
My first youtube video ever! Dating on the spiraI

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Iet me know what you think!

I want to be Iike Ieo and make educationaI videos

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As knowledge-seeking as I am.....this is not something I'd watch....(ever).


  • Watching on 1.5x, and it still feels slow
  • I'm 99% this is an AI-voice generation......doesn't sound good (consider alternative voices or mixing somehow)
  • The animations is probably the worst aspect; Reminds me of this Pokemon parody video I watched way back in elementary school 🤣😂☠️💀

Overall: Its good that you started, but you gotta implement more creativity SOMEWHERE, in SOME dimension of the content. Its like the saying "do 1 thing, Very very very well".

As of right now: Its not really informative, doesn't sound good, nor look good. I am not feeling the "Why" (appeal) I should watch it.

Good luck bro

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It would be nice if you directly talk in the video. The animation is not that good. But it's a good start. Videos are generally more interesting if a person is directly talking facing the camera. 

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One comment that I would make is that it feels like the vibe of Psych-to-Go and even has a similar voice.

But what you would need is to have a short breakdown of Spiral Dynamics to preface what you're teaching. Most people don't know what Spiral Dynamics is and haven't heard of it. So, you'll need to take some time to explain that in every video.

So, I would prepare a 20-30 second blurb at the beginning of each video... including "and we'll you can use this model to understand how to find a compatible partner."

I do the same thing in each of my videos about Shadow Work where I explain what Shadow Work is in about 30 seconds for people who've never heard of Shadow Work before.

And it's a good practice to always define all the terms you're going to be using in the video in the first part of the video before you get into the meat of things.

That gives people a sense of what the video is going to be about and clue them into what kind of vocabulary you'll be using.

I like to organize my videos this way...

  • Intro - ie "Hi I'm ____ and this video is about how to use Spiral Dynamics to find a compatible partner."
  • Define all words and phrases people aren't generally familiar with
  • The main points
  • Action steps
  • Outro

And I would do some work to make your sound and sharing style a bit different from Psych-to-Go. It's important to find your own voice and to find your personal edge that makes you different from everyone else..

Those are my main notes. Keep up the great work!


Edited by Emerald

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