June June

The Resistant Brain: When Psychedelics Won't Work

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I would like to share that I have tried ayahuasca and san pedro shamanic ceremonies with no effect.

I have also taken Golden Teacher Mushrooms 7 times and nothing. 

To be more precise, I was only admitted once into the realm of mushroom creatures with my first museum dose of 1,5 gr dried golden teacher dose. I got to float around their world and do some small talk with the beings.

Has this happened to anyone else? Is it a chemical/absorption issue? Or is there some huge mental block at work here? 
What do you say? I would love some insights on this, as I do want to experience psychedelics for spiritual growth but am somehow blocked.

Some context:
I am a 50-year-old male, married with kids. I am lean, athletic, an ectomorph, easily stressed, and live predominantly in my head.
I have participated in 2 ayahuasca ceremonies and 1 san pedro ceremony. I did not experience any mental effect, only vomiting and diarrhea.

Got a golden teacher grow kit from netherlands. In a time span of 6 months took (dried) 1,5gr,  2gr,  3gr, 1.3gr,  4gr,  3gr and yesterday 4gr. [only the first 1,5 gr has had any effect as allready mentioned].

Tried all manners of ingesting the mushrroms: with an empty stomach, chewing the mushrooms, powdered, with lemon, with kombucha, , with chocolate, powdered and stored in honey , with mild MAOI passion flower tea.
I have stored the mushrooms powdered in honey or vacuum sealed dried [not powdered].

Thank you!

Edited by June June

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@June June consume some dried shrooms, at least 5 gr dried with lemon and dark chocolate. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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Well I always experienced psychedelic effects, a different state of mind just contributed to a different experience in the trip. 

Magic mushrooms are a natural product, maybe there wasn't as much psylocibin in the other ones, I have also made the experience that magic truffles (also contain psylocibin) loose much of their strength over time but it wasn't completely lost. So that contributes maybe. 

Do you take medication? 


You could also just try different psychedelics and see how they work for you like LSD. 

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@June June Hi, thank you for sharing your experiences. When I tried the first time Ayahuasca in the amazonas, I didnt have any visions and grand experience as well. Only after the 7th night I had my first introspection. It was really beautiful!

In my experience it was due to "living in the head". Psychedelics are something frome nature and I bond them with heart, intuition and more female engery (without wanting to sound too new age-ish...) The second reason was maybe unconscious trauma and a projected lack of trust.

After that 7th night, I had several other ayahuasca ceremonies and other substances. Since then every experience was awesome. But my experiences are manely in my head, especially ayahuasca. I have so many thoughts and insights but dont have visions with colors and scenes.

I suggest also trying other substances like LSD.

OR: Maybe the energy of the substances are too subtle or feminime (like ayahuasca, the mother) for you and because you are (as I was) more living in the head, you need something "stronger" and more masculine like YOPO. 

I really hope you will find something which suites you well, psychedelics have so much potential!

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From "Realms of the Human Unconscious" - Stanislav Grof
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Psychedelics are just a permission slip like meditation that you use, resistances/stress/lack of understanding in your outer self will block the effects.

All psychedelics lead to the same cause, if they don't work it simply means you have a lot more work to do unlocking your mind and being interested in god. Daily Action/intention is what matters, and not being preoccupied with your materialistic realm like family or money or other desires

Also when you take psychedelics the states are within you , so the world might look no different but the higher power like non duality is still there but you don't have any understanding how to tap into it or how to raise your own consciousness

Just like in meditation and psychedelics surrendering to energies/god is the #1 thing. Not psychedelics or meditation

Edited by Jowblob


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