
Leo, how on earth are you so good at Chess?

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Posted (edited)

On 07/01/2025 at 11:53 PM, Leo Gura said:

I see so many deficiencies in myself that it's hard to say I am the best at anything.

I am different in certain ways, that's for sure.

You absolutely excel in your domain. And I don't see anyone excelling so well at it. When we talk on the forum about other thinkers and spiritual people, none of them come close to your understanding of Consciousness and Humanity. No one is capable of equivalent depth and accuracy.

To me, your domain of mastery is the most important one, but then again, humanity is not there yet to value it. If your domain was chess or a sport, it would be much easier for you and for everyone else to see how good you are.

Deficiencies don't reduce any of that. They give you humanity. They don't make you any less exceptional at what you're doing or in who you're being. I don't exactly know what deficiencies you're thinking about. I know about your health problems or the extreme shyness you overcame, but I honestly don't know if those are the kinds of things you have in mind, or if you think about stuff like not being good enough at ''understanding complex technical stuff like math, research papers, or computer code" (as if this even mattered).

I mean, who would expect or want you to master all those things? And who would expect or want you to be perfect? You're already far more advanced than most people, and that already creates a great gap. Many people don't understand you, they criticize you or try to diminish you because what you say flies far above their heads. But many others see you and your worth with more clarity.

You can make mistakes and be imperpect in some areas, that doesn't make a difference. You also are human. All the greatest men and women have made mistakes and were imperfect in some aspects.

I think you have some wrong perceptions about (your) deficiencies and what they mean. Whatever those are or whatever you're thinking about, they certainly don't outweigh your qualities and your giftedness (and the fact that you're the best in this).

On 07/01/2025 at 11:53 PM, Leo Gura said:

I acknowledge a genetic aspect to my intelligence and psychedelic ability.

Yes… you have very, very unique genetics.

Edited by Clarence

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On 1/3/2025 at 1:59 PM, Leo Gura said:

Once I train up some more I could play some matches against you guys.

Let's do it.  


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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2 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

Let's do it.  

Lets make a tournament and decide on date and time when Leo defeats all the bots...

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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1 hour ago, NoSelfSelf said:

Lets make a tournament and decide on date and time when Leo defeats all the bots...

Sounds good 😀


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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On 1/4/2025 at 3:59 AM, Leo Gura said:

Once I train up some more I could play some matches against you guys.

"Hey Leo, I'm back in your Dojo! I'd love to play chess with you - my username on is @cooliemoody. Would it be okay if I make a post about playing chess with you and the other members? I'm looking forward to having some interesting chess matches with people here on I'm trying to bring quality to everything I do in life, and I believe can help influence me to develop the quality I'm seeking for myself!"

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That queen trap was insane :D, what a sexy move - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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Posted (edited)

@integral why didn't the black queen eat Leo's bishop at move 10? It makes no sense to me. Seems like an irrational move a beginner wouldn't make.

Shouldn't the bot be pretty damn good at 2000 elo?

Edited by The Renaissance Man

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7 minutes ago, The Renaissance Man said:

@integral why didn't the black queen eat Leo's bishop at move 10? It makes no sense to me. Seems like an irrational move a beginner wouldn't make.

Shouldn't the bot be pretty damn good at 2000 elo?

Because after that you'd have rook b1, completely entrapping the queen. Best it could do is take one of the rooks along with it. Queen for bishop and rook can be debatable, depends on position, purely point-wise that's a net of -1, but it's not necessary to get into that, the bot evaluates deep enough.

Whichever way you turn, there is the face of God

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Posted (edited)

51 minutes ago, The Renaissance Man said:

@integral why didn't the black queen eat Leo's bishop at move 10? It makes no sense to me. Seems like an irrational move a beginner wouldn't make.

Shouldn't the bot be pretty damn good at 2000 elo?

Black should have taken my bishop but I made a mouse click error the previous move with my rook. My top rook was supposed to be right over the bishop to protect it. So the two errors canceled each other out. I lost a whole move with that mouse click error.

Black had a better move by using his other light square bishop to attack my top rook from blocking the queen. Black's queen would still have been lost but black could have taken out both my rooks which would have made for a more even endgame.

Black and I both made some simple errors which made for a close game.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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On 1/4/2025 at 1:02 AM, Leo Gura said:

You guys take chess way to seriously. I put more thought into jerking off than chess.

 Are you taking jerking off too seriously, Leo? 

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Guys I have balanced chess. You know how there is first mover advantage. Well I thought,  what if we make half a move for Black,  before the game even starts, we can achieve a position without any advantage for white. Currently its 1/5th of a pawn advantage for white at the start. 

I opened up engine and tried many "half moves" and if black knight starts on g6 rather than g8 (so in front of the pawn) then we have complete 0s in the starting position. And this setup makes sense because the black knight we moved still iss on the same colour square as before. 

I went ahead and made a correspondence tournament which is in progress and has been for a long time, now on round 2. The games have been fun, and i feel equally mighty with both colours.




Edited by Dodo

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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@Dodo That's an ingenious solution.

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On 1/7/2025 at 5:53 AM, Leo Gura said:

It's hard for me to say what I am since I am too close to the matter to see it objectively.

In some very specific respects I am very unique. But I'm also quite normal in other respects.

I have a unique capacity for understanding things. A unique kind of intelligence. And psychedelics. Other than that, not much else.

Genetics? Yeah, my intelligence is grounded in genetics. Is it a worldclass intelligence? Hard to say. Not by conventional measures of raw performance. But there is something unique in my ability to understand things. It's hard to say why that is.

As far as mastery of skills goes, I am not a master of anything other than understanding the mind. Because I don't care about anything enough to bother mastering it.

But even in the domain of understanding, my ability is very specialized. I am not good at understanding complex technical stuff like math, research papers, or computer code.

Wow you can only enter the Kingdom of God as a Child😭 thanks Leo.

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11 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@Dodo That's an ingenious solution.

Thanks Leo (thank the engine)! If you or anyone else want to play this version in correspondence 7 day per move, here's 2 open challenge links:


I know a bit of "theory" as ive analysed the position with engine and know some standard openings like h4 h5 to start challenging the g6 knight immediately. And blacks best defence is to do the same with his h pawn..

Notice the knight helps black control the center, so now white can go for a flank attack on the first move, as black can easier contest the center. 


Edited by Dodo

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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On 3/20/2025 at 0:32 AM, integral said:

That queen trap was insane :D, what a sexy move

On 3/20/2025 at 0:32 AM, integral said:

That queen trap was insane :D, what a sexy move 

The only thing holding Leo back in Fischer random I think is that Leo hasn't realized the importance of opening diagonals early for the bishops, he's rushing to play for the center while lacking in development if this game was against a 1900 rated player after his 3rd move he would have lost. I think playing against an aggressive player would help correct his mistakes since his style is more positional.

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I would guess Leo cheats or abuses takebacks in these games.

It is one thing for the bot to play weird "computer moves" and another to see Leo do the same. 

You dont get to play 91% accuracy unless you are 2200+ elo in standard chess and if you are 2200 in 4 months of playing the game you are 100% cheating.

Anyone familiar with chess knows bot games are suspect in the first place, why not play versus humans? Maybe you need that takeback ;) 

Not buying it.

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32 minutes ago, Socrates said:

I would guess Leo cheats or abuses takebacks in these games.

That's ridiculous.

I only play games with no takebacks.

And I don't even know how to cheat at chess.

I play chess purely for my own enjoyment.

Don't forget that all my consciousness work makes me very good at learning new things deeply.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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We need to have Chess competition.


Y’all ain’t ready for my 1200 rated Sicilian dragon strategy 

There is no failure, only feedback

One small step at a time. No one climbs a mountain in one go.

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The alien rat opener beats all!

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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