled from the herd, they are afraid. Humans suffer much more because we live in a very complex mental world that creates multiple energetic layers loaded with suffering. Without them, this mental world would collapse and dissapear. 

From a higher perspective, the suffering of a mother watching her children being tortured is simply a perfect energetic vibration coordinated with all of reality, creating an infinite evolutionary butterfly effect. It exists because it is necessary for the infinite mosaic of reality to be perfectly coordinated, it appears because it is exactly what needs to appear at a given moment. Is it unpleasant? "Unpleasant" is simply an energetic vibration, it is nothing different than the light emitted by a star in its substance.

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@numbersinarow Every moment is the way it is. All labels of right or wrong comes from thinking. Which is also happening in the moment.

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35 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

Suffering is an emotion, an energetic vibration created by evolution to increase evolutionary efficiency.

Why is reality structured in a way that allowed this?

36 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

simply a perfect energetic vibration coordinated with all of reality,

Perfect is defined in opposition to something imperfect. If everything was perfect, nothing would be, and calling it so would just be an ego-mechanism.

40 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

necessary for the infinite mosaic of reality to be perfectly coordinated, it appears because it is exactly what needs to appear at a given moment.

You reduced suffering to an emotion created by evolution but at the same time think that the words "infinite mosaic" can't be reduced to the functioning of the brain, and actually do describe full metaphysical reality, at least to some extent?

Why can't it be any other way, why is the specific way that reality is, necessary?

42 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

"Unpleasant" is simply an energetic vibration, it is nothing different than the light emitted by a star in its substance.

This sounds like it runs into the same problem as materialism, how do you have knowledge of the thing-in-itself?

The entirety of the holocaust will never be 0.00000001% as dehumanizing as the belief that you are God and that you chose to put yourself into this experience in order to "experience everything."

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Your questions can't be answered with logical arguments. Plug some 5-Meo and start contemplating for yourself.


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Posted (edited)

in absolute terms? i donttttttt think so, everything is ultimately perfect, even hitler.

but i see what yout saying and yes...especially with psychedelics, just like any extremely powerful tool, you need to be very careful with them because (while they wont cause you to overdose) you can get some seriously bad experiences. It can go very badly and continue going very badly lol. 

it takes skill and poise and a degree of cleverness and mastery to navigate psychedelics. one small example of it going wrong in a completely unpredictable way is: you tell all your friends about the wonders of psychedelics so they start using them and getting into trouble at parties when they mix it with alcohol, Then think "well ive tried drugs now lets see what else im now able to do" and start trying mdma or ketamine (addictive) frequently or sure lets try some cocaine...sure its all just "drugs" and i do drugs now. 

There are many many many ways it can go wrong when psycs are used without wisdom. One simple piece of wisdom (as an example) is recognising when psycs and spiritual practises are going too far too want to bend, not break. another analogy in understanding egoic and mental strain (as some strain is expected and normal) its like working out a muscle, you want to intuitively feel the difference between good pain (that breaks the muscle down in preparation for growth later) or bad pain (that is pulling tendons and ligaments or tearing the muscle)

Edited by Aaron p

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