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Being sick and consciousness

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Just an observation 

Whenever i catch a flu, covid or some other sickness It feels like my consciousness dumps to crab or lobster level.

Like a week ago i felt very conscious and connected and stuff.

Then i caught the flu or covid or something else around the 29th December. With fever headache, body aches, inflammation etc.

And now still i feel like headaches, neck pain, congestion, brain inflammation, cough and i’m not interested in doing consciousness work or watching non duality videos at all. Not interested in doing anything at all besides watching some comedy or whatever.


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In my experience, most of the times getting fever actually boosts my mental focus and sometimes even energy levels. I figure it's because of the increased metabolism to produce and maintain all that heat. But yeah if the fever comes with more stuff like coughing , muscle pain and a runny nose it can definitely be distracting and draining

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6 minutes ago, mmKay said:

In my experience, most of the times getting fever actually boosts my mental focus and sometimes even energy levels. I figure it's because of the increased metabolism to produce and maintain all that heat. But yeah if the fever comes with more stuff like coughing , muscle pain and a runny nose it can definitely be distracting and draining

Yea it’s interesting i think for me it’s this headache brain inflammation thing that makes me feel like an unconscious crab. I’ve had it whenever i got covid etc.

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