
How would enlightenment look for woman ?

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8 hours ago, Natasha Tori Maru said:

I think it is a very hard challenge for all people.

It is not attributed to sex.

But you speak of individuals who are mired in the system & have unhealed wounds inside they aren't aware of.

These individuals cannot reach enlightenment in this state.

I will be upbraided for this: women are naturally closer to God than men. At birth, before life comes to fuck them up.

Empathy is the key here; it enables us to feel what others feel. To be one with them. This is God.

Feminine energy is closer to God, enlightenment, due to this natural empathy.

Feminine energy is not only contained in women.

And stating the above, to be clear, does not mean men cannot attain enlightenment with any less effort.

We all have a balance of masculine and feminine not connected to our born sex.

on one hand I get what you are saying on the other hand... Men have more masculine energy then woman. It seems like feminine energy gets idealised in that way 

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On 7.1.2025 at 3:37 AM, SOUL said:

If you transcend the binary biases you have about sex and gender, it will be absolutely clear the answer doesn't have this question.

Are you saying there is no differences in the genders ?

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On 6.1.2025 at 7:36 PM, Someone here said:

I am a man who is spiritual and into spirituality. I don’t have anyone else in my life that’s also spiritual. Maybe one day I’ll find some people that are. I have noticed that a lot of spirituality related YouTube videos are made by women. When you listen to someone like Anna Brown you feel she is authentic whereas someone like Jim Newman  sounds like a neo advaita robot .i’m sure that’ll change tho. Right now we’re definitely breaking the stereotype of men needing to be tough. I’m confident that with time we’ll see more men being spiritual

I have zero libido ever since ive gone deeper into spirituality btw . 

It's very sad indeed .I hope she finds  happiness and peace soon . Sometimes life just doesn't work .could be a real bitch . But it has been my experience that the greatest happiness you will ever experience usually comes after you hit your lowest .

Hang in there Sabth .

sorry but to me that does not sounds healthy at all. I really hope you get your sexdrive back. Secondly I have the impression that you have to much of that post modern view that men and woman are only socialist in there differences. 

Tuff men are needed to have a harmony in a society. Harmonie can only exist because force and violence is concentrated on very specific areas. Like police and military. Also its a biological instinct for men to protect woman and not the other way around. Some roles are good the way they are.

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women are naturally less authoritarian because of biological factors. men have hormones that make them naturally more inclined  towards obtaining dominance. dominance of a country, dominance of money, dominance of knowledge...hence why you typically see less women in positions of power. This naturalistic phenomena is being combated in professional settings in the name of equality but spirituality is not a professional setting (or it is, but it isint recognised as such) and its less formally structured...meaning that nature has more control, so you'll likely see far far less female spiritual teachers (of what i call "true, off the deep end, enlightenment"). in this area, nature is mostly unchallenged. 

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10 hours ago, Howtolive said:

Are you saying there is no differences in the genders ?

In what respect are you asking? It was me noting how it seems your binary biases on it aren't really significant in consciousness, so isn't that distinction to be made with awakening.

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11 hours ago, Howtolive said:

on one hand I get what you are saying on the other hand... Men have more masculine energy then woman. It seems like feminine energy gets idealised in that way 

No, it should not be idealized in this way. One cannot be, without the other.

Objectively one energy is not better than another.

Feminine energy is balanced by masculine & they are each grand.

Your question relates more to unhealthy vs healthy forms of this energy, and how these affect reaching enlightenment. 

Masculine energy is also idealized, more so than feminine. Men build, create, mine, custodians of strength, protectors. Fucking amazing shit!

I do not command such power.

It could be that you are simply valuing enlightenment more than anything else.


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While I do think that women are better feelers than men, I'm not sure that feeling is necessarily a "female" trait. Men in today's societies are taught not to feel. They are too "manly" to feel. You FEEL your way on the spiritual path, be self-aware. In that regard, women have an advantage. A self-aware male can in time learn this skill of feeling.

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20 hours ago, Aaron p said:

women are naturally less authoritarian because of biological factors. men have hormones that make them naturally more inclined  towards obtaining dominance. dominance of a country, dominance of money, dominance of knowledge...hence why you typically see less women in positions of power. This naturalistic phenomena is being combated in professional settings in the name of equality but spirituality is not a professional setting (or it is, but it isint recognised as such) and its less formally structured...meaning that nature has more control, so you'll likely see far far less female spiritual teachers (of what i call "true, off the deep end, enlightenment"). in this area, nature is mostly unchallenged. 

Okey interesting. Would you say this lust for being authoritarian is coming from a lack or from a joy ? Because I can it feeling in me coming from a lack often. My question is, is that feeling if lack maybe needed for men to get to these authoritarian positions ?

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16 hours ago, Natasha Tori Maru said:

No, it should not be idealized in this way. One cannot be, without the other.

Objectively one energy is not better than another.

Feminine energy is balanced by masculine & they are each grand.

Your question relates more to unhealthy vs healthy forms of this energy, and how these affect reaching enlightenment. 

Masculine energy is also idealized, more so than feminine. Men build, create, mine, custodians of strength, protectors. Fucking amazing shit!

I do not command such power.

It could be that you are simply valuing enlightenment more than anything else.


yeah I agree. Just in connection to enlithentment it seems like you only need the feminin energy for that ?

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15 hours ago, Breathe said:

While I do think that women are better feelers than men, I'm not sure that feeling is necessarily a "female" trait. Men in today's societies are taught not to feel. They are too "manly" to feel. You FEEL your way on the spiritual path, be self-aware. In that regard, women have an advantage. A self-aware male can in time learn this skill of feeling.

Men in our society today are the most likely to feel compared to other societys in history . I would definitely say there is also biological factors at play. Men know intrinsically that showing weakness can cause less survival potential because of setting one self in a lower hirachy. So I believe its both.

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Some say the personality continues after enlightenment, but without the judgement, fear and other neurosis, those things unravel naturally. They say that the human still develops, so can be worked on. So an enlightened woman would probably have a pretty healthy emotional life as she is devoid of common neurosis. She would be feminine, social as women usually are but without the attachments to people or obsession about her looks. I would like to meet such a woman. Or even better, become one myself. 

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