
Back to square one

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14 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

I didn't.

I get It. The freedom did It.

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200 iq or 80 iq. Both need to move up the spiral.

A stage blue christian and a stage turquoise christian will probably have two completely different views about christianity.

Edited by WelcometoReality

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30 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

I get It. The freedom did It.


What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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The only antidote against self deception is egolessness. Because it's the selfish part of us that wants to twist reality to suit our own agenda. However, I would argue even in that department Chris is ahead you guys. But that debate would be hard to resolve. It's hard to measure people's egos in a tangable way. 

I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Let us join in Glory. 

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1 hour ago, Salvijus said:

. It also gives him more weight and credibility because his reasoning is much less likely to have flaws

Even Newton believed in bs like Alchemy bro come-on , Was he right ?

A high IQ doesn’t make someone’s beliefs automatically valid, especially if they’re based on unsupported theories . 

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1 hour ago, Kairos said:

Even Newton believed in bs like Alchemy bro come-on , Was he right ?

Idk, but perhaps he had good reasons to believe it is true. 


A high IQ doesn’t make someone’s beliefs automatically valid

True. Only your ability to make sense and be logical increases as one's iq increases. That alone is not enough to be automatically right, but it's a factor worth considering that has weight. Egolessness and unbiasness is also another important factor to consider, but perhaps he excels even in that domain. So on what basis are people going to criticize his position? Simply calling him wrong and deluded has no weight. 

Edited by Salvijus

I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Let us join in Glory. 

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9 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

. So on what basis are people going to criticize his position?

1 hour ago, Salvijus said:


I think because he hasn't proved much in his life unlike other thinkers or scientists.

You think he is more valid just because of IQ score right ? Or have you validated some of his work yourself .

For instance Leo's work have been validated by atleast some people to some extend .



Edited by Kairos

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1 hour ago, Kairos said:

I think because he hasn't proved much in his life unlike other thinkers or scientists.

You think he is more valid just because of IQ score right ? Or have you validated some of his work yourself .

For instance Leo's work have been validated by atleast some people to some extend .

Well high iq score by definition means his reasoning is going to be super sharp and clean. There is still room for error if a person is using his intellect to support his egoic agenda. In such cases one can use the intellect to bend logic and endorse their agenda. But who's to judge other person's level of ego? One would have to be egoless himself to intuit the other person's density of ego correctly. And none of us here are egoless. So nobody has an upper hand to call him bias here. And nobody has a superior reasoning than him here because his reasoning is the highest in the world. That said, it's still possible that he's wrong, it just that nobody here qualifies to make that statement. 

Edited by Salvijus

I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Let us join in Glory. 

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1 hour ago, Kairos said:

Or have you validated some of his work yourself .

No I haven't validated his workings, I barely understand him, lol. Although I have come to some of the same conclusions as him just through a different route. 

Edited by Salvijus

I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Let us join in Glory. 

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1 hour ago, Kairos said:

I think because he hasn't proved much in his life unlike other thinkers or scientists.

We can take that into account, but I don't know if it matters much in this case. 

I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Let us join in Glory. 

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

It doesn't matter how developed or how much IQ you have, self-deception will get you.

Christianity is a mind virus. If you have been infected with that virus from birth, it is almost impossible to extract.

Christianity is HIV for the mind.

You can have whatever IQ, it won't cure your HIV.

This is why people keep returning to Christianity. It is lodged so deep in their minds that even mystical experience will not dislodge it. In the end people cannot handle total descontruction so they just return to some comfortable construct or fantasy. They were never in it for truth, they were in it for good feelings.

Right on point Leo, infact it is worship of the Ego, the Imaginary Jewish God, heaven, all imaginary🥕 Hell, all Imaginary Stick. But good luck convincing your family Christians this is the case, you will be Crucified, and be called Anti-Christ. 

But boy, The Bible is so Juicy and Captivating! is there any help though? @Leo Gura


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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

It doesn't matter how developed or how much IQ you have, self-deception will get you.

Christianity is a mind virus. If you have been infected with that virus from birth, it is almost impossible to extract.

Christianity is HIV for the mind.

You can have whatever IQ, it won't cure your HIV.

This is why people keep returning to Christianity. It is lodged so deep in their minds that even mystical experience will not dislodge it. In the end people cannot handle total descontruction so they just return to some comfortable construct or fantasy. They were never in it for truth, they were in it for good feelings.

Then, why do societies with higher levels of education tend to be more secular than countries with lower levels of education?

Edited by Hardkill

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Hello Flowerfaeiry,

I have been pondering on your query, trying to find the right words.

I aim to realign you with the correct (or should I say, true) path that will assist you.

I have found, in my experience, those with trauma in their past, are seekers of the highest order. Close to the light.

In my travels I have looked into many realms; scientific, spiritual, religious, chemical

What punctuated all of these areas was hope, faith, a knowing... that something beyond this material existence was present.

I suppose many gurus lead you within. For it is only in this realm, inside yourself, that you can connect with the light.

The answers you seek will not come from a forum. Won't come from the internet. Not from a psychedelic, nor another person. Not religion. As frustrating as this is: and I understand it, as I constantly did look for evidence in these realms.

The answers you seek will come from within you, for it is there, you will touch the light.

May I ask, do you have a meditation practice? Yoga?

It sounds so cliche, but there is a reason these 2 elements are repeated as tools for us.

I can tell you, and it could be a truth too early to hear (and much too early for many on this forum) we are here to learn to manipulate energy & matter. I myself, am learning, just as you are. I myself, experience, precisely what you are currently facing.

We are all connected.

You are one, with me.

This is enlightenment.

Things you would consider absolutely impossible, are possible.

Once you can affect energy. And matter.

Discipline is mandatory.

With all my love,



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To add further to this, if you need actionable steps, as motion acts to sooth this existential confusion:

1) Be clean, if you can: Vegan is ideal, but most cannot tolerate it. Even for myself, I am pescetarian. I cannot thrive on a vegan diet. Clean water, no smoking, no drinking. Little caffeine. Avoid drugs - receive the message, and then stop - for next steps lay action only. They will degrade your foundation if you abuse them. Most want to swing from the treetops like monkeys, but if the roots are rotten, no solid foundation, you will topple. To be clear I am not anti-drugs. I have used them extensively.

2) Sleep, master it. Without this, even nutrition discipline, is impossible. Working with energy & matter, impossible. Embodying love, impossible.

3) Internet & social media. Do not. Brain rot. Minimize. Even using AI will encourage lazy thought. It is a tool NOT to be abused.

4) Career, life purpose. There is a reason Leo emphasizes this, and it is a large reason why he draws seekers to him. This, I believe, is an integral piece of the puzzle that CANNOT be ignored. This is the conduit to accessing energy manipulation. Building a world and operating in this one is the lesson in matter manipulation we are all mastering. I think this is so important, because it gives intention to your life. Intention & focus is why you will learn to use energy to manipulate matter. Think of cooking a meal: it is your energy you are using, your intention, that will chemically change the matter into a substance you can consume to enrich your body, and thus spirit. Many gurus miss this. Using myself as an example: I build shit. Hospitals and science facilities. I use my energy, mental thought & mental manipulation, to orchestrate many moving parts to achieve a material thing. A building. To be honest I was stupid seeking existential matters before I put all intention into career. Idiot!

You will begin to notice patterns.

Pay attention to these. I cannot emphasize this enough: there are no coincidences.

It is your duty to ensure your own happiness, above all else. Happiness is the font of energy you will need. 

It is helpful to know: the gifts you are given in life, if not used, will backfire on you.

You may think, even the smallest help you can give to another doesn't matter - it does! It does. This is the beginning...

Even this post, it is helping me as well. It is making me so happy to try to assist you!

You may know or have mastered all this, I cannot know. And my apologies if this insults you, as it is so fundamental.

Positive intentions, only positive intentions <3

Words have more power than we can know


Edited by Natasha Tori Maru

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@Flowerfaeiry I mean Aubrey Marcus put out a statement endorsing Trump and described him as a loving person lol. These people are not immune from delusion.

That said it sounds like a tough situation to have those you look up to take a path which you didn’t expect. And have that choice of path cause you to question whether you can trust them as you did. I think is commendable that you are willing to reflect on this change and not just follow them. I’d take some time to be extra kind to yourself as I think inevitably this may bring up some challenging things for you. All best.

Edited by Ulax


There is no failure, only feedback

Do what works

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@Natasha Tori Maru

Some parts of your answer I do like - but others I wonder how and why you got to this perspective.

What resonates with me is for instance:

  • No coincidences
  • Your quote: (...) that something beyond this material existence was present.
  • Answers not coming from outside
  • Intentions seem to matter - somewhat

What I am skeptic about is:

  • we are here to learn to manipulate energy & matter. --> How you think know that this is our purpose? What makes you confident on claiming this as truth for everyone? Could be plainly wrong. Could be very subjective experience for you. Your purpose and your purpose alone.
  • Mastering matter manipulation: Even the idea that one can master it - I am at least very doubtful. In my life, the most powerful manifestations and biggest coincidences (falling in love, being offered jobs, receiving surprising gifts, meeting new friends, life opportunities in general, etc) have happened without me trying to manipulate anything. There were times where I had strong intentions and the exact opposite happened. There were times I had strong intentions and exactly this thing happened - when I was least expecting and not actively seeking it. There is one quote - I even think it's from Leo - that I liked: "You create and you are not aware of HOW YOU ARE DOING IT". All these manifestation techniques, all these gurus, coaches and trainer etc etc - I believe conscious manifestation is something that cannot be learned. To pick up your analogy: Contrary to cooking, you cannot plan manifestation/ energy manipulation by recipe. There is sth in it that cannot be explained by conscious mind - you might call it magic.
  • What happens IMO is this: People experience sth and then find explanations how they created this experience. But to stay in the cooking analogy, you experience eating a loaf freshly baked bread. Seeing the bread, you try to break down the ingredients and the process of how it was created. But: 1) You can't see all ingredients by just looking at the finished product 2) Even if you could, there is a certain process you can't see 3) All the ingredients combined create sth new - like the crust on the bread that was not an ingredient at first.
  • Finally: If there was a formula to matter manipulation - some human on earth certainly would know and teach it? And it would multiply and bam we would have a different world then we have today, wouldn't we?
  • IMO you follow the same line of thought as @Flowerfaeiry: Looking for one answer (yours: a formula to energy manipulation), one goal, one recipe for life. Don't think that works. But as you seem very convinced about it: What makes you that certain about it?

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11 hours ago, theleelajoker said:

@Natasha Tori Maru

Some parts of your answer I do like - but others I wonder how and why you got to this perspective.

What resonates with me is for instance:

  • No coincidences
  • Your quote: (...) that something beyond this material existence was present.
  • Answers not coming from outside
  • Intentions seem to matter - somewhat

What I am skeptic about is:

  • we are here to learn to manipulate energy & matter. --> How you think know that this is our purpose? What makes you confident on claiming this as truth for everyone? Could be plainly wrong. Could be very subjective experience for you. Your purpose and your purpose alone.
  • Mastering matter manipulation: Even the idea that one can master it - I am at least very doubtful. In my life, the most powerful manifestations and biggest coincidences (falling in love, being offered jobs, receiving surprising gifts, meeting new friends, life opportunities in general, etc) have happened without me trying to manipulate anything. There were times where I had strong intentions and the exact opposite happened. There were times I had strong intentions and exactly this thing happened - when I was least expecting and not actively seeking it. There is one quote - I even think it's from Leo - that I liked: "You create and you are not aware of HOW YOU ARE DOING IT". All these manifestation techniques, all these gurus, coaches and trainer etc etc - I believe conscious manifestation is something that cannot be learned. To pick up your analogy: Contrary to cooking, you cannot plan manifestation/ energy manipulation by recipe. There is sth in it that cannot be explained by conscious mind - you might call it magic.
  • What happens IMO is this: People experience sth and then find explanations how they created this experience. But to stay in the cooking analogy, you experience eating a loaf freshly baked bread. Seeing the bread, you try to break down the ingredients and the process of how it was created. But: 1) You can't see all ingredients by just looking at the finished product 2) Even if you could, there is a certain process you can't see 3) All the ingredients combined create sth new - like the crust on the bread that was not an ingredient at first.
  • Finally: If there was a formula to matter manipulation - some human on earth certainly would know and teach it? And it would multiply and bam we would have a different world then we have today, wouldn't we?
  • IMO you follow the same line of thought as @Flowerfaeiry: Looking for one answer (yours: a formula to energy manipulation), one goal, one recipe for life. Don't think that works. But as you seem very convinced about it: What makes you that certain about it?

Good morning theleelajoker,

I hope you are going very well.

To address your points:

1) Learning to manipulate matter & energy: I don't think I know. I know. So, for myself, there is no 'how'. You, yourself, have been using energy - your mind - to create or 'do' things, your entire life. You wouldn't exist or be where you are without this skill. You wouldn't have the job you have, the circumstances. If you can argue against this point, please do. This is a universal truth - you may choose to reject it. It doesn't make it any less true. But as you know, you create your reality. So if you reject this truth, it is no longer true for you. It will simply operate behind the scenes as it does, and you will simply not be aware of it.

2) You simply aren't aware of this yet. You haven't identified the patterns, and the actions, that you took to make these things happen. Even finding love - you must be engaged in the seeking. Finding a job - you are seeking. Even if these things come to you, you may have had these offers as a result of knowing the right person. This is energy use. Maybe you displayed the right qualities that fit the job to someone - again - energy use. This might require a reframe in your mind. But these things are all connected, it is a simple matter of recognizing these patterns. Meditation is of great assistance here.

3) I am not sure of what your point is here. It is not elaborated clearly. If you are cooking a dish, it is matter & energy manipulation. It doesn't matter if you don't know the constituents down to the last atom, electron, neutron. You don't always need to know how something is done to these infinitesimal levels. You use electricity - energy - or gas - energy - combustion. Applied to ingredients mixed in a way. This transforms it. Jet engines, combustion, chemical energy to create movement. This is energy and matter manipulation. It is the essence behind life. Sex - creating a child - energy and genetic manipulation.

4) I am not looking for a formula behind life: this is just the way life is. I don't look at this through the lens of science. I just know this is true. I am not sure there is an argument against it. There is much, much more to say on these topics, but I do not speak of such things. Only if I believe the individual is ready for it. I endeavor to meet the person where they are at. There are certain truths that are so mind blowing, you would immediately reject them and label them as 'crazy'.

One thing I will point out in the above: you agree there are no coincidences, but then claim you have had random events happen to you, that you didn't cause. If there are no coincidences then, it follows, you did partake in the leadups to the events. Your energy contributed to some outcome. To use one of Leo's frequent teachings regarding finding a woman: you must get out and speak to them, expand social circles. Put yourself in the right environment. Maybe you don't find someone out at a club. But then at work, you meet someone. The energy you put into mastering social interactions with women was used at work with this new lady... and a romance blossoms. Naturally. This is the pattern. You learn to recognize these patterns as you grow.

This is power. Energy, power, matter. You are here to use it, learn. Learn to wield it with good intentions and not abuse it. 


Open forums are curious things to me, and while I answer certain questions directed with a purpose and to a certain person, they are also transparent for others to come across. I take this chance, so that maybe, maybe... I can impart assistance to someone else who is seeking. Sometimes the message is jarring to others who aren't ready, and I am sorry to cause any distress to anyone who stumbles on to something I have said that causes internal friction.

You may disagree with me on these topics. I do genuinely feel you question me as you have little context of my experience and achievements in life. These things are irrelevant, because in the end, you will need to discover these things on your own.

I can merely open a door. 

Nothing more.

I wish you well <3

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Thanks for taking time to reply.

I think my points boils down to:

  • Who or what is creating or manipulating things to happen? To set an intention, I need a desire. Where does it come from? Why exactly this desire among an infinity of possibility? Do you - Natasha Tori Maru - create your desires? If not, how are they created?
  • Your life could be just like a movie while giving you the impression of control of influence. How you know the difference?
  • Life is way to mysterious to figure out a formula
  • The pattern you believe to see are
    • 1) Only a fragment of reality. Think of the distribution of matter, dark energy, dark matter in the universe. Only about 5% are matter, rest is invisible.
    • 2) Only what you are programmed to see. What you see are symbols of what truly is. Your eyes believe they see colours, but objects have no colours. It's created by our organism
    • 3) Most likely a fantasy. Humans are pattern- and meaning-making machines. We see them even if they don't exist. Because we want to see them
  • Re the coincidences: What I mean is that I don't believe that my life follows a completely random pattern. There are connections, but "I" don't control them. "I" don't create them. They are happening, and I am part of it. Let's say I want to call a friend, take the phone and before I dial he is calling me. That's an example of coincidence for me. In my logic, it was not me - leelajoker, the conscious part that is also writing this message - creating this event. What caused me to want to call him? I don't know. What caused him to call me the very moment? I don't know. Any pattern I might believe to see is IMO just a fluke.

However...maybe I am wrong, maybe I am right. You do you, I do me : )

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On 1/7/2025 at 10:03 AM, Leo Gura said:

It doesn't matter how developed or how much IQ you have, self-deception will get you.

Christianity is a mind virus. If you have been infected with that virus from birth, it is almost impossible to extract.

Christianity is HIV for the mind.

You can have whatever IQ, it won't cure your HIV.

This is why people keep returning to Christianity. It is lodged so deep in their minds that even mystical experience will not dislodge it. In the end people cannot handle total descontruction so they just return to some comfortable construct or fantasy. They were never in it for truth, they were in it for good feelings.

wtf is this? lol were you hurt by the church as a child Leo.

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