
A Life Worth Living

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Time's up.

It's time to no longer treat this life like a trial run.

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Posted (edited)

TWO FACTORS: (clickbaity science article titles alert)

1) HEART-TO-SKY: the higher, uncontained (by human standards) energy of the solar flares over the last 5-6 years. The auroras (which I had never seen before then, where I live). The regular magnetic pole reversal of the sun. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-suns-magnetic-poles-are-vanishing

2) GROUND-TO-HEART: the continuous magnetic pole shift across my lifetime:  https://www.earth.com/news/magnetic-north-pole-is-moving-faster-than-ever-as-it-races-toward-russia/  

Related to it is this particular anomaly: https://www.sciencealert.com/nasa-is-watching-a-vast-growing-anomaly-in-earths-magnetic-field It is as one heart core, though divided. https://www.sciencealert.com/mysterious-anomaly-weakening-earth-s-magnetic-field-seems-to-be-splitting-into-two  As we are so often as well. Split.

The space for two semi-distinct energies to bleed together rapidly, like an invitation to a welcome opening, or a wound. I cannot help but find it to be beautiful while also being a necessary acceleration. My Self from mid-late 2019 reminded me that I (/we) had to stop flipping up and down between different segregated halves and selves, like an hourglass, turning it over and over again. It is this same type of cycle ending reflected everywhere.

Late 2019. There is so much noise and distortion in the ether, including the sound of a million cacophonous voices and selves, but the will of the core of the Earth rings true and cuts through all. How loud it is for those with ears.

Physically, it's mostly business as usual. Causal effects for life on Earth won't be obvious, easy-to-trace ones; it is not in the domain of scientists. Their domain is to observe and gape at it as it is happening, as that is the doctrine of materialistic empiricism. Otherwise, it impacts everything, biologically, psychologically, emotionally, and subtle energies (though magnetic energies are very coarse and "heavy" in both sound and kinesthetic feel for subtle energy, to the point I would not call it such myself). How could it not? https://www.sciencefocus.com/planet-earth/earth-magnetic-field

It also cuts through everything else, as these are superseding casual factors which govern all life on Earth.

After all, we are the dream of the planet (and vice versa).


It's not even our biggest concern when it comes to biological and psychological dysregulation and entropy either.

Edited by eos_nyxia
This was originally only the domain of astrology and future telling.

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