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What is a good mental health retreat

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I'm looking for an experience to help me reset. I know and can feel past trauma almost like its a tumor in my brain. currently I'm only able to give about 40% of the potential that i know i truly have. I need a break from technology and weed. i dream of going off grid or moving to an eco village, something slower. Right now my business is stable, but the past 4 years were ruthless. to be honest I've achieved every goal I've ever set, now no goal seems impossible, but now i just dont want to put in the effort. I don't want the stress or the burden that will come along with that goal/life advancement. life just seems like its 95 percent unenjoyable and 5 percent enjoyable. nothing truly excites me anymore, i dont look forward to things, i dont like being with family, i just sit an watch tik-toks for hours. what im looking for is a place that i can go where they understand why im there and will guide me with meditation, drugs, wizards dust or some experience to help me reset and gain a clear picture.  Also in these past 4 years I've learn that i do have autism, and i found that out at 36. i feel like i might have just rambled a lot here, but i dont know how to help myself at this point and im just seeking help. 

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You can try vipassana retreat, ayahuasca retreat, unleash the power within 

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One thing i would also like to say is i would like the cost to be around $1500 with travel, meals, hotel. I've looked at vedic city as well but there are no options that i feel are affordable. I do decent for myself but i cant swing 5-6k. Ill take a look at the options you gave but i feel the ayahuasca retreat is out of budget as it cant be done in the US correct? 

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28 minutes ago, MrIowa said:

One thing i would also like to say is i would like the cost to be around $1500 with travel, meals, hotel. I've looked at vedic city as well but there are no options that i feel are affordable. I do decent for myself but i cant swing 5-6k. Ill take a look at the options you gave but i feel the ayahuasca retreat is out of budget as it cant be done in the US correct? 

Where exactly are you looking? In Mexico? 

My name is Whitney. 



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@MrIowa what sort of experience are you looking for? Relaxing or stimulating? What climate? What food? What culture?

Or are you looking purely for spiritual retreat?

1500 usd isn't a lot for travel and you may run into cash shortage pretty easily unless you go ultra low cost which includes bunk beds, hostels and shared accomodations. Also it doesn't allow much for emergencies and last minute changes etc. you wanna have at least 5k on reserve while traveling solo at all times for unforseen events.

Does that 1500 need to include flights? 

At that budget Europe, America and Australia might not work but potentially south east Asia and South America maybe meso America if you plan it carefully 


Edited by Michael569

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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honestly I'm not sure what i need, i just need a place to recover.  I do fly out to San Diego this week and was able to snag a roof top penthouse, but this trip is for work. I do have funds, they arnt unlimited but if i want something bad enough i can make it happen. I think what I'm looking for is treatment, its like my brain is in a knot due to stress. i need help finding new life goals, or a purpose. i would like something near by that i can drive to in the Midwest. I want the ability to check my phone 1-2 times a day, but over all i want to decompress and re energize with a bit of substance abuse help. 

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34 minutes ago, MrIowa said:

honestly I'm not sure what i need, i just need a place to recover.  I do fly out to San Diego this week and was able to snag a roof top penthouse, but this trip is for work. I do have funds, they arnt unlimited but if i want something bad enough i can make it happen. I think what I'm looking for is treatment, its like my brain is in a knot due to stress. i need help finding new life goals, or a purpose. i would like something near by that i can drive to in the Midwest. I want the ability to check my phone 1-2 times a day, but over all i want to decompress and re energize with a bit of substance abuse help.

what about walking the Appalachian trail? Say a 300 miles of it. That could potentially fit the budget but you'd need some gear, a tent and a little bit of basic survival skills. Although I heard the trail crosses plenty of towns for you to resuply and take a proper nap & shower every now and then. 

I can imagine all that solo walking and time in nature doing wonders for your mental health tho. And its US so you wouldn't have to fly too far. 

Edited by Michael569

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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