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My perspective of the word Enlightenment.


It’s just a word I use to mentally visualize, imagine, dream that which is beyond our confined, limited, interdependent, and imaginary bubble of consciousness and awareness I play within.


For Me, the word Enlightenment points to the never-ending action and mental movement of energy, which is always expanding within, and at the edge of consciousness and awareness!


We are all interdepended, interrelated, and interconnected within the boundless and always expanding dream.


We each have been gifted an imaginary independence to seek and expand within, and at the “edge” of the never-ending expansion of consciousness and awareness.


No two imaginary independent fractals of Beingness and "Me"-ness  share the same path within the dream.  All forms of Beingness and "Me"-ness  are unique, and yet dependent, related and connected. 


Not even Absolute Consciousness and Awareness, or All-That-Is, can ever become “Fully Enlightened” because consciousness and awareness is always expanding into infinite directions, tangents, fractals, and dreams with unimaginable instantaneous speeds of thought and energy.


Enlightenment is a never-ending journey, desire and exploration of the never-ending expansion of Consciousness and Awareness, from the most minuscule to the most expanded fractals of Beingness, or ME-ness!


Enlightenment is a never ending journey into the "Unknown!


Just sharing a few never-ending always expanding thoughts!

Edited by DLH

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Enlightenment is a moment when you realize the unlimited and you are that, then you perceive the nature of yourself without limits. There are two faces, one is empty, another is full, but are the same, different perspectives. 

Go out of the human, be the pure reality. This is possible, but so difficult, because the human perspective is dense, almost impossible to ignore

Edited by Breakingthewall

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Posted (edited)

 form, whatever anything is, is a structure of reality, a delimitation of the fabric of reality with a certain form, and that any form in the end is made of vibration of the fabric of reality, nothing is anything else. Matter is made of energy, and energy is undulation. The undulation of reality is what you as a person are now, but beyond matter is what you are as consciousness, the structure of your mind on one hand and on the other the substance of your mind, which is the mind without any form, the reality of empty consciousness. That is immortal, it cannot disappear, it is the very fabric of reality, and that is what you are in different vibratory states, you cannot dissapear, it is impossible, then this is the nature of the reality. Then this nature is infinitely deep only because the possibilities have not limits, but the substance is always the same

Edited by Breakingthewall

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